
Chapter 5

I stood by the kitchen sink deep in thought.

My hands mechanically moved the dishes through the soapy water. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions.

Alpha Kyle's words hung heavy in the air.

"You're mine now and there's nothing you can do about it. This means I will treat you as I see fit. Is that understood?"

I couldn't help the stray tears that dropped as I remembered his statement.

His words felt like daggers to my heart, cutting through my hopes and dreams with a painful stab.

My gaze was fixed on some distant point beyond the window, yet I didn't see the world outside. My thoughts were a mixture of confusion, heartache, and disbelief.

I had always known that my life would be bound by duty, by the obligations of this household. However, I had hoped for a love that would rescue me from this nightmare called a life, a love that would fill her heart with warmth and happiness.

I know it was a huge dream but...

All i felt was a crushing weight of rejection. I have done my best to be strong but this pain was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The sound of water droplets falling into the sink seemed to mimic my silent tears. I continued to wash the dishes on autopilot.

My heart felt heavy. I longed for answers, for some glimmer of hope, but for now, I was lost in the depths of my own thoughts.

"Hey Rose" a voice said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Raquelle came into my view. She leaned on the island on my left hand side.

I was a bit confused about why she called me. She barely speaks to me unless she wants to insult me or do something mean.

"Yes?" I answered her "Do you need something?"

"Not really" she played with strands of her hair "I just wanted to ask. What were you and alpha Kyle talking about in the kitchen earlier?"

Raquelle would laugh in my face if she knew what we really spoke about. She would do anything to make me miserable.

She would be happy to know that my mate basically told me how he would never love me just a few minutes after we met.


She raised an eyebrow as if she wasn't convinced ''Are you sure?'


"Good. I noticed the way you stared at him throughout dinner. I thought I should let you know that he doesn't do girls like you. I'm just telling you as a good sister would. You got it?"

You don't need to tell me, Raquelle. He's already told me himself.

"I understand"

"Okay then" she flipped her hair "Carry on"

She smiled evilly at me then left.

I finished up washing the remaining plates before going upstairs.

I laid on my bed and brought out my books. I had homework to do.

About fifteen minutes later, I was just in the middle of my history when I heard my door knob rattle.

The door opened, revealing Raquelle.

"Do you need anything?" I asked her.

"Apparently I do. There's been a change of plans''

Change of plans?

I didn't realize there were any plans in the first place.

"About what?"

"My friends are coming over for a sleepover and I really don't want you around"

"Okay" I shrugged "I'll stay in my room"

"You don't get it. I don't want you around means I want you out of the house"

I looked at her in confusion.

"Where do you expect me to go?"

"I don't know" she shrugged "Go crash at a friend's place or something"

"I don't have any friends" I whispered.

She put her hand on her chest in fake sympathy.

"Aww" she cooed "Whose fault is that?"

She wiped a fake tear.

'That's so sad" she said "Go shove it up your ass cause I'm not changing my mind. I don't care what you say or where you go. I want you out, okay?'

There's no way I would win. Raquelle will always have her way. All she needs to do is to report to her mom or my dad. They'll side her, no matter how stupid the reason is.

"Okay" I whispered.

She smirked "Good girl"

As soon as Raquelle left, I took my books and went outside.

There was nowhere to sit so I sat on the sidewalk. I used the light from the street lanterns outside to do my homework.

The night was cold. I did my best to warm myself up by blowing hot air from my mouth into my palm.

I could hear the loud music coming from my sister's room. I could hear the giggles and conversations from her and her friends. It was obvious that they were having a good time.

I held back the tears. I'm tired of crying. It won't solve anything. Hopefully, they leave soon so I can go back inside.

All of a sudden, I felt a warm liquid drop on my head.

What the -?

The liquid dripped down my hair. It smelled bad. I took a strand of my hair to perceive it.

I gasped in horror when I realized what it was.

I heard a howl of laughter coming from the window upstairs.

I looked up to see Raquelle and her friends laughing. Raquelle had a cup in her hand.

This time, I couldn't help it. I started crying.

"Why?" I cried "What did I ever do to you?"

They laughed harder.

They poured urine on my hair. I wish I had a way to wipe it off. It dripped on my clothes and the smell was disturbing.

"Aww" Raven said "I'm sorry. I really had to pee and the flush system wasn't really working so I thought, why waste it?"

"Don't worry" Rachael shouted "Urine makes your hair grow. It's also healthy for the skin"

"You should be thanking us" Raven said.

Raquelle pouted at me.

"Oh, my poor sister" Raquelle teased "I should've stopped them but where's the fun in that? Right guys?"

"Yeaahh" they chorused.

They started giggling.

"See ya" Rachel said before blowing me a kiss.

They closed the window, drew the curtains and turned off the lights

I sat back down with tears in my eyes. I put my books aside so the urine wouldn't get on them. The last thing I want is to explain to my teachers while my notebook smelled bad.

I hugged my knees to my chest and watched the road as cars passed by.

In a few moments, a red audi pulled up at my driveway.

Who could it be?

The car doors opened, revealing Alpha Kyle. He came down from the car.

His gaze met mine. When he saw me, a look of confusion came across his beautiful face.

I don't blame him. I'd look the same way if I saw someone outside in the middle of the night dripping with pee.

"What are you doing outside?" he asked me.

"It's a long story alpha" I murmured.

"I forgot my phone so I came back to get it. Let's go inside"

"I-I can't"


"They won't let me"

"Well, I have power over everyone in your household including your father so obey my instruction and let's go"

I flinched at the authority in his voice.

"Yes alpha"

I followed him to my front door. He knocked.

"Who is it?" I heard someone ask. It sounded like Janet.

"Alpha Kyle"

"Oh my"

Janet opened the door for us.

We both entered the house. My dad was in the living room watching TV. He stood up as soon as he saw us.

"Good evening, Alpha" my dad greeted "With all due respect, what are you doing here at this time?"

"I forgot my phone" Alpha Kyle answered "Have you seen it?"

"No, I haven't. What about you Janet?"

"I haven't either" she replied.

Raquelle came into the living room with her friends

"Mom, we heard voices" she said "What's going on. Oh, hello Alpha"

She glared at me "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay outside, you filthy dog"

Before I could answer, Alpha Kyle answered her.

"I said she could come inside" Alpha Kyle said.

Raquelle blinked repeatedly

"I'm sorry. I didn't know"

"Raquelle, have you seen the Alpha's phone?" my dad asked.

She and her friends looked at each other and started whispering.

"What the hell is happening?" Alpha Kyle's voice boomed "Don't get me wrong, I can get 10 phones in a day but I have vital information in that device. Bring it out or someone will get punished"

I shook with fear.

"Uh..." Raquelle trailed "I've seen it"

She brought it out of her pocket and handed it to him.

She bowed her head "I apologize, Alpha"

"Rose" he called me "Let's go"

Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.

"Where are you taking her?" my dad asked.

"To my house"


"Because I can"

Janet scoffed "What makes you think you can do that?"

He paused a while before answering

"Because she's my mate"

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