
Chapter 9

Ever since I know that we have to be in this fucking restaurant to please our parents, I feel angry at them to interrupt our work, I mean why do we have to go to this stupid diner with another family who will try to put together me and if they have a daughter in marriage.

I wouldn't betray Jenna anyway, she's like someone precious ever since I met her big doe brown eyes staring at me. Anyway right now, I'm with my older brother in his office, the company Parker is actually about business and management and it's been expanded to the whole world so that's why our company is international.

When I'm going to be eighteen which is next month, my dad wants me to take over the company in America and Mexico while my brother will take in France, Saudi Arabia and Australia. Right now we are trying to expand the company in Russia and Japan, so that's we are going to be late to this diner and traffic will be another reason for our lateness.

I'm now standing in my soon to be office and watch the beautiful scenery of New-York at night.

How can I make Jenna as mine? I do feel guilty about slapping her, I was just making her understand that she couldn't be with guys other than me, she is mine from the moment we met

How can I make Jenna as mine? I do feel guilty about slapping her, I was just making her understand that she couldn't be with guys other than me, she is mine from the moment we met.

But I don't want her to be unhappy like those guys forcing their women without caring about their woman, I guess I have to manipulate her, she is like a drug to me so she can't leave me.

I take my phone from the pocket of my blazer and call my mom that we were going to be late.

"Hello, Mrs Parker here." She answers.

"Hello mother, I'm calling you because Blake and I are going to be late for this diner, can you say this to dad please?" I ask her politely, in front of our parent you have to talk to them politely and with respect.

"Alright honey but what's the reason that will keep you late."

"The Russian president won't let us expand our company to their territory, Blake is trying to talk to them but it's hard since they don't speak the same language as us so right now there is a conference video call meeting with them, I will tell the details when we have finished this diner," I growl.

"You shouldn't be angry with this beside who we are meeting are the best police officer which is your dad best friend's who will help your case to be erased and have you a clean record." She sighs.

I do the same as her, "Alright see you later mother."

"Later son." She hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and get out of this room, without forgetting to lock the door, and went to another room where my brother is arguing with someone who has a thick Russian accent talking in English.

I walk toward the room without knocking since it's my brother and whisper to him.

"Are you sure bro? Those stupid russian don't fucking understand us." He whispers back.

"Don"t worry." I say.

He gets up and left his seat for me to sit on, I take the chair and breath for a moment.

I cleared my throat and talk to him in russian "Здравствуйте, я Картер Паркер, второй сын Натана Паркера, я хотел бы знать, в чем ваша проблема с нами"

Traduction: Hello I'm Carter Parker, second son of Nathan Parker, I would like to know what's your problem with us.

He spits by saying this "наша проблема в том, что нам не нужны иностранцы, которые хотят расширить свой бизнес, мы плохо знаем вас, поэтому почему вы не можете сделать это где-то еще"

Traduction: our problem is that we don't want any foreign people who want to expand their business, we don't know you well so why can't you do it somewhere else.

I yell "Я собираюсь сказать это громко и ясно, мы делаем то, что хотим, и нет предела, поэтому вы дадите нам свое разрешение, прежде чем мы унизим вас перед всем миром, это понятно?"

Traduction: I'm going to say this loud and clear, we do what we want and there is no limit so you will give us your permission before we humiliate you in front of the whole world, is that understood?

Pff nobody can underestimate me.

"да, сэр, мы сделаем все, что вы просили, нам просто нужен ваш документ, тогда он будет закончен, насколько это возможно" he says.

Traduction: yes sir w-we will do anything you asked for, we just need your document then it will be finished as possible

"хорошо, тогда я ожидал, что скоро все закончится, было приятно поговорить с вами, до свидания и хорошего дня" I say politely and hung up on him before he says anything

I mutter, "Such a dork."

"Woah didn't know that you could talk in russian." A familiar voice says to me.

"Yeah, thanks to google and class." I reply annoyingly and close the laptop.

"I knew that I should of take russian, why did I take polish?" He says.

"I have no idea, maybe you are dumb." I joke around him.

"I'm not dumb you know...anyway we should get going to this diner."

"Mmmmh" I nod.

We take our things and went to the parking lot, Blake is taking his BMW black while I go to mine but he stops me.

"What do you want?"

He clears his throat, "Let's go together."

I thought about a moment and nod at him.

We go in his car and buckle ourselves then he starts the car. As we are on the road of Wall Street, he starts to make the conversion with me while he's driving.

"So what's up little brother?" He asks excitedly.

"Fine...what about you?"

"I'm good, got a girlfriend? Or pranked a teacher?"

I look at him and say, "I am not in middle school I'm in high school well soon in college and I only fucks girls."

"Oh, I see it's time for you to grow up as an adult."

"Yeah bro, remember when it's my birthday?" I ask him.

"Which is a few months later, innit?" He laughs.

"Woah congratulation, you got it right." I smile.

He makes some jokes with me and drives while I'm looking to the tinted black windows.

I can't wait for this diner.


It's embarrassing, sitting beside the older brother of Carter makes me sweat, those same blue eyes fixing at me like I was a prize, I try to listen to the conservation that the women were making but couldn't because of the intense stares.

"Let's talk about something else." Mr Parker says.

"Oh okay, what it is?" My dad asks while drinking his wine.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and keep myself quiet until Jasmine take back the speech.

"We are here because we want you to erase our son criminal record, without erasing it he can't take over the company and that will-" She says before being interrupts by her husband.

"Yes as she said," he glares at her and clears his throat " that will be a huge problem since my son needs to take over the company Parker, if you do it then you will reward by a dose of money which will be 10 000$ if you accept the deal." He proposes.

Everyone stops what they were doing, the Parker brothers were eavesdropping carefully to the men's conversation and since I'm close to them I couldn't chase away my curiosity so I had to listen to them.

My dad looks at him, speechless of what he's hearing from his friend, he regains back his posture and stares at him with a stern look

"I can't believe this Nathan, that won't be necessary, we don't need your filthy money, I would certainly not erase your son criminal record, he did a crime so he has to admit it, this is pure blackmail. Let's go, Erika and Jenna, we don't need to stay with these blackmail people." He scoffs.

Carter clenches his jaw "What did you say, you little-"

Jasmine interrupts him and calms him with her soft eyes "Please...Erika that's not what my husband says." She says looking down in shame.

"No, your husband is blackmailing us, I thought that we could have a friendship," Mom says with a disappointing voice.

Nathan scoffs "There is no friendship or anything as long as you don't cooperate with us."

"You want to destroy our friendship for your son criminal record, that's selfish I won't do it." My dad says in his deadly voice.

Mom grabs my hand but before she could do that another hand grabs my left hand, I look up to see who is it and to my surprise it's Carter.

"Listen, baby girl, you will keep this paper and contact me, if you don't do this then you will have a punishment." He says quietly while giving me a paper.

He comes close to me and whispers to my ear, "I can't wait to punish you though, don't worry I will still have a clean record."

Before I can glare at him, mom grabs my hand and drag me out of this restaurant, I look behind and see Carter smirking mischievously.

What could be the reason behind this frightening smile?

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