
Chapter 9: Resolves

Hate is a strong word but I really, really don't like you.


"Kimberly!" Lexie groused, lazily pulling her hair back with bobby-pins.

It had been one hell of a torrid afternoon and it was likely to rain; this had been the case the past fortnight. Worst of all, it deemed a double English lesson utterly bigoted.

Her mind wandered, dreaming for a seat closer to the fan. Mayhap it wasn't even hot, it was probably all in her mind. Kim wasn't complaining which is unusual, she'd always go off about the weather, Thorne's bickering, Tasha's trio or her Art teacher m's incessant requirements. Which, of course were always exaggerated.

"Ow!" She squirmed in pain. "What's your problem?"

"You..." he mouthed taunting her clumsiness.

"You owe me an apology." Lexie demanded, struggling to balance back on her feet. Her efforts turned futile when she plopped on the dusty corridor floor.

"Don't be such a wuss, it wasn't really that bad."

"You just admitted-"

"Oh, don't be a sissy," he stated remorseless.

"Take back those words or I'll..."

"What? Call your dad?" He intruded, "save me the melodrama."

"Okay, that's not cool!" Her confidence shattered and he guiltily hunkered down to her.

"Well, don't cry love, how's this for an apology?" He stretched out his hand.

"Flipping hand shake? Really?" He abruptly yanked her up, smashing her frame against his. "Ouch!" She squawked, "What in the world have you got in there?" Her eyes grew wide in bewilderment. He lifted her chin to face him, his hoodie had since fallen back from his thick dark hair which ruggedly decked his forehead. She blinked her embarrassment away staying mum.

"Uh, let’s see, perfectly curved stone?" He smirked.

"No reason to be snide with me, the question was rhetorical." She growled, enraged by his remark. A sheen of perspiration coated her forehead, she secretly attempted to wipe it and a sudden anxiety knotted her insides from his proximity. This was rare.

He teased her blush tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, light headed she downcast her head avoiding his honey brown iris. He'd pulled away from her but she remained dazed as if under a compulsion. She hastily picked her books while he adjusted his hoodie, covering up the scar beneath his left cheek.

"Please don't tell me you thought this would play out classically." He broke the silence.

"I have the least idea of what you mean, just leave me be." She smacked his chest. "I've had a really bad day and wouldn't entertain you making it any worse." Her tiny index finger poked his stiffened chest. She caught a comical smile riddling his face.

"Well, I've had a crappy one myself, guess we're even." He mumbled.

"Ugh! You're impossible." She groaned turning mute and just as she was ready to storm off, he grabbed her hand. "So, why did you entertain this conversation at all?" She muffled her grouse letting lose but when she looked up, he'd vanished.

"Unbelievable!" She grizzled, glancing at her top, he'd been starring. She adjusted the strap of her bra, straightened her neck and pulled herself together.


"Well, good afternoon class?" Miss Thorne thundered in."Why does Keeyman keep scheduling me these horrid Friday afternoon lessons. It's infuriating, I mean, you guys hardly ever listen."

"Psst, L, Lexie! There she goes, beak's always yapping." Kim whispered, Lexie snapped back from her thoughtfulness. A few people replied to Thorne's tirade, which was no shocker.

"Spill it!" Kim shrieked.

"No...You didn't!" She cursed.

"Indeed I did," Kim grinned displaying her perfect white teeth.

"Well...don't keep me waiting! Spill!"

Lexie stayed quiet.

"Don't play deaf with me..."

"Where were you at lunch break?" She confronted Kim whose eyes didn't dance about with uncomfortable blinks like they always did when nervous. She eventually caved with a smile and Lexie patronized.

"Fine you got me, I thought cracking our code would get your mind off your troubled day." She whispered.

"How on earth does that calm my nerves? If anything, it stressed me out the more." She complained, Kim chortled.

"Kim, it wasn't funny, I looked deranged."

"C'mon drama queen you figured out the combination. That means a lot for us." Kim smiled. "Wait a minute, you cunning little twit." Kim said, banging her desk. "You were dodging my question."

"It's that punk boyfriend of yours isn't it? He finally got to you with his charming little jokes! Don't worry, I won’t tell your mama." She prattled teasingly.

"You mean Calvis? Oh no! You're tripping," she stated dismissively. Kim ransacked her bag frantically. "Got it!" She held her journal up.


"Yeah really, you have no phone, it would have been easier to chat." She scribbled something. "Plus you refused to take my old iPhone and I won't ask why. So I'll pass questions which you must answer." Kim said.

"Alright, whatever." Lexie rolled her eyes.

Kim: Then what?

Lexie: What do you mean what? I'm asking why you think so, did Calvis say something?

Kim: Hey, I'm calling the shots here!

Lex: Bla bla bla, bossy pants.

Kim: I'm serious, I'll not judge, guys hv bn saying you

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