
-Chapter Eight

Everyone in my class was complaining. Collecting the food took over 30 minutes and my stomach was grovelling already. Chioma wore a mournful expression and I could almost burst into laughter

"Fefe, what are you doing here? Why aren't you getting yourself something to eat?" A voice asked.

"Snr Meera" Fefe called with a smile.

"Snr Meera" Chioma and I called out at the same time.

Meera flashed us a smile as she walked towards us. Osagei Meera was Fefe's school mother as well as the school assistant senior prefect girl. She and Fefe had a close relationship making us slightly close with her too.

"So why are you guys packing plates?" Meera asked.

"Snr Phil punished us" Chioma said with a pout "And I am so hungry" Chioma added with a wail.

"Phil punished you guys?" Meera asked in surprise.

"Yes" Fefe replied flatly.

Meera and Phil's relationship might have remained mysterious to the greater population of Bostoners but Fefe being Meera's school mother knew the actual situation.

Everyone thought Phil and Meera had something going on because Phil tended to always give in to her. More like he had a soft spot for her. Many Bostoners claimed Phil and Meera liked each other but both were too proud to admit it.

But in the real sense, Meera had being chasing Phil since their Junior Secondary School days, yet Phil rejected her every single time. It was totally a one-sided relationship. Every SS3 student knew this fact too.

Phillip was an enity in B. I. C. Not anymore could just claim to like him. He had a flawless face that could make any female go weak in the knees. His accent could turn the whole female population in B. I. C on. His lean structure could dry up your saliva if you stared too long.

He was aloof and indifferent. He wasn't cold or friendly. He wasn't approachable either. Despite his handsome face, his accent and everything about him that drew all the female population to him;Philip had kept a clean slate. He had never dated anyone.

Different girls had chased after him and tried to woo him. The shy ones left him gifts and letters. The brave ones that made both public and in door confessions were all rejected. No one knew why. Even as he was in his last year in Secondary school; some of the girls hadn't relented and some of the few was Meera.

Pratically everyone had an eye for Phillip. Those who had boyfriends and those who didn't. But then, we all knew, he was someone we could never reach or match up to. Thus, Phillip was a fantasy in every female Bostoner eye.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you" Meera said with a small smile.

"Its okay" Fefe said with a bright smile.

"Lemme go to the cafeteria and get a pack of gala for you guys" Meera said.

"Snr Meera, thank you so much" Chioma squealed in happiness.

"Please Snr Meera get some chips too" I added.

"Zobo too" someone chipped in.

"Focus chin chin" another said aloud.



And so my classmates turned Meera into an errand girl. Fefe frowned immediately. Meera laughed slightly.

Nobody noticed the figure who had walked down the prefect table.

"Is she your errand girl? She's offering to help and you guys are bickering, buy this, buy that. Are you guys in your right senses at all?" A voice bellowed as we all quietened.

I winced as I glanced at Daniel's ice stone face. His eyes ran through my classmates who were scattered in the dinning hall.

"She's not complaining is she?" Fefe asked indignantly.

Daniel turned to her as his frown deepened,  "And who are you to interrupt me?" Daniel asked.

Fefe opened her mouth to reply and Daniel beat her to it.

"Save it, I don't want to know. Its enough my brain has to retain such an horrible face, I won't waste any more space trying to know your name" Daniel added as my jaw dropped.

Everyone else also wore unsightly expressions. Daniel was popular for his sharp tongue. That was one of the main reasons everyone avoided him. One was his ice cold face while the other was his sharp tongue.

"I don't have an horrible face" Fefe said through clenched teeth.

"Its nice to see you raise your self-esteem" Daniel replied with a shrug.

My jaw slackened as I stared at Daniel. Although popular for his sharp tongue and merciless lashings, I had never seen him lash out at someone. It was the first time and I was already floored.

"Why are you poking your nose in what that doesn't concern you?" Fefe asked gloomily. It was this kind of seniors she hated the most. To think that she never liked Daniel from the start and he had insulted her to an extent that a comeback became hard for her.

"I do hope you open those two holes in your head and look who you are talking to well, are you sure you are fine? I mean the salt in your food might have affected such sense of reasoning as well" Daniel replied.

"Mad oh" someone whispered but everyone heard it.

Meera pinched Daniel's arm with a gloomy face.

"Stop insulting my school daughter nah. Its no big deal" Meera said.

"See, she doesn't even mi.... " Fefe started only to be cut off again.

"Now I wasn't talking to you. Save yourself some saliva" Daniel said as he turned back to Meera.

My eyes widened and I almost burst into laughter but the rage of anger on Fefe's face didn't let me. I used to think Fefe had a sharp tongue but here was the boss.

Fefe snorted angrily "She offered to help herself, what's your business?" Fefe asked.

"I'm going to throw up if I keep hearing your voice, I heard voices that when they talk, they turn a guy on, yours is the first I'm hearing and I feel like throwing up. Do yourself a favour and stop embarrassing yourself" Daniel replied as Fefe anger intensified.

"That's the only thing you are good at! Insulting people! You must think you are a god" Fefe said angrily.

Daniel shrugged "Only thing am good at? Okay let's assume that's true. What are you good at? Nothing, no thanks to your horrible face" Daniel said rather too calmly.

How you go de calm like this when you are giving someone insults like this?

Fefe's face was vivid with anger already as she stared angrily at Daniel. Words refused to form and seeing her, she looked like she was going to burst any moment.

I suddenly burst into laughter as all of them turned to me.

"Fefe, you need to see your reflection in a mirror" I said admist laughter.

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