Dia's POV
It has been two months since I stayed at Mr. Rai's house since then he has been good to me and not a jerkass as he used to be. We sometimes have lunch together. I haven't heard from Dida or Dadu from a long time maybe I will call them sometime soon. And now here I am getting ready to go the office. I quickly locked my house and took the subway. I reached the office in less than 30 minutes. Today there were few people coming for the designing of the new hotel. There were some fresh out of college and some were well experienced people.
There was a last girl left her name was Arina Gupta. But the strange thing was her name was similar to that of Mr. Rai's sister. I wonder if she is the same person or not.
There was a knock on the door and the girl entered. And I was shocked that she was the same girl well she was really beautiful.
"Arian Gupta I presume" I tried to play cool.
"Yes Miss Patil" I then started looking through her file and her designs quite impressive.
"So Miss Gupta or should I say Miss Rai" I said with a smirk.
"You know me" she was shocked.
"Yes I do" I replied.
"So you were the girl whom mom was talking about. I am so glad that I met you" she said with an enthusiastic smile.
"Thank you but why do you want to work under a false name" I asked her.
"Well according to Aarav bhai if I work with the same name then people will treat me differently and he doesn't want that. So here I am with all this though way to get a job" she said.
"Oh well I guess we would be glad to give you the junior designer's post" I said with a smile.
"Really like seriously oh my god thank you so much Miss Patil" she practical jumped on me and hugged me.
"Okay okay now I guess I need to go. We will send you a final mail" with that we both left the conference room.
I knocked on Mr. Rai's cabin and then entered.
"How many time have I told you to wait for my instructions to come in" he was really frustrated.
"And how many times have I told I don't need your permission to get in" I rolled my eyes.
"What is it" he asked.
"The list of interior designers" I said while giving him the file.
"Arina Gupta" he shouted in shock.
"Yeah aren't you happy for your sister" I asked.
"Happy?!?! Are you serious right now I don't want her to be here all she will do is waste her time and the company's do you get that" he shouted at me.
"But if you won't give her a chance then how will she prove herself" I defended her.
"Look Miss Patil I am definitely more experienced and definitely know my sister better so it would be better if I take this decision" he said coldly.
"Well, news flash Mr. Rai, these employees are being selected for Rai Industry and not for your personal needs. And the HRM of Rai Industry is Dia Patil and that's me in case you have forgotten" I said with a sweet fake smile. "So you have no right to defy me just because you are the CEO of the company it's my responsibility to tell you about all the new employees of yours, but now I am completely convinced that I shouldn't have told you. Anyways I am sending them the mail. So thank you very much" with that I walked out.
What an arrogant dog.
I saw Allie in her cabin so I decided to go and socialise with her a bit.
"Hi" I said in over enthusiastic tone.
"Hi Dia" it was kind of funny as to how she said my name. Well I can't blame her.
"Am I disturbing you" I asked.
"Nope not at all. I was just sending some mails" she said.
I sat on one of the visitors chair "Allie how can you even tolerate such an arrogant person" I said while with some sticky notes.
"It's not like that he is a nice person just a little moody" she said.
"Moody? Someone like Mad eye Moody?" I asked.
"Ha ha nope it's just that if you are nice to him then he will be nice to you" she said while typing.
"Hmm..... then why is he always rude to me I always talk sweetly to him although I should throw him a little attitude of mine then he will get som-" I was cut off be a really cold voice.
"What are you Miss Patil doing here" I knew who it was.
"Nothing just bitching a little about you" I said while standing up and made my way towards the door "okay Allie I will see you during lunch hours" I said.
"That won't be required" Mr. Rai said. "Allie you are fired" he ordered.
"Sir?" She said.
"Didn't you hear me I said you are fired. Now pack up" he commanded.
"Yes sir" she said in a defeated tone.
"What no no no she was not the one talking about you. It was me if someone needs to go it should be me" I panicked.
"Fine, you will be the next one if you don't get back to your work right now" he said while going to his cabin I went behind him.
"But she was not the one talking about you" I said.
"It hardly matters I know you can do that but that was unexpected from her that's why she got fired" he said while sitting on his chair.
"Well that-" he cut me off.
"Get back to your work I don't want any more discussion" he ordered.
"No you have to listen to me-"
"Don't force me to drag you out" he shouted at me. "Get out. Now" he ordered. I quietly went out. I saw Allie packing her things I felt bad for her. I went in her cabin and apologised to her. All she said it was okay she said getting a new job won't be a problem as she had an experience in such a big company.
It was almost 4 when Om called me.
'Hello-' I was cut off by him.
'Pakhu where are you' he asked in a really worried tone. I knew he was damn worried as he never used to call me by that name.
'I am at work why' I was now getting nervous.
'Call Dida or Dadu immediately they need to talk to you' with that the line went dead.
What the hell is going on.
I knew it would be very late to call them they might be sleeping but still I called them.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
'Hello' it was Dadu. But his voice was not sleepy rather very tensed.
'Dadu' I said.
'Pakhu' he said. 'Where have you been. I have been calling you for last two hours' he scolded me.
'Dadu why aren't you sleeping and have you eaten and where is-' he cut me off.
'Pakhu she might not survive the night' and that sentence was enough to shut me.
'Hmm' I said. I was not able to think about anything. All I was thinking was Now what? Mom was the only one whom I thoughtwon't leave me not after baba.
'Don't over think about it. You don't even have to come here, we will manage. She has to go' he said.
'Dadu I am coming' I said firmly.
'Dia how will you. You only told me that you can't take a leave' he said.
'That's not an issue' I said and then hung up.
I quickly booked a ticket. It was for tomorrow morning. I then packed up and went. When I reached home I decided to pack everything and take it back with me. I didn't had many stuff so it hardly took me one hour. I quickly messaged Om about going to India to which he replied he will receive me at the airport. Means everybody knew except me. Great. I then switched off my phone and send my resignation letter via mail. I then had a simple dinner and went to sleep.