
3. Tiny girl with glasses

Ethan’s POV

I have Geography for first hour and within five minutes I manage to reach the class. As expected Mr Henry is in the class. He sighs on seeing me at the doors but doesn't say anything and motions me to get in. Good he decided not to lecture about discipline on the first day itself.


One hour went by quickly. Mr Henry just gave an intro about the syllabus and introduced himself to the new students. There were a few new students in our class. Every year our school conducts scholarship exams in various schools across the country and gives admission to the students who come in top ranks.


During the break, I walk towards the cafeteria to meet with Kevin, Tony, Sophia and Amelia. The five of us comprises one of the popular gangs in college. Both Tony and Kevin are with me in Football. In fact it's from there we became friends. Sophia is Tony's girlfriend. Both Sophia and Amelia are in the cheerleading team.


" Hey Ethan ! ", Amelia shouts on seeing me walking into the cafeteria. I frown a little at her clothing. She is only wearing a thin fiery red camisole and a very short white skirts, freely exposing her body to everyone in the cafeteria. Anyway she doesn't notice me frowning as I am at some distance from them. I am sure she is definitely going to try something with me today. I shake my head in displeasure.


But I admit she is hot. She has curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. I've even hooked up with her a few times. That was at parties during the first few months after I joined this school. I'd probably have got hooked up again if only I didn't know she slept with most of the guys on the football team. Not only football team but also basketball and volleyball team. That's when I understood the girl is a total slut. But then we were already a team and I couldn't suddenly leave.


Sophia is a little bit nice girl though, not completely. But I really want her to break up with Tony as he is a total slut. He cheats on her ever too often but I can't understand why Sophia doesn't break up with him yet. Maybe the girl is so in love with him and his money and popularity or she is too liberal to not mind her boyfriend sleeping with other girls. Maybe she also cheats on him but I haven't heard any such news yet. I think she at least has some respect for her body unlike Amelia.


Kevin too is a bitch. He is extremely intimidating and his main fun activity is bullying weak people and making fun of them. Tony, Amelia and Sophia too enjoy it. Kevin almost got suspended last year for cyberbullying two girls but he somehow got out of it. Probably with money and influence. He is incredibly rich.


You might now be wondering why I am talking like this about the people I said are my friends. Actually I don't see them as my friends and I hate being with them. But I can't leave the gang as they are too dangerous and won't hesitate to go to any extent if I go against them. I will have to eventually leave the football team and I can't let that happen. So I am just going to pretend to be their friend until I graduate. Just one more year.


" Hey..! ", I say and sit down beside Tony with a fake smile plastered on my face. Amelia is opposite of me. She lean a bit forward exposing her cleavage to me. I look away chuckling awkwardly. "So Ethan, how was vacation.", she asks in a seductive tone.


" Good. ", I respond, not really looking at her. I know this girl has a special something for me. She is trying hard to seduce me since the last time we got hooked up. But sadly her efforts doesn't work.


" So what shall we order ?", Tony asks.


" I am not really hungry.", I respond.


Kevin then claps his hands loudly and calls out to someone. " Hey..! "


" Me ?", a tiny girl with glasses and hair braided into two fish tails asks pointing at herself. Looks like she is a freshman.


" Yes you !", Kevin says staring at her intimidatingly. " come over here.", he motions his hands and the girl walks to us nervously. I leave an inaudible sigh. This poor girl is our today's prey. " Go buy us five orange juice and some snacks from there.", Kevin points to the counter.


" Why should I ?", the girl frowns.


" Oh why should you, hmm ?", Amelia stands up from her chair and grabs the girl's round glasses from her face in one swift motion. The girl surely didn't expect that coming.


" My glasses.", she stutters in fear. Amelia laughs and hands the glasses to Kevin.


" Go buy us the things we said or I am going to crush this thing under my feet.", Kevin says dropping the glasses from his hands but quickly catching it with his other hand.


" No..! Please no..I'll go and buy.", the girl says in panic and rushes towards the counter. On the way she stumbles on a few chairs and people. Seems like she can't see properly without those glasses. Every time she stumbles, the monsters beside me laugh out loud. In fact I also laugh along with them. I know I am no better than them.


The girl comes back struggling with hand full of juice and snacks and place them on the table in front of us. " Good.", Tony says, already sipping on a juice box.


" My glasses.", she whispers.


" Amelia, don't you think this glasses are a bit too old fashioned?", Kevin asks looking at Amelia.


" Yeah, I think so.", Amelia replies with a mischievous smile.


" That's it.", Kevin says and drop the glasses on the floor. The girl gasps and bends down to pick the broken glasses but Kevin steps on it with his spiky sneaker and crushes it into pieces under his feet.


"Go buy a new model one. That was too old.", Sofia chirps with a smile while a tear slips out of the corner of the girl's eyes. I had to fight hard to control myself. My fist was clenched tightly under the table. If someone did something like this to my sister, I would have beaten them up into a pulp by now.


The girl then runs away, crying. I don't know how long I'd continue like this without reacting. To everyone I am just one among the monsters when I don't really want to be one. And this year I'm sure they are gonna be really harsh as we are now seniors.


The bell rings and we stand up from our chairs. This hour is Calculus for me. Unfortunately Kevin and Amelia are also with me in this class. Amelia tries to cling to my shoulder as we walks towards the class. I try to discreetly shrug her off but the girl can't take a hint. She remains clung to my side. Her perfume and everything makes me sick inside. I don't really know what I should do. Nowadays I feel myself a pathetic person. I can't tear off that girl's teary face from my mind. Hope I won't have to see another girl crying today

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