
Chapter 8: The craze

I'm convinced anxiety births a mad person.


"Everyone's insane, the degree just varies." A distinctive voice whispered into Kayla's ears, she scanned her environ, puzzled. "Didn't think you'd ever look this professional." It scorned. Kayla stood still, startled at its reiteration.

Am I speaking to myself?

"You indeed are," it replied dutifully.

"Shut up." She demanded.

"Oh love! Calm down" It jeered.

"Quit mocking." She touched her neatly pinned bun atop her head, she'd thought it had come undone.

"There there Ky." It grimly muttered. "Was just kidding."

"I didn't ask for an opinion." She paused, "Why am I even talking to you?" She mumbled stupefied then shut her eyes praying for the annoying snide voice to vanish.

A few feet away from her, stood a gargantuan, magnificent building which she beheld. It was everything she imagined it to be and more, she'd not seen it since Burton tendered its renovations to his cousin’s company which he coerced him to register two months before operations began. The media had shone light on his actions but a cover up story manifested soon afterwards.

Even more, she'd been too preoccupied to try keep up with the lifestyle of the rich and famous. She shook her head and took long strides towards the place. “Palace you mean," the voice interjected rubbishing her sentiments, Kayla growled. "This bastard's surely lavished with tax payers’ money." The voice grizzled. Kayla frowned, she couldn't get rid of its intrusiveness.

"Please rid that pouty, long face, you could always address your grievances to him." It yawped, unrestrained.

"Right, cause I've got the guts," she replied disgruntled.

"Don't be like that! You know you do. Also, look up, we are almost there dear." It nudged and she did. "I'm. I'm almost there...not we! "

"We are almost here." It bragged in a tonal voice, snubbing her remarks. Am I going crazy?

"Well, are you?" Her conscience had pried on her timidity and just when she thought of strangling its absurd remarks, it dematerialized. Short brisk steps lead her up the flight of stairs.

"Pardon my absent mindedness miss," a baritone voice apologized. She turned to meet an elegant man who'd brushed against her. Kayla wordlessly nodded then rushed onwards.

"You dropped something." He notified picking her identification card.

"Thanks!" She expressed.

"You're welcomed, in a hurry aye?"

"Yap, not to sound rude but this conversation is actually stalling me." She informed, he smiled. Her eyes caught a closer view of the ebony furnished, humongous door by the arched entrance behind him.

"You do seem familiar." He mentioned, she squirmed disinterested in small talk.

"Mr. Jaymson." He stretched his arm. "Miss Pearson," she informed meeting his hand.

"You have a child at Grinstate?" Kayla nodded again. "I guess I'll be seeing you during the meeting." He stated then excused himself having read her cues.

"Kaylaxin! He's someone's husband, I saw his ring, where's yours?" The voice reproved. Kayla furiously trudged to the entrance. It'd proven hard to swallow the bitterness of her sour reality.

"Snap out of it Kayla, mopping is expensive, we are late!"

"Quiet you wretched voice!" She bellowed inwardly then glanced at her watch, unraveled.

"Simply stating fa-"

"Again, I didn't ask! Leave me be, please." She desperately pleaded.

Awed by its enormity and beautiful blissful interior, Kayla stood in the lobby mystified. "Need any help Miss?" A middle-aged woman asked glancing from above the rim of her square, gold-framed glasses. “Miss?"

"Pardon me, I can't seem to get myself around this place." She confessed.

"Understandable." The lady remarked, a smile on her magenta lips. "It's quite something isn't it?" She mumbled.

"I'm Kayla. Uh, I'm here to see the governor?"

"Kayla? I'm afraid you weren't scheduled for an appointment, are you sure...?" She glanced at her monitor again.

"Cork sure." She cut her short, fumbling through her disorganized bag.

"This was sent from this office or at least believe so."

"Ah, Kaylaxin Pearson, I wrote to you, apologies." She expressed with warm welcoming eyes. "Well this meet wasn't to be chronicled, Burton's instructions." She conclusively spoke in a low comical voice.

Kayla pondered over the overtly confidential meet but cowered inquiring about it, like she often did. "I'm dismayed to be part of you." The voice scoffed. "Where's your reason?"

"Dear mind, aren't you cut for that job?" She scolded, vexed, outwardly struggling maintain her cool.

"Follow me miss, trust you carried your ID with you, security check and whatnot." She led her into a futuristic elevator, then later took a mysterious passageway on the sixth floor.

"Yes, I understand procedure, protocol I mean." She responded, stealthily tracing her steps, through the series of unending doors. She had been swiping her access card throughout, however the final access requested for her iris to be scanned after reading her hand print, the door unlocked. Kayla was utmost surprised as to why such tight security was instituted and much more in disbelief, she hadn't realized how rapidly technology had revolutionized.

"Why didn't you just place a phone call, I mean it would have been easier?" Kayla asked breaking silence.

"Ugh, I know right?" She nearly rolled her eyes, "but if I'm to keep my job, I follow the governor's orders to the letter."

"Oh!" Kayla frowned as they finally got through and she showed her in."Well, I'd say make yourself comfortable, but honestly people rarely feel that in here," she whispered in a ghostly tone, "Pardon me, I'm Shantelle." She shut the door behind hurriedly, explaining she had to rush back to Tamara's desk, who'd called in sick. Kayla took it she'd otherwise be sitting on sixth floor outside Burton's office.

Her heartbeats evened, especially when she noticed the pompous plump man was nowhere in sight. "He's one to keep time alright." She cynically mumbled as relief surged in her veins.

"Include that on his list of shortcomings won't you?” The nagging, slanderous voice lingered. She ignored it.

Kayla marveled at the vicinity, everything seemed perfected. The mahogany set of antique furniture were intricately placed in strategic places. Elegance wasn't cheap, she sniffed the lingering perfume knowing little about affluence, kingdoms or empires of old. The leather seats were as comfy as they appeared, she couldn't resist the nudge to sit on them. However, she was more tempted to tour the entirety of his secretive chamber. Intriguing carvings of art work fashioned Burton's floating shelves. To the far left, a fascinating painting of a young soldier rested on the wall, she perceived it was him.

To her right sat an ancient sword, glistening, as if silver and the golden handle shon bright against the midday sun, burning her eyes. At the center of the handle sat sapphire, a precious gemstone she'd once seen in a soap opera. It was surreal she almost touched it. But alarms could go off, she slapped her misbehaving hand. Just as she settled back down she caught a glimpse of a framed photograph she hadn't spotted earlier. Her eyes squint, hoping to catch a better view of who entailed Burton's family. Perturbed, Kayla rose in pursuit of her curiosity, she walked across the chestnut brown, rich, furry carpet mindless of her dirty soles. Hastily, she slipped past the coffee table glassware, nearly tripping over for what sat behind Burton's office desk.

"Bad idea Ky!" She was warned but tiptoed to get to the photo anyway.

"Ahem!" A husky voice throttled and with that, she let go petrified, the frame came tumbling down, mercilessly escaping her grip. Her legs grew wobbly as the strength she'd mastered wavered. Startled, she remained aware of his presence but was absolutely terrified to turn and face him. She cursed lowly, regretting why she hadn't given ear to the voice's warning. Perspiration trickled beneath her armpits and a sheen of sweat lined her forehead whilst the thudding of her heart increased tenfold. She contemplated jumping through the adjacent open window.

"Foolish woman! You should've listened!" She groused and ashamedly turned, meeting him.

"To what do I deserve this sort of dishonor, disgrace and disrespect in my office?" He barked, she shuddered.

"Oh so disappointing Ky." The voice mocked. "Shut..." Kayla grizzled sorting her thoughts for a plausible apology. An ear piercing laughter cut through her self-absorbed clueless daze and in jacose, it echoed through the enormous vicinity. She remained rooted, stupefied.

"TBH, this is totally awkward." Her mind voiced.

"What in the world is TBH?" Kayla pondered bemused, she hated when Lexie used acronyms.

"You should see your face, it's like you've seen a ghost!" Burton said hysterically clutching his stomach.

"Hmm, he is the joker." The voice mumbled, Kayla half-smiled, confused.

"Ease up woman, I don't bite, contrary to popular belief." His utterance made him out the misogynist. "Surely you aren't of the same sentiments, are you?

"Yes I am." The voice roared.

"No, governor," Kayla replied apprehensively, a sickening feeling settled in her regurgitating stomach.

"Come now, have yourself a seat."

She repeatedly batted her lashes trying hard not to believe his self-proclaiming words.

"What, what about the frame?" Kayla stuttered.

"I said have yourself a seat Kaylaxin." She tacitly obliged, struggling to save face, maintain eye contact. She quietly waited for a purge, his true outspoken deranged self to be unleashed.

And that's all she could do.



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