
4. A..Alex

Nate’s POV

A few girls give me flirtatious looks as I walk out of my first class which was apparently Biology.

During the whole last hour, I sat mute on a seat in the last row and dedicated my whole attention to the biology tescher, Miss Taylor. Good that she didn’t make us introduce ourselves and just directly went into introducing syllabus. Or I would have humiliated myself in front of every one.

Since I didn’t try to mingle with anyone or speak anything, nobody figured out my stammering problem yet. And I don’t want anyone to find out. I don’t care if they think I am mute but I don’t want the title ‘Stutter boy'.

I ignore the stares from people standing on both sides of the corridor and briskly walk in search of my next class which is Analytical Geometry and Calculus.

I don’t try to seek help from anyone to find my class. And therefore it take me a whole fifteen minutes to find the class and as soon as I step inside, the bell rings indicating the break ended.

I take a seat in the last row near the window, like I have always done in my previous high school, waiting for the teacher to arrive. I like to sit in the back because, the teacher or the students won't easily notice me and so I won't have to start a conversation or anything.

I silently sit for sometime and watch the empty classroom rapidly filling up with students. But as I see people looking in my way, I open the Calculus text book which I had bought from the book stall Morning and start running my eyes through the first chapter.

Suddenly I find my heart beating unusually faster as I feel someone standing in front of me. I look up from the book in nervousness.

My eyes go wide and my mouth hang open. " A..Alex ! ", I stutter in extreme shock. Alex looks down at me in surprise and confusion, his dark brown eyes carefully examining me, his tousled brown hair falling over his forehead.

There is a girl wearing minimal clothes on the left side of Alex, holding on to his shoulder and there's a boy on his right side. Both are staring down at me intimidatingly.

" What ?", Alex asks me. I stay silent in shock. It take me one more moment to realize the person standing in front of me is not Alex's ghost but someone looking similar.

I look at the person carefully. He has similar hair like my brother's. His brown eyes are exactly same as Alex's. His nose and lips also has some kind of similarity. Overall he looks like Alex.

" Hello boy, get up from here before we throw you away.", the girl on his side says with a smirk playing on her lips and then she looks at the girl sitting near me. " You too get up."

The girl immediately stands up from the chair and goes to a chair in the second last row. I can't understand what's happening here. I want to get up from the chair but I can't stand up because of shock.

The boy on the right, steps forward reaching for my collar. " Are you deaf ? Get the fuck up and go, sit somewhere else.", he growls pulling me up by my collar and pushes me away. I stumble back and almost fall backward. But somehow I maintain my feet firm on the floor.

The person looking like Alex takes my book from the table and throws it towards me. I don’t make an attempt to catch it. My hands doesn’t move. So the books fall near my feet.

I bite my lip in nervousness and look at the person once more before I finally bend down and  pick my book and bag from the floor. Then I walk to an empty chair on the opposite row.

I had to fight hard with myself to not look at the three people on the opposite side. I mean I wanted to look at the person looking like my Alex. My heart was still beating hard against my chest. I can't understand why that guy looks like my brother.

After a few minutes, the professor arrives and starts introducing himself. A few more minutes pass with me trying hard and failing to listen to the teacher. I can't help but look at the person on the opposite side.

It's three years since the person whom I loved the most in the world left me. And here there's someone looking so much like him. I need to look at him.

I turn my head and stare at the guy. He looks like Alex, even from the side angle. Why is his brown eyes so familiar? Why does he have the same handsome face which I adored the most in the world ?

I don't know how long I sat like that staring at him. I was feeling like crazy. At one point, I was even starting to tear up looking at his face. It was then I found the girl sitting near him, glaring furiously at me.

I immediately turn my face away and avert my gaze at the professor who is now writing something on the board. But again after a few minutes, my face involuntarily turns to the guy. This time he turns his head and furrows his eyebrows at me.

I quickly look away, my heart thudding wild against my ribs. But again after sometime, I can't keep my gaze straight. I keep on stealing occasional glances at him, without him noticing.

When the bell rings, I quickly walk out of the class. I have one more hour before lunch-Genetics. I reach the class quickly as I had already found the class earlier. It was near the Microbiology class.

During the whole hour, I sit in the back thinking about that guy I saw last hour. I know this is my first day at college and I should be listening to lectures. But I can't concentrate. The one hour flies away quickly as I think about the strange physical similarity between Alex and the guy.

When the bell rings indicating lunch break, I walk in direction of the locker room to find my locker and place my books inside it. I had got the locker key from the general office, today morning.

Finally I arrive in front of my locker and press the key inside the hole, smoothly turning it. The locker door opens and I place my books and bag inside it.

I close the door and turn around, placing the key in my pocket, only to meet with two brown familiar eyes. Instantly my heart start thudding fast.

It's none else than my brother's clone. And the same girl and boy from the second hour is also with him on his left and right.



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