

« Hey, honey, » dad grins when he sees me and wraps his arms around me. « How are you ? »

I smile and hug him back, burying my face in his neck and relaxing in his embrace.

« I’m alright, » I murmur, « how are you ? Where’s mom ? »

« I’m always good, honey. Your mother is out with Fallon and Elena, having a girl’s night out. »

« And she didn’t invite me ? » I pout, and he flicks my nose with his fingers.

« Adults only, » he says with a shit-eating grin and turns around to the living room.

« I’m an adult ! » I exclaim and furrow my eyebrows, going after him.

« Sure you are, » he chuckles and throws himself on the couch. « A grown adult who still can’t go to the dentist alone. »

« Mom still eats food on top of the kitchen counter ! » I fire back, « Real mature of her. »

« You might be the age of an adult, » he retorts. « But you sure don’t act like one. »

« Whatever, » I sigh and roll my eyes, cringing when dad scolds me for it.

Heading upstairs, I make my way to my room and see Amber exiting Alessandro’s room. She pauses when she sees me and sends me a smile.

« Hi, Alyssa, » she greets me, and I send a little smile in return.

« Hey Amber, » I reply and don’t bother asking her how she is.

Shutting the door of my room behind me, I throw my bag on my chair and take a seat on my bed.

Having nothing better to do, I take my phone and go to Instagram, typing in Roman’s name against better judgment.

I immediately find his profile and am surprised by the number of followers he has. But of course, he’s got a well-thriving business that’s well-known.

All of the pictures he posts are of impressive buildings and architecture, all pictures in black and white.

Pictures of himself are rare, but if there are, it’s either from the back of him or a picture where he’s not looking into the camera.

There are some where he’s with other people, but there’s no special someone in his life from what I can tell of his account.

I quickly exit his account when a message from Zainab comes in.

Zainab : Matteo came over to the apartment, asking for you. Said he’s here to apologize

My lips part at the message and my heart warms at the fact Matteo came over for me.

With a little smile, I text Zainab back and say I’m on my way.

I told mom and dad I’d be heading back to Matteo, to which mom only pursed her lips to and dad frowned, but they both kissed me on the forehead anyway.

I enter the apartment building I live in and go upstairs, taking out my keys and opening up the door.

The first thing I see when I enter is the bouquet of flowers lying on the kitchen counter. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips and I put my keys in the jar, walking to the kitchen, and taking the flowers in my hands.

I notice the card in between and flip it up.

I’m sorry for the way I acted, I still love you. Forgive me ?

My heart warms and I glance around, a giddy smile on my face. I notice Matteo’s jacket hanging on one of the chairs around the dining table and see his car keys lying there.

With a frown, I walk further into my apartment and look around to see if Zainab is somewhere here since she’s the one who texted me that Matteo was here.

But she’s nowhere to be found, and her jacket is missing as well as her set of keys.

Heading down the hallway, a ball of anxiety starts to form in the pit of my stomach for no reason.

When I hear some commotion in my bedroom, I go over to my door and push down the doorknob.

As soon as I lay my eyes on what’s happening in my room, I grow pale and feel the blood drain from my face.

There, on my bed, is my boyfriend buried balls deep in who I thought was my friend, Charlie.

My fingertips tighten themselves around the doorknob and I feel my heart breaking in my ribcage.

A wave of nausea hits me, and I can’t believe what I’m seeing and hearing. The sound of skin slapping against skin feels like a hit in the face and Charlie’s scratchy moans grate on my ears.

« Fuck, faster, Matteo, » she cries and lets out a moan that sounds fake and meant to please the asshole who’s inside of her.

« Fuck, Charlie, » he gasps, her name sounding like a curse on his lips. Her name.

He’s fucking someone else.

On my bed.

In my home.

« Right there, » Charlie gasps and pulls him in for a kiss.

I want to throw up when I see their lips connect and feel tears brimming my eyes.

« I’m going to come, » she smiles and I tilt my head to the side.

« Funny, » I begin, « He never made me come. »

It’s like a movie being put on pause by the way they both freeze.

I’ve never seen Matteo look so terrified as he does now when he looks at me over his shoulder.

Charlie looks shocked and scrambles around to cover her body with my bedsheets. Matteo has pulled out by now and stands up, looking around for his clothes to cover himself up with.

« Alyssa, I– I… » Matteo stutters and looks at a loss for words. I move my eyes to Charlie and walk over to my bed, ripping my sheets away from her grip and leaving her naked and humiliated on my bed.

« Get the fuck out, » I hiss at her, and she squeaks in fear.

There’s some guilt in her eyes, but it’s overpowered by shame and remorse that’s only there because she got caught.

When she doesn’t move, my rage takes over and I lunge at her, burying a hand in her hair and yanking her off my bed.

Her cries of pain are music to my ears and I pull a little harder on her red strands, dragging her around.

When Matteo moves to step in, I throw him a murderous glare that makes him back off.

Then, I continue my way out of my room while I swiftly pick up her clothes and I throw the front door open.

« This, » I hiss at her while throwing her harshly into the hallway, « Isn’t over, cunt. »

I throw her clothes after her and slam the door shut, fuming with rage and heartbreak. When I storm back to my room, I see Matteo rushing around to put his clothes on.

« Alyssa, babe, » he begins.

« Shut the fuck up, » I snap and swallow back my tears. « Just shut the fuck up ! How could you do this to me ? Why ? In my own fucking bed ? »

« Alyssa, I swear to you, she came on to me, » he tries to defend himself and follows me out of my bedroom, and into the living room.

« I wasn’t even planning on it… » he then continues and I let out a dry laugh.

« Okay, I get it. You fell inside her pussy on accident, » I conclude and look around, my eyes falling on the bouquet of flowers he bought me.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

I still love you.

What a load of bullshit.

« Babe, please, » Matteo begs and goes to stand in front of me. When he tries to cup my cheeks, I slap his hands away and shake my head.

« It was a one-time slip-up. She seduced me into sleeping with her, I didn’t come here for her. I came here for you. Because I love you, and you love me too. I wanted to fix things between us, » he reasons and lowers himself to his knees in front of me, begging me with his eyes.

« I’m so fucking sorry, babe. It won’t happen again, » he promises and takes my hands in his, pressing a kiss on the palm of my hand.

« You fell for it. How could you have given in if you love me so much ? » I ask and rip my hands from his, taking a step back.

He swallows and gets up from the floor. « I’ve been so keyed up the last week, babe. It was just to relieve some stress. I mean, if we would’ve had sex back then… »

« This is my fault ? » I scream at him, and his eyes widen in terror.

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