

Very early this morning, while Alfred was still sleeping, his cell phone started to ring. He gently removed his wife's hand, which automatically changed sides. He took his cell phone, got up and moved away a little so as not to disturb her.


Hello Rock

Good morning sir, how are you this morning?

I'm fine, thank you, and how are you doing at home?

I'm fine, thank you. I'm sorry if I woke you up prematurely, I just wanted to apologize for not being there for your son's birthday.

No, you don't have to apologize Rock. I know you have your own concerns.

Thank you very much sir and say hello to your son.

I will. Later on.


He hung up the call and joined his wife who had already opened her eyes.

I hope I didn't wake you up.

Not at all. How are you this morning?

I'm fine, how's the fatigue?

I'm fine. I have to go.

Sonia got up and went into the shower. Suddenly, God-given started knocking on their bedroom door.

Come in, son!

He opened the door and went to sit next to his father on the bed.

Did you sleep well today?

Like a baby, Dad. I wanted to thank you for what you did for me yesterday.

Son, it's our duty. You don't need to thank us for that.

Son," Sonia exclaimed as she came out of the bathroom, "your father is right. You don't need to thank us for this. We're proud of you. Yes, very, very proud of you.

I love you both.

We love you too.

Sonia walked out and left the two of them in the room. After spending a few minutes in the kitchen, she set the table and went upstairs to inform the other two.

Breakfast is ready.

Honey, are you sure you can hold out much longer?

Yes, of course. I don't need a maid. I don't want to talk about it. Now let's go get some breakfast.

The three of them went downstairs and each sat down in front of his cup of tea and his omelette.

What time does your class start?

8:30 a.m. Dad.

I'm going to take your bath and I'll drop you off.

I want to keep my bike.

___ But son, leave the bike today, no, your dad will drop you off.

___ Mommy people look at me too much if daddy drops me off.

___ Ooh, I see, okay, as you wish, I even have a meeting with my employees.

Do you want to travel again?

No honey, this time Mariano will go.

Ah, that's good, otherwise it's your feet, my feet.

A big laugh broke out between them.

Oh yes, because I will have the maternity leave right away.

I'm going to take a bath right away because I haven't told the others that we have a meeting.

Okay, honey.

He got up, kissed his wife, gave his son a little kiss on the cheek and went to his room to take his bath. After spending a few minutes in the shower, he got dressed and went out.

Good day to you.

Thank you, honey.

Thank you, Daddy.

The city was very busy, even from a distance, you could hear the people shouting. Sitting at the wheel, Alfred kept looking out his window as if he was looking for something. Suddenly, he parked in front of a very large house, honked the horn and the door opened. He pulled his car in and parked it.

Good arrival boss," the guard shouted as he opened the car door.

Thank you boss, is Mariano here yet?

He just arrived, sir.

And Rock, Marius, Hippolyte.

They're all here already.

Okay, that's good. Let's go.

Hold on, boss.

Is there anything?

I apologize for my absence yesterday.

My boss yesterday was a Sunday and I know everyone is busy at home so I understand.

Thank you very much boss, give this to your son.

He opened his bag and gave a well-packed box to Alfred who was surprised since he didn't expect such a thing from his guardian. He smiled and thanked him.

Wow, that's great, thanks a lot. But you shouldn't have bothered with that.

Yes sir, it's really important to me. It's all I have. I hope your son will like it.

It's a lot. He'll like it.

Alfred opened the back door of his car and put the gift down. He closed his car and walked back into the company with his guard following him with his bag.

Good arrival, boss.

Thank you, secretary.

She quickly took the key to the office and hurried to put it in order. When she finished, she invited her boss to take a seat.

Please tell the others that I would like to see them.


Yes, except the guard.

I'll be in the lounge.

I'll be in the conference room.

I'll be in the conference room.

She left the room and closed the door behind her. Alfred opened his bag and took out his laptop, put it on the table and started to do a little research. He took his phone and took a look at it, closed his computer and left the office while closing the door.

The conference room is one of the best equipped rooms in the whole building. Arriving in front of the room, Alfred opened the door and entered. His colleagues, who were waiting for him, stood up to greet him.

Hello everyone," he said as he sat down.

Yes, hello boss. Answered the others while taking their seats.

I wanted to thank everyone who supported me yesterday on my son's birthday, and secondly, I also want to thank everyone who wasn't there because I know that on Sundays everyone is busy, so I'm not accusing anyone of anything.

Please Mr. CEO it was an honor for me to attend your organization yesterday really it was cool. exclaimed Mariano

Well, the reason I called you now is that yesterday after my son's birthday I received a call from my colleague who lives in Spain

I think he called you for something important sir? asked Rock.

Yes Rock, he called me with good news. Alfred replied

And what is the news? asked Marius.

He said he needs me there.

So he found us a project in Spain?

Exactly, Mr. Mariano.

So you want to travel? asked Hypolite.

No," replied Alfred, continuing, "Mr. Mariano will take care of it, since you know very well how things are now and since you are my capital friend, I thought of you.

So you want me to go to Spain on your behalf?


And how long will I be there?

Just 02 months.

So you don't know how many months I'll be there?

Exactly, but don't worry I'll put you in touch with him and then he'll show you things too.

That's good.

I have a question for you, sir.

Yes, Madam Secretary, go ahead.

Why don't you want to go yourself?

My wife is in condition. I have to take good care of her, because of what happened when she wanted to give birth to my oldest child, I decided not to travel lately.

It's very good.

Good rock how was the caise this month?

Good, we managed to increase the caise this month than last.

That's very good! You can leave, but Mr. Mariano you wait because I want to talk to you both about your trip.

No problem.

The others left the room leaving Alfred with Mariano alone.

The project that my colleague found for me in Spain is a big company, the most recognized in Spain, so I count on you to help me sign this contract.

I will do everything in my power, sir.

I know you can, that's why I chose you.

I know I can, sir, and I will do everything I can to help us win this contract and to give us more freedom to reach out to the small businesses down there.

I will be very proud of you Mariano.

I won't let you down boss.

That's right.

How is the family?

They're all good.

I'm leaving.

Got it.

Mariano left. Alfred got up, took his cell phone. As he tried to make a call, the door opened again. It was Rock, Hypolite and Marius.

Ooh, did you forget something?

No sir, we brought you your son's present.

I'm flattered.

In turn, each one gave his gift to Alfred who thanked them.

Thank you very much to all of you.

You're welcome, sir. Please help me put this in the car.

No problem.

He gave the key to Marius who took the things to his car.


To be continued

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