
Chapter 1: Proposal

Five years ago, Natalie was at the height of her modeling career. But then, one by one, scandalous stories started to emerge about her. Stories about her personal life, her relationships, her supposed vices. She was mortified, and she had no idea who was spreading these rumors.

She tried to ignore the stories and continue with her career, but they kept coming. Eventually, it all became too much, and she decided to leave the industry. She moved back home, hoping to start over.

Just when she thought she could finally start over, everything came crashing down. The one person she thought she could count on betrayed her in the worst way possible. She had trusted Leo completely, and she couldn't believe he would do this to her.

As the rain continued to pour down, Natalie felt like her whole world was falling apart. She was alone, and she didn't know what to do next. All she could think about was how she had let herself be fooled by someone she thought loved her.The memories came flooding back to her as she walked through the rain. She remembered the arguments she had with her grandfather over Leo. Her grandfather had never approved of their relationship, and he had made that clear from the start. But Natalie had been so in love, so determined to make things work, that she had ignored his warnings.

Now, she couldn't help but wonder if he had been right all along. If maybe she should have listened to him and avoided all this heartbreak. But it was too late now, and she could only think about how to move forward.

Still walking in the rain, Natalie reflected back on her life,she started to hate how things turned out. This wasn't her. Slowly she brought her hand to her face, wiping her face clean. She brought out her phone from her trouser pocket to call her manager. Just as she was about to answer someone ran into her, causing her to slip. Natalie shut her eyes close preparing herself for the impact,but she felt none. Natalie slowly opened her eyes, someone's hands around her. Nat was temporarily lost in his light blue eyes, perfect face and a mole on his ear. Is she dreaming?

"When you're done drooling,you tell me" his cute manly voice resounded in her ears, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Um-so sorry." She managed to stutter when she regained her posture.

"No problem,beauty" the stranger flashed a flirty smile. Natalie stared at his face once again,it seems she's seen him somewhere but doesn't know.

"Excuse me,do I know you?" She couldn't help but ask.

By this time the rain had stopped falling.

"Um... Who doesn't? I'm Ricardo Rodriguez. I don't have to tell you the rest,do I?"

Nat was taken aback,but she quickly covered it with a smile.

"Can you walk with me?"Ric asked.

He actually was out on a run,when he bumped into Natalie. He instantly recognized her,I mean who wouldn't. His company was the among the first three best in the country,coupled with the fact that he had business with the Mafia.

He has no business with the entertainment industry but something happened and he picked interest when he first saw her.

Without replying Nat took a few steps forward and he instantly followed her.

"What are you doing out so late?"Ric couldn't help but ask.

This man's voice kept giving her tingles in her system any time she heard it. He had this cold, domineering aura,king-like presence and she was just beginning to wonder why she wasn't scared.

"Relationship issues, ? am done being a puppet people could just toss around." Nat said with all seriousness,her voice cold as ice.

Ric hummed softly,after some seconds passed Nat asked "what about you?"

"Well a lot of pressure here and there,I decided to take a walk." He lied.

Ever since Ric noticed her,he often sends his men to take note of her every movement. Of course they reported what happened back to him,and that's why he was there.

No way he was going to tell her that.

Natalie sighed exhausted from all today's drama. Looking at his woman being sas made his heart ache. Leo,her ex wasn't going to find it funny when he later gets him.

Before they both realized,they were at her front door.

"Thanks for keeping me company tonight Rick,you can go home now." Natalie said and turned to leave. But something or someone held her back.

Hearing how his name rolled out of her mouth got him highly turned on,he couldn't let her leave like that. He badly wants to have her on all fours right here and now.

Staring at her and seeing tiredness written all over made him to abolish the thought.

The next word Ricardo said shacked Natalie to the bone "Marry me..."

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