
Chapter-12 The council head's son wants to protect me


"So? Who's going to tell me what exactly happened?" Evander asked us as we sat on the ground on our knees with our hands behind our heads, making me groan in pain.

I don't know what kind of rule was this or was it a way to punish us for damaging school properties as it was practically making me feel like I was some kind of criminal who was being arrested by a cop.

"Mr. Sterling, you have known us for so long. You know we are not the ones to create trouble or do anything that will disturb the decorum of the school. Do you think we will pull something on a new girl when we don’t have any idea who she is or where she belongs from? Do you think we are troublemakers like that? You know we are not like those bullies who rag new students," Melinda started, and I saw Evander looking at her without an expression on his face before he turned to look at me as if waiting for my explanation.

"I don’t want to say anything apart from the truth, and that is, I didn't do it," I said, and he nodded his head.

"Since both the parties are saying they didn't do it, I think we should ask the people who were present there at that time. Do all of you agree?" He asked, mainly looking at me as if waiting for my interjection, and I know I should interject. I should oppose the idea because it wasn’t in my favor. I am new here, and given the reputation of Melinda, I am sure no one will go against her and speak for me. And the thought alone made me scoff. However, for some reason, my heart wanted to believe Evander. I can’t forget the look in his eyes when he said he will protect me from all the injustice in the world and will take care of me, and because of that, my heart wanted to believe that even if all the evidence will be against me, he won't let me get punished just like that.

"I don't have a problem with that," Melinda said confidently, and I looked at Evander, who had a relaxed expression on his face before smiling in self-mockery while looking down.

Who am I kidding? He has said he will save me from all the injustice in the world, but it doesn’t mean he will take my side at school. Besides, he won’t have that much authority in school as he is only a teacher and can’t act biased just like that. Everyone will speak against me anyways, and he won’t have any reason to stand with me and speak for me.

I was lost in my thoughts, thinking what kind of punishment I might get when everything will be against me and everyone will speak for Melinda and Evander won't help me when I felt someone placing their finger below my chin, making me look up as an unfamiliar yet welcoming scent wafted through my nostrils.

Seeing the unfamiliar face in front of me, I squinted my brows as I was unsure of how to react at the moment. I had never liked being touched by a guy without my permission, but for some reason, the eyes of this guy held a strange comfort as he looked at me with such intensity, making me gulp. He was the second guy who had looked at me like he was penetrating my soul after Evander, and for some reason, it was both comforting and threatening.

"I can speak for her in this matter. I was there when all of this happened. I wasn’t in the canteen from the beginning. However, I was definitely there when Melinda threw the juice bottle at her head because she was aiming to hit someone else. I was about to call a teacher, but because of an urgent call from my father, I had to leave. When I came back, I came to know you caught everyone, and I couldn’t help but rush here so that the wrong person doesn’t get punished,” The guy said, his eyes not leaving me for a single second as he smiled at me with some weird familiarity.

“Anyway, the point is, Melinda is the one who started this whole thing. As a matter of fact, Avyanna isn't the only one who got bullied by her. Melinda threw a bottle of juice at her head and then denied an apology when Avyanna asked her. She is nowhere at fault, and I think she has all the rights in the world to fight back when someone is trying to belittle her," The guy said again, making me raise my brows at him as I didn’t understand why he was helping me when I don’t even know him.

Most importantly, why does he look so familiar? Not to mention the way he is looking at me with so much intensity.

"Nathaniel! What the hell are you doing? How can you say this? Why would you go against me and help a nobody? I mean, why are you making things up? Do you have something against me? Is it because of the feud between you and our future alpha?" Melinda immediately said, making the guy scoff and look at her with arrogance.

"Melinda, are you serious right now? Do you think I will come and go through all this hassle just because I bickered with your so-called future alpha? Besides, since when has the council head's son have to report to you and agree to all your dealings?" The guy asked, and I widened my eyes in surprise as I took him in.

He was the council head's son?

"As the student's head, I think my words are enough?" Nathaniel asked Evander, and he looked at me before nodding his head.

"I will meet your guardian tomorrow, and you guys will receive one week of suspension along with credit reduction," Evander said before he helped me up, practically pushing Nathaniel out of the way.

"Mr. Sterling, you don't need to worry about her. I'll take her to the infirmary," Nathaniel said, taking my hand from Evander’s grip, and Evander looked at me as if silently asking me if I was okay with going with a stranger while I was too shocked to react.

"Sure, it's fine by me," I said after some time when I saw everyone looking at me and waiting for my answer, and Evander nodded his head stiffly before glaring at the girls who bowed their heads at him.

"Shall we go, my pumpkin?" Nathaniel asked me, making me bite my lips as I remembered the nickname from the past.

Holding my hands to support me, he smiled at me comfortingly, making me smile back as I looked at Evander one last time, the weird emotions in his eyes confusing me a little.

Wincing slightly as I felt a bit sore all over my body, I looked away from Evander and had only taken a few steps when I felt a swoosh of wind around me, and before I could react to what was going on, I was lifted by someone.

Widening my eyes in shock, I looked at the person with raised brows.

"Mr. Sterling! What the hell are you doing?" I asked Evander, seeing how Nathaniel was still standing beside us, the confusion in his eyes as he looked between me and Evander, making me want to dig a hole and bury myself inside it.

"As your teacher and the one who promised your safety to your guardian, you are my responsibility. I can't delay your treatment. You are wounded severely and have already lost so much blood," he said, and I wanted to roll my eyes at him.

I was scratched near my elbow, and I know it was a little bit deep, but that doesn't mean I was wounded severely. I can still walk!

"Mr. Sterling, I think I can walk -" I couldn't even finish my words when Evander started moving in large strides, making me shut up as he glared at me while I looked behind him at Nathaniel, who was still looking at us with some weird emotions.

I just hope he doesn’t misunderstand things between us.

Glaring at Evander, I clenched my fists around his neck, ready to punch him.

'Avyanna, don't bother with it. He is worried about us. Didn’t you notice how he was giving us concerned looks all the time we were in the head’s office?' My wolf asked in between, and I sighed.

'Yes, I saw that and I know he is worried, but can I give into his care? Don't forget that we will be leaving this place in one month. We have to live by ourselves after that. We had been doing well without anyone caring for us, and it will be better if we stay like that and don’t rely on anyone. Trusting someone will only bring misery and pain,' I said before sighing when he gently placed me on the bed.

"Where are you hurt?" The lady inside the infirmary, probably the doctor, asked me, and I pointed at my elbow before taking off my jacket, making her nod her head as she brought the medicine box.

Looking at the dried wound that was still bleeding slightly, I sighed.

"Let me do it," Evander growled suddenly, taking me by surprise as he snatched the box from the lady, scaring her in the process, as she had almost dropped the box if not for Evander’s quick reflexes.

"Does it hurt too much?" He asked me, making me wince in pain when he cleaned the wound with an antiseptic.

Seriously? What was the point of asking when he wasn’t going to listen to me anyway? I am sure he deliberately pressed my wound.

"You know, normally people would wait for the answer and apply the antiseptic gently based on the answer," I couldn't help but comment, and he scoffed.

"Yeah, I know how things work, but it is for normal people, not for those who go on throwing fists on their first day at school," He said, and I pouted.

"It's not my fault. I even went against my morals and kept minding my business when I saw her bullying that other girl. I thought I shouldn't be finding trouble. However, what was I supposed to do when she came at me like this? Look what she did to my clothes," I said, and he looked at me, his gaze darkening, making me look down as I noticed that the lining of my bra was traceable through the top now.

Cursing under my breath, I sighed as I waited for him to complete his so-called treatment of my wounds.

After wrapping my elbow with bandages, he took off his jacket before securing it around my shoulders.

"It's only 30 minutes since I left you, you messed with the girls of one of the strongest packs and somehow became friends with the demon's daughter and the council head's son? What kind of tricks are you playing?" He asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"You talk like I am into some seduction game," I said before standing and was about to move when he held my hand, making me look at him.

"Mind giving us some privacy?" He asked the doctor, making her widen her eyes before she left as if her tail was on fire.

"Seriously Evander? What are you up to? Do you seriously want everyone to start gossiping about me? First, you picked me up bridal style like it was no big deal, and now you are asking the doctor to give us some privacy? I already have gained enough attention by messing with those girls, I don't want you adding on my plate," I said and was about to jerk my hand away from his grip when he did something I least expected him to do at the moment.

He pulled me towards himself with a jerk and before I could understand what was going on, he hugged me close to his body, making me widen my eyes as I stood there shocked, not knowing what to say or do.

Just what the hell does this guy think he is doing?

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