
Chapter 6 Come with me

Mia's POV

After the 'act' with Lilly in her room, the girl listed a lot of ground rules.

Some of which I was not able to catch because I was still shocked by the fact that the girl was a good actress.

By the time she was done, we had taken over three hours and I was only able to scam three rules.

' Don't mess with my hair: You're not allowed to touch it no matter what

Always be at my Beck and call: If I call you and you don't answer, we have a problem. And last one which I found very absurd,

Don't fall for me dad! '

The first rule, was understandable. The girl had golden beautiful locks that I feared I would ruin if I touched it, but it would feel good to run my hand in it, but I was going to keep that one.

The second rule, that was a typical spoilt brat move. Me, Mia have to always be at a little girl's beck and call.

I felt my pride and self dignity disappear when she said that. I had to bit my lips to prevent myself from saying something that would make her tell her dad something terrible about me.

Now the third rule, that rule was something. Me fall for her arrogant, proud full of himself father... Ha, that was funny.

Even if I ever fell for her father, which was highly impossible, that man would never want to have something to do with me, rather than for sex perhaps.

But either way, I nodded as Lilly blurted out all the rules she had for me.

" Did you get everything?" Lilly asked with raised brows after she was done.

I pursed my lips and nodded rather stiffly.

"Good now you can start. Prepare the water for my bath, I'm already late for school".

I have her a forced smile and stood up.


I walked around the house inspecting it. Lilly had gone to school, finally and I was free to move around until she came back.

I've been here for two week already and I was starting to get the hang of this around here. But as big as the house was, it still couldn't feel the void of two of the most important things in my life that I was missing.

My family, and my art.

Today, I had made up my mind to call them to know how they were doing and to inform them that I was alive.

They would be worried such by now.

I walked to the garden where one of my new friends, and of the maids who took cate of their huge beautiful garden was. She was watering the garden.

" Alice, can I please borrow your phone?" I asked.

Alice paused what she was going to look at me.

" What do you need it for? " She asked giving me her full attention.

" I need to call my parents, I'm yet to see them or talk to them for a week now. " I explained.

" Okay, here". She reached into her pockets and brought out her little phone.

Alice was one of the few maids in the house who spoke to me, and she was also my best friend. The rest of them especially the ones my age look at me like I stole something from them.

They all avoided me like a plague, showing me their annoyance anytime they could.

I could bet the reason was because, unlike the others who either come here from home, or live at the basement of the mansion, I lived upstairs in a room next to their little madam, Lilly.

" Thank you". I muttered giving Alice a kind smile.

I immediately dialed my mother's number which I knew off hand.

" Hello, mum?"

" Who is this?" I heard my mum's voice and a smile came to my lips.

" It's me mum, Mia".

" Oh my goodness, Mia..." I heard the surprise, no shock in her voice when I told her who I was.

Guess she was really worried about me.

" Yes mum... "

" I can't believe you're alright..."

That was a weird thing to say

" What? " I asked.

What does she mean by she can't believe I was alright? Did she expected me not to be alright?

"No... Er... I mean, I'm surprised to hear your voice after all this weeks". My mum stammered.

She was lying. I could always tell when my mother lies, she was terrible at it.

I was starting to have my suspicions.

" We have been worried about you. You just disappeared". My mother said changing the topic. But I won't let it go that easy.

" Did you try to find me?" I asked skeptically.

" Yes... I mean no... You see, er... You know the situation we're in right now. Your father and didn't have the money to involve the police so... "

They didn't search for me?

My suspicions was starting to prove true. Could it be that my parents had a hand in my kidnapping?

My heart raced at the possibility of it being true.

" Mum, I'm only going to ask you this once, what ydid you and dad do? "

" Mia... " My mum had began to sob.

It was true. They did did something.

My eyes became blurry but I blinked back the tears.

" Answer me mum! " I yelled at the phone.

" Okay... Your dad, he... He got involved in some shady business and lost all their money. They got so mad that they threatened to have him killed, they wanted to harm all of us Mia, but then they discovered that he had two daughters . "

My mother was fully crying by now. Her sobs were so loud I could hear them over the phone.

I knew how the rest of the story would go, but I still wanted to listen.

Tears had started streaming down my face, but I sniffled trying to keep them at bay.

" They... They gave your father a second option, and that is to give them one of his daughters. I disagreed to it, I wanted us to run away, but your father said that they were really powerful people and they would find us wherever we go.

So... It had to be between you or your sister. Agnes already had a family with a son. We couldn't afford to give her away, her son needed his mother... But you on the other hand... I never wanted to agree to this, but gave us so much money... We couldn't resist. They said you were going to have a good life, live with rich people... "

I placed my hands on my mouth to hold my sobs.

It was my parents who gave me away. They were the reason why I was kidnapped and sold naked like an object.

" Do you even know what they did? " I asked my mum, my voice hitched from all the sobs.

" They said promised not to harm you... They... "

I shook my head angrily. If my mother was in front of me right now, I could have slapped her!

" They won't harm me? Mum I was stripped off my clothes and forced to stand naked on a stage as I was being sold to bunch of useless promiscuous rich men who only saw me as sex object... Mum I was disgraced! "I cried.

I can't believe my parents could do this to me.

"Mia... We only wanted what was best for you..."

"No..." Interrupted her.

" You were only thinking about yourselves. I always knew you loved Agnes much more than me, but I never knew you hated me! "

" No... Mia I never hated you. We just wanted the best life for you... "

I wasn't hearing anything anymore.

To think that my own parents could sell me out like an object... It completely broke me.

" I don't ever want to see you, or hear your voice again. I thought... I thought you were worried sick about me, that's the reason I called to tell you I was fine... But now I know, I know that none of you care. You're enjoying your money, the money you got illegally for selling a human being". I shouted my temper taking full control over me.

" No Mia, it's not like that..." My mother tried to talk but I was stoo angry to reason.

" You and dad had no right to give me away, I'm 24 and adult. I was no longer your property. You know what... Fuck you!" I yelled throwing the phone away in anger.

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