
Chapter 3: No Other Choice

Mrs. Selena looked at Lily seriously, the old woman frowned. Probably confused by the question the girl had just asked. 

“Don't think about it. Lily is still young, she is still unstable. But you've seen for yourself that my daughter doesn't have any fertility problems,” replied Ester who quickly approached and warned Lily not to speak anymore. 

“Yes, I have seen it. I hope this girl can quickly provide offspring for my family,” Mrs. Selena said with a happy smile. 

“Ah... of course. Unlike your barren daughter-in-law,” murmured Ester glancing at Sasa and offering a sly smile. 

“Mom!” Lily slightly snapped at Esther for offending Sasa. The girl kept her feelings for the Billionaire's first wife.

“Child and mother are the same!” Sasa said loudly, then walked out of a room that was none other than the one where Lily was being treated. 

The girl had been declared cured, she could go home and rest completely at home. But Lily's heart and mind could not rest. 

“Don't expect you to run away or kill yourself again!” Lily's father exclaimed loudly in front of Lily's face. Now the girl could only surrender. Her parents had deliberately hired bodyguards to watch Lily's movements. 

The girl let out a rough breath, Lily thought that she was not the biological daughter of her parents. 

“Why would they sell their own child. They would trade my happiness for a small amount of money,” Lily muttered softly. The girl continued to lament her fate. She could not even move freely wherever she wanted. 

“Oh my God. Is it really my destiny to remain a second wife?” Lily's mind kept asking where the fair fate had gone. She had not even had the chance to fall in love with a man. 

Lily buried her face between the pillows that faithfully served as a backrest when she wanted to cry over a life that had been cruel. The girl could not move freely, even the guards did not let Lily move at all. They kept a close eye on what Lily was doing. Lily's parents did not hesitate to do so. 

“Where is Lily?” asked Esther when she saw that Lily was not in her room. 

“She is in the garden,” replied one of the bodyguards in charge of guarding Lily. Esther quickly followed where Lily was.

The girl was enjoying the afternoon breeze, the flowers she had planted had grown vigorously and displayed beautiful petals. Lily gently touched them, as if saying goodbye to her beloved garden. 

“Isn't life like this so much fun?” said Esther, suddenly coming over to Lily. 

The girl was a little surprised by her mother's arrival, “What do you mean?” asked Lily in a disrespectful tone. She was really fed up with her mother's greedy nature. 

“Take a good look at this plant. If you hadn't married that billionaire, this plant and even everything here would have changed hands,” Esther said shamelessly in front of Lily. 

The girl exhaled harshly, “I don't mind if I have to let this place change hands. After all, who would trade their daughter's happiness for so little money.” Lily replied steadily without looking at Esther. 

The woman was a little troubled by her daughter's answer. She almost grabbed Lily's long hair that was left loose. 

“Lily!” Esther shouted loudly, her breathing ragged. She couldn't take what her daughter was saying. 

“Isn't that true? You've traded my happiness for a second wife. Isn't that just like being the mistress of the richest man in town?” chided Lily with many facts. Now the girl did not hesitate to confront her mother. 

“Ah... so this is how you really are. Aren't you afraid of being poor? Living in the village with all its shortcomings?” Esther looked sharply at Lily, but the girl smiled faintly. 

“No, I'm not afraid to live in poverty. I have not wasted your money. It is you who are not wise with your own wealth,” Lily replied without hesitation. Their eyes met. Now mother and daughter were glaring at each other. 

“You hypocrite! You've been enjoying what I have,” Esther said sarcastically. 

“You'll see. You won't be able to escape and will still be a money-making machine for me,” Esther continued and walked away, leaving Lily shocked by her mother's words. 

Lily was instantly stunned. She never thought that her biological mother could talk like that. 

“A money-making machine? How low am I worth?” cried Lily in anguish after her mother's departure. 

“Why do they never think about my feelings? Why do they always impose their will?” Lily wondered at her surroundings for her parents' cruel treatment. 

The girl was in the garden for quite some time. The sun had almost drowned her whole body. But Lily still faithfully gazed at the lush flower beds. Lily's gaze blank, someone touched her hand. 

“You should go inside immediately. The night air is not good for your health,” said one of the women who was none other than the servant appointed to watch Lily's movements. 

“Do you know what foods make a woman's uterine fertility decline?” asked Lily shamelessly. Her mind was so stuck, suddenly such a thought came to her. 

The woman shook her head, “Nothing. You should try to accept your destiny. Besides, it's not bad to marry a rich man, in fact I envy you,” the woman replied quickly. 

“Then you should marry a rich man.” Lily stood up, not getting the answer she wanted. 

“We are of different castes. You should be grateful that you're going to be one of the richest men in town,” the woman said shamelessly. 

“Is money all you have in mind? You seem to be just like my parents,” Lily muttered and walked away, leaving the maid alone. 

“Don't be a hypocrite, you need the money too,” muttered the maid who could still be heard clearly by Lily. 

“Everyone thinks I'm crazy for money and possessions. Everyone must look down on me for being willing to be a second wife.” Lily let out a rough breath, her mind was in turmoil. She couldn't think straight. All her plans had failed. The wedding was going to happen anyway, sooner or later. 

The girl glanced at the calander on her dressing table. She counted hopefully where the wedding day would take place. 

“I'll officially be the second wife in a few weeks,” Lily murmured softly. Her voice even sounded sad, like she was not sincere with the fate that had chosen her to become a second wife. 

“This is not what I wanted,” Lily said a little louder. From the sound of it, the girl was very distressed. Karen was only days away from her wedding. The girl cried more and more. Every night all she did was cry and cry over a life that had cruelly taken away her happiness as a teenager who still wanted to play with nature. 

“You're all evil! You've taken away my happiness!” cried Lily between the pillows covering her pretty face.

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