
Part Eight



Panicked eyes.


“Liv, no!!!”


Olivia’s dreams were getting more vivid by the day. It was the same old scene and yet different; unknown but becoming familiar.

She woke up one night with the remnants of her dream still fresh in her consciousness and if she had any talent in art, she swore she could’ve drawn it onto paper. Her heart raced as she replayed the scenes in her head and for some reason, she couldn’t quite seem to forget it.

“Are you okay?”

Olivia looked up from her notebook and saw Ian giving her a concerned look. Ever since their talk at the station a few nights ago, they stopped avoiding each other. Although, Olivia could still feel him being distant at times… like how he would have that faraway look in his eyes or how she would catch him staring at her longingly, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t.

“I’m fine… just thought of something.”

“Did you finally realize how incredibly good-looking I am?” Ian joked and it was so unlike him that Olivia’s reaction was delayed, the smile slowly creeping to her lips.

“Ha. You wish.”

Ian smiled at her softly before reaching out to poke her hand on the table. Olivia looked down just as he opened his palm face up, an invitation to hold it. She sighed and let her hand rest on his, his hand’s warmth comforting.

“You look tired.” Ian said as he drew slow circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

“I feel tired.”

“Are you sick?” Ian asked and a slight panic flashed over his doe-shaped eyes. Olivia noticed how he was doing that a lot lately: worrying too much and watching her like a hawk every time she did something as mundane as coughing.

“No. I just… Have I mentioned my dreams to you before?” Ian shook his head, his face a mask of worry mixed with curiosity. “Well, I’ve had this dream for a while now and it’s been keeping me up night.”

He blinked, unsure what to say about that. He continued rubbing circles on her hand which seemed to put her at ease. “Um... maybe you’re stressed out about something?”

“Hmm. Probably. Exams are coming, after all.”

“Don’t think too much about it. You’ll be fine.” He smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and settling back into a comfortable silence. Olivia glanced up after a while, and watched him focusing on his homework. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, unable to shake off that unnerving feeling.

She wanted to tell him. She really did.

She wanted to tell him that the boy in her dreams… was him.


Ian was eighteen when he decided he wasn’t going to let his cursed ability get the best of him.

He had long given up on avoiding Olivia; on pushing her away knowing now that no matter what he does, he was just going to keep coming back, unable to stay away. Simply because that’s just how it is when you loved someone…

You want to be with them. You stay with them.

It was painful to see Olivia every day with her dwindling numbers. Ian frowned every time they appeared but then she would smile up at him and somehow that covered up his sadness momentarily.

At least we have now, Ian always thought and he did whatever he could to make Olivia happy in her remaining days. He spent more time with her, took her out on dates even if he hated going out in public places, and made sure she’d remember her final moments as a time filled with smiles and laughter.

Their days together may be numbered, but Ian knew they were days that would stretch on till the end of his lifetime. He wouldn’t be able to forget the color of her eyes, the sound of her voice, or the feel of her lips against his when they kissed. It would be a permanent stain on his heart, and he feared he might never get over it.

Or survive it, he thought and wondered if death would eventually be an option for him too. It wasn’t the first time he thought of ending everything. He hated what he could do and wanted nothing more but to stop seeing the wretched numbers over people’s heads. He just wanted to live without being able to anticipate the end of everyone around him. But another side of him, rebelled. The more time he spent with Olivia, the more he wondered about the possibilities of saving her. He knew death was inevitable but what if it could be altered just a little bit?

What if he kept Olivia in his apartment to keep her safe? Would death still find a way to take her? If he held onto her and never let go, would she suddenly just stop breathing when the time came?

Ian wanted to believe that those scenarios could be unlikely and so he began to be more protective of her. He walked Olivia to school, never letting her cross the streets alone, and kept tabs on her health to make sure she was eating well.

Olivia simply brushed it off as Ian being the caring and protective boyfriend, not knowing that he was already bargaining with her awful fate.

Ian was eighteen when he fell in love and for the first time, he wanted to fight back. He was eighteen when he decided Olivia was worth fighting for and that he would do anything to save her.

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