
Chapter 7 Help me talk to her

Mia's POV

How dare they?

What did they think I am to them? Huh, their fucking property?

I am a freaking adult! They had no right to sell me like a used object in an auction house.

My family I thought was just poor, but we had our dignity, yet they just sold me out?

I knew they had always loved my older sister more than me. She was the obedient one, and the nice one and also the most pretty. She was the breadwinner of the family while I was just their second child.

"Dargh!!" I screamed loudly. Using my hands to cover my ears.

" Is that my phone?" Alice asked pointing at the broken phone that I threw on the floor.

"Er...I want to be alone right now". I murmured rather angrily as I took my frustration elsewhere.

"Mia, you're buying me a new phone!" I heard Alice yell after me and I snorted.

Where the hell was I going to get money for a new phone?

I let my legs lead me back into the house and inside Lilly's room.

Why did it lead me here? Probably because it was the only place in this house I knew I could be alone in without anyone bothering me, that apart from Alexander's room which up untill now, I haven't been into and don't really look forward to it.

"Whyyy!" I screamed breaking down into tears.

Was it my fault? No!

It was my father who borrowed the money, while do I have to pay for it!

" While couldn't he sell himself? why did he pick me?" I asked I cried my eye balls out, my legs loosing balance as I fell down on the floor.

I stayed in the room for hours, crying until all the tears in my eyes ran dry. I was about to get up from the floor when the door to the room opened suddenly.

I looked up at the opened door, Lilly was standing there her eyes red and her nose watery.

" What... What are you doing here? " She sniffled raising her hands to cover her eyes.

What could have made this little witch cry this much?

" Er... I just... Em, I... I was cleaning it". I looked away from her and stood up from the floor, tidying the bed a little.

"No you were not. You were crying!" Lilly stated. I felt a little embarrassed at how quickly the little witch caught my lie.

" And so were you!" I snapped back at her.

She paused after I said that, looking down at her shoes.

It was then I noticed how dirty the clothes she wore this morning were. Her school bag was covered in mud and her feet were not left out.

" What happened to you?" I asked with worry laced in my tone as I walked up to her.

" Nothing". She shifted, rather too quickly to avoid my touch.

" Something happened, do..." I was about to ask if she wanted to talk about it, but she started shaking her head.

"No! I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk to anyone!" She yelled suddenly and pushed me out of the room.

I was still recovering from the shock of being pushed out of the room by the little girl when I heard a clack sound from the door.

That little witch locked me out!

What I get for being nice...

I shook my head and walked away.

She was having problems, why should it concern me? I was facing my own dilemma as well. Why would I try to help her when I also have problems myself. I snorted as I walked pass the room.

I was about heading towards the garden again, when I remembered Alice phone that I angrily broke.

She would be gone by now right?

Just to be sure, I took a U-turn away from the garden and moved towards the kitchen.

My stomach was grumbling anyways.

When I arrived at the kitchen the maids there stopped everything they were doing and all turned to face me.

Wow, so many eyes.

I walked towards the head chef with careful steps.

" Er... I'm yet to eat my food". I muttered to her.

"Where were you when I was sharing the servants food?" I felt a sting in the chest when she called me a servant.

It only made me remember how my parents wronged me. Back when I was at home, we were not rich but at least I was nobody servant.

I wanted so badly to give her an answer, but if I did that the woman can make it possible that I'll no longer be eating anything in this house.

" I was busy". I replied slowly.

" Then you have to wait until dinner". The wicked lady replied brashly to me.

I bit down on my tongue to hold back the words that were about to come out.

I gave the lady a stiff nod and a smile before I walked out.

Guess I'm not eating.

"Dargh..." I yelled when walking in the hallway.

This is all my parents fault. All of these.

I won't be in this situation if not for them, everything bad thing that is happening to me is because of them.

I rushed to my room to cry.

Guess the tears were not finished like I thought earlier.

I stayed in my room for the later part of the day. By the time I came out again, it was already dark.

I walked across the hallway with only one mission in mind, to get food from the kitchen.

My stomach was grumbling so much that I feared that making it till tomorrow would be a problem.

I paused when I reached Alexander's study.

The lights were still on.

What could he possibly be doing at this time of the night?

I wanted to walk pass the study and continue my walk to the kitchen, but I just couldn't.

My mind went back to what happened earlier with Lilly.

Should I just tell him?

I was about to open the door knob when another thought came to me.

Why do I have to tell him?

I paused my actions and took a step back.

What happens in that little witch life was not my business why do I have to care?

I took few steps away from the door when I paused again.

I had nothing to lose if I just told him. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.


I took two deep breaths before knocking on the door.

" Who is it?" I heard Alexander's deep voice from the inside.

"It's me, Mia".

There was a brief silence before he said I could come in.

I opened the door slowly and walked in. The study huge and was painted black.

The only other furniture apart from the huge desk my the middle of the wall, and his chair, was a huge couch by the side.

Alexander was seated on the chair staring at me intensely. I looked everywhere but him, trying to avoid his strong gaze.

" What do want Mia?"

"Em... I..." I took another breath before raising my eyes to look at him.

"I here to talk to you about your daughter"

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