
Chapter 6


The past two weeks have been a total whirlwind, arranging security for the wedding and killing the damn Sicilians whenever they dared to walk my streets. I have men stationed on the grounds, in the house, and scattered around the neighborhood.

Andreas is keeping an eye on everything, which gives me a sliver of peace of mind.

Dressed in a black tuxedo and with my Glock tucked safely behind my back, I make my way down the grand stairway to join the guests attending the wedding.

Flowers take up every available space, and soft instrumental music fills the air. Servers rush around like ants, and there’s a constant hum of voices blending with the background music.

When I step out onto the veranda, all eyes turn to me.

Some are filled with reverence, others with poorly veiled hate. One thing every gaze holds? Some level of fear.

“Nikolas, so good to see you,” Spiros Doukas says, his voice overly friendly. Our family has done business together, and the man never stops groveling for another opportunity.

We shake hands, and before he can bring up a topic of conversation that will bore me to death, I walk away from him. I head toward the members of the Priesthood, who are gathered and watching the other guests as if they're in a den of vipers and not at a wedding.

Reaching them, I shake their hands and smile. “Thank you for coming.”

Liam lets out a low whistle as his gaze sweeps over the grounds, draped in white and yellow décor, a stupid amount of flowers, and the best linen. “This must’ve cost you a pretty penny.”

“You have no idea,” I sigh. Signaling a server closer, I order drinks for us. “You’d think with it being my father’s second wedding, they would’ve scaled down, but Helena’s a socialite.”

“Do you get along with your soon-to-be stepmother?”

Gabriel asks. He’s not a people person at all, and it’s clear as day as he glares at the other guests.

“She’s good for my father.” Just then, my sister catches my eye. Athina steps out onto the veranda with Tess right behind her. When my sister spots me, she heads in my direction.

My gaze gets stuck on Tess, who’s turning heads with every step she takes closer to me. Noticing how much attention she’s getting, a frown forms on my forehead.

“Any of you looking for a bride?”

Luca’s eyebrow lifts. “Who are you trying to marry off?”

I nod in the direction of the women. “My stepsister.

Theresa Dracatos.”

“The girl with Athina?” Liam asks.

Suddenly Viktor lets out a low chuckle. “If glares could kill, you’d be six feet under, Nikolas. I take it you don’t get along with her.”

Glancing back at the women, who are almost by us, it’s to find Tess’ eyes on me, the frown on her forehead doing nothing to diminish her beauty.

She’s probably still pissed off because of the changes being made to her life.

“Gentlemen.” Athina stops next to me, a perfect smile on her face.

I lean down and press a kiss to my sister's temple. “You look beautiful.” My eyes sweep over the grounds. “Where’s Basil?”

“With Dad.” She rolls her eyes. “They’ll probably be drunk before the ceremony starts.”

Basil’s never been involved in the mafia, which in hindsight is a good thing. The family needs his laid back attitude to break the tension.

Knowing I can’t ignore Tess, I step to the side, and placing my hand on her lower back, I push her closer so the men can get a good look at her.

She’s actually the perfect bargaining chip to solidify bonds even more between the Priesthood and me.

“Theresa Drakatos,” I introduce her.

I watch the men closely, but they all have their poker faces on as they greet her.

As soon as the introductions are over, Tess tries to step back to extract herself from the group, and it has me slipping my arm around her to keep her in place. The server brings our drinks, and reaching for a tumbler, my body turns into Tess’. She fits perfectly against my side, the top of her head just shy of reaching my shoulder.

Her innocent scent dances seductively around me, making me aware of her as a woman and not just future family.

Athina’s striking up a conversation with Luca, and the other men discuss the socialites in attendance, avoiding talk of business in front of the women.

Leaning down, so I’m closer to Tess, I murmur, “You weren’t at lunch on Sunday.”

She leans away and tugs against my hold on her before flicking her eyes up to me. “I had a project I needed to complete. I explained it to my mom.”

My eyes take hers captive. “I expect the courtesy of a phone call if you can’t attend a lunch or event.”

“I wasn’t aware I had to report to you,” she replies with thinly veiled resentment.

Christ help me, this little girl is seriously looking for trouble.

I move my hand to her elbow, grip her in a tight hold, then drag her over the lawn, through the throng of guests, and into the house. Reaching the study, I shove her inside before shutting the door behind me.

My eyes find hers with barely controlled anger. I take in the way she’s gasping for air, her face pale with surprise and fear.

“Do you have a death wish, Tessa?” I bite out as I take a threatening step closer to her.

She quickly shakes her head. Her hair shines like satin, the strands brushing against her smooth skin. Then her tongue darts out, and she nervously wets her lips, drawing my attention to her mouth that’s been made to be wrapped around a cock.

The unwelcome thought has desire trickling into my veins, but needing to make myself clear, I slowly stalk closer, my muscles wound tight, my fingers itching to strangle her pretty little neck. I only stop when Tess is forced to tilt her head back so she can keep eye contact.

“This stops now,” I warn her, my tone low and dark as fuck. I will not tolerate her disrespectful behavior. “You will follow every fucking order I give you. You will never disrespect me again, or God help you, it will be the last thing you do.”

Her eyes tremble with fear, which isn’t something I witness a lot. It usually only happens right before I end some fucker’s life, and he’s grasping a dying breath where he’s lying in a puddle of his own piss and blood.

It’s only then I realize Tess is fucking terrified of me.

Yet, she still gives me attitude?

A frown settles on my forehead as I try to figure out the woman in front of me.

She’s scared but feisty. Stupid but brave.

A total contradiction.

And fuck if that doesn’t make me curious.

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