


After finishing his breakfast, God-given went to his room, took his bath, put on his uniform and went out. Arriving at the living room, he approached his mother who was watching television.

Mom, I'm ready. he said.

Hold the lunch money.

Thanks a lot, Mom. The key to your car.

Can you drive?

Yes, Mom, I learned it on TV.

Sonia laughed.

You're amazing, son. Go to class, you might be late.

I love you too son.

I love you too son, please take it easy on the track.

Yes mom, you don't have to worry.

___ My kiss.

He kissed his mother, got on his bike and left the house.

The atmosphere was great, from a distance, music could be heard in every corner of the city, sitting on his bike, God-given kept moving his head, he was so happy that he was singing out loud. Suddenly he stopped in front of a very big school. The guard came up to him in surprise.

Did you win the lottery?

No, not at all, hello sir.

How are you and Dad?

He's fine.

Is he not dropping you off today?

No, my bike is over there, I'm going to class.

Got it. I hope you blocked it off?


___ Done.

On the other side, the whole room was restless, like every day, God-given went to his place. He opened his bag, searched it, but he couldn't find a cloth to clean his place. He approached the young girls who was just on his left.

Hello Nadège. Hello Anita. Thrown he.

Nadège looked at him as if what he had just said had no importance for her.

Yes good morning God-given, answered Anita the neighbor of Nadège.

Nadège pass me your cloth please.

Nadège still didn't answer, tired of her behavior, Anita decided to revive her.

Nadège, God-given speaks to you.

You have what both, exclaimed Nadège, it is forced. Leave me in peace.

Don't get angry Nadège, apologized Anita. God-given waits.

She searched in her bag and gave a cloth to God-given.

You can clean your place with it.

Thank you very much.

God-given took the rag and cleaned his seat with it before sending it to Anita.

That's really nice," he exclaimed while looking at Nadège who kept looking at him with biezar eyes.

What is it, sir?

No nothing.

A young man entered the room. It was the teacher. All the class had become calm, he put his bag on the table and began by making the reminders of the past course. In spite of the exploiters of the professor, God-given had the glance braved on Nadège, he did not stop wondering what did not go very well at her. Why she is always insolent with him? The teacher who observed him for a good moment, approached him and touched him. Suddenly, he was startled.

Are you all right?

I'm fine, sir.

You don't look like you're in your right mind. Are you sure you're all right?

Yes, sir. Don't worry.

I'm fine.

The teacher left him and continued his explanation, for this time, God-given left Nadège and concentrated on the teacher and his explanation. Every time the gentleman talked about something he didn't understand, he asked questions, the teacher was proud of him as he woke up.

At the end of the course, God-given decided to discuss with Nadège but sorry, once outside, she was not there any more, neither her, nor Anita. He took his bike, thanked the guard and went back home.

Arrived at the house, God-given parked his bicycle and returned inside with a not possible mine.

Good evening, Mom!

Good arrival son.

Thank you.

Knowing her son well, Sonia invited him to sit next to her. She looked at him, who avoided her gaze.

Son, what's wrong? You look pale.

Mom, everything's fine.

No, you're not. Talk to me.

I'm fine. I have a friend at school, her name is Nadège. I don't know why she's like this. She hates me, and I always wonder why she's like this?

Sonia gently touched her son, looked at him and smiled.

Son, in life, each of us is unique, we don't judge someone's appearance. We did not know the same thing, this Nadège of which you speak, maybe she is not as you think, instead of criticizing her or making you prejudices, go to see her, discuss with her. Tell her that you know she is going through difficult times and that you are ready to listen to her without judging her, you will see that she will talk to you, she will know that you love her, that you care a lot about her and that you think a lot about her. Don't forget son, you can't judge someone without knowing why they react like that. I hope you heard me?

Yes, Mom, I heard you. I'll give you the basics first thing in the morning at school.

All right, go take your bath. I'll get you some food.

No mom, I'll do it myself. Get some rest.

No son, I'll get you some food.

___ No, Mom, I'll get it myself.

___ Understand as you wish.

He kissed his mother, went to his room, took off his uniform and took his bath. After he finished, he wore a small schotte and went to the kitchen to help himself to food.


To be continued.

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