
Chapter 5


It’s almost eleven p.m. when I walk into the private room at the high-end bar reserved for the meeting. It smells like leather, cigars, wealth, and power.

I notice Liam and Gabriel are already seated at the table.

Liam’s the oldest of the group, where Gabriel’s the same age as me. Luca’s only five years my junior, and Viktor’s the youngest at twenty-five.

Not that age matters when it comes to power.

“Gentlemen,” I murmur as I take a seat. We’re all dressed in crisp Armani suits.

My greeting is returned with curt nods.

We might not be best friends, but there’s a vow of loyalty that makes us the most dangerous group of men on Earth.

Fuck with one, and you have to face off with the Priesthood.

It makes us invincible.

We all took a blood oath when we were sworn in, and the only way out is death.

As a server comes to take my drink order, Luca and Viktor stride into the room with the potency of the entire Italian mafia and bratva in every single step.

No one says a word until we all have something to drink, and the server shuts the door behind him. T ension vibrates in the air.

As always, Luca takes a sip of his bourbon then makes eye contact with each of us before settling his gaze on me.

“I hear you’re having trouble with the Sicilians.”

“They’re trying to move into my territory.” My eyes move to Liam. “Do you know anything about it?”

Liam takes a slow sip of his drink, his unwavering gaze locking with mine. “I’ve driven them out of my city.”

And now they’re my problem. Just fucking great.

“What can you tell me about them?”

“Antonio Manno’s the head,” Liam mutters, hatred for the scum brimming in his voice.

I already know that bit of info.

Luca settles comfortably back in his chair. “He’s not part of the Cosa Nostra.”

That’s good to hear.

“It’s taken me eight years to drive them out of Chicago.”

Liam gives me a look of warning. “You better get rid of them before they set down roots.”

“I plan on doing that.”

Viktor, whose father is a custodian for the best assassin alive and previous head of the bratva, offers me a grin. “Just say if you need Manno eliminated.”

I need to take care of this problem on my own, or it will take a bite out of the power I hold in the Priesthood. You never let other men fight your battles for you. It’s the greatest show of weakness. I’ll only ask them to back me when there’s no other way.

“I’ll take care of the problem.”

Viktor nods then falls silent again as Luca proceeds with the meeting. We discuss incoming shipments and pending deals for the next two hours, and as the evening draws to a close, Luca grins at me. “Almost time for the wedding.”

Everyone at this table will be at the wedding. It will be a show of strength to our enemies. Hopefully, it will serve as encouragement for the Sicilians to not fuck with me.

“Yes. Less than two weeks.” T ess flashes through my thoughts, and I wonder how she handled the news.

She probably threw a fit.

I almost chuckle at the thought but catch myself in time.

“We’re looking forward to it,” Luca says, drawing my attention back to him. “I haven’t seen Peter in years.”

I had to up the security with the five families attending the wedding. If anything goes wrong, it will be my head on the chopping block.

“Send me a list of your security details so I can have them cleared,” I tell the group. “I want to know exactly who will be at the wedding.”

Each man nods. Viktor rises to his feet, effectively ending the meeting, and Luca follows.

Victor might be the youngest, but he sure as fuck is the most dangerous out of all of us. If the Sicilian problem gets out of hand, I might just have to hire him to take them out.

The thought doesn’t sit well with me as I get up and straighten my jacket.

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