

Traffic wasn't favorable, but soon, they got to the company. It was a fifteen minute drive and the two girls needed nobody to tell them, to rush out of the car quickly when they saw their boss pacing around the corridor of the company! They both stared at each other and swallowed hard.

Their boss was a young man in his thirties. He was so wealthy and handsome, tall with a keen eyes. He was someone who never takes rubbish from any of his workers but, he wouldn't fail to treat them well, either. Not only that, but he was a no nonsense boss that would always lash out to his workers whenever they came late to office and there, the ladies knew they were in deep trouble.

Lucian got to work earlier than he used to, unlike other days. He never thought, he would have to stand so long at the corridor while waiting for someone. Everything ended that way, simply because, he received a heartbreaking call the previous night.

He was just about to take his shower last night when his phone rang. He wanted to ignore it at first but then, he decided to pick it when it continued to ring loudly. So scared that it might be of great emergency, he picked it. But, he began to regret having picked the call, as it was a request he wished he never had to have granted!

“Okay, it is fine! I will get a replacement soon. Do take care!” He said sadly before the call ended and then, he threw the phone to the bed as confusion stepped into his head, “What are my going to do now?” He muttered in regret.

The young man turned out to be Lucian. Lucian, however, had three big companies in three different countries. Although, the one in Italy was his favorite and also the biggest as it was left for him by his late mother. But, he still took care of the others with a lot of love and care. They were the proof of his hard work over the years.

He appointed trusted general managers in the other two companies, and always video called them, sporadically to ask how things were going over there! He would even visit the companies at times to check for himself if everything was alright and during that process, his staffs would suffer from a high blood pressure. If a slight mistake was detected, the sack was sure, so in order to keep their works, no one wanted to fall victim. Documents are doubled checked before summited.

The call he picked was that of his General Manager of the company in Croatia. The General Manager, Mr. Tim, complain about his family and would like to retire. He wanted to resign and even pleaded with Lucian to find a replacement for him as soon as possible.

Lucian couldn't reject his resignation because of the family he mentioned. Mr. Tim had been so helpful and has taken their business far beyond. Even as much as he still wanted Mr. Tim to work for him, he respected the man's decision.

Lucian was yet to have a family of his own, but, still knew how important family was and wouldn’t stop anyone from attending to their family needs. Mr. Tim had already worked for more than five years. So, he had no choice than to allow him to leave and pick a trusted person in Italy to work as the general manager over there. But, who? That was the big question.

He had thought about it for a while and decided to send a particular person as he was sure she was competent enough to head his company over there. He was even sure, he would not regret it because, he trusted her very well! And her dedication to the company ever since she got employed, always marveled him but, he was disappointed when he got to the person office and met an empty seat! It was already a few minutes past the daily resume time, and she was yet to show up at the company.

Lucian pocketed his hands and walked to the corridor of the company, impatiently waiting for her and soon, she drove into the company parking lot!

Lucian's brows furrowed when he looked at his wristwatch and pocketed back his hand. He was already planning to lash out at her when she stepped out of the car but, he was taken aback when she saw her worried face and so sort of guilt filled her eyes. He even saw her and another staff member of his, as they ran up the stairs like they were being chased by an invisible monster.

“What nonsense!” He thought as his face did not brighten.

They both looked tired and flushed when they got to him, and didn't even know what to say anymore. When he saw them in that state, he swallowed all his fury and cleared his throat! He wasn't a crazy boss who would still scold his workers when they ran this much to meet up even with their heels. He knew it was so because, they knew they were already late and did not want to waste any more time.

“Good morning, Mr. Lucian!” Becky greeted with a regretful look and pacing chest.

“Good morning, Mr. Lucian!” Anita was no different either. It was the staircase that kept the two standings.

“Good morning, my two late comers!” Lucian replied with a frown face. He hardly smiled or laugh and his workers were used to his stone face, “Can you tell me the reason for your lateness?” He asked, while trying to act calm. It was actually their first time being late to work.

Becky and Anita were shocked to hear his calm voice, for all they were expecting was his loud scolding. They thought they had heard wrong and looked at him strangely!

“Si… Sir?” Becky called with a scrunched up face.

“I said, tell me why you both came late today?” He asked with the same relaxed and calm voice again, which made the two ladies glance at one another in disbelief. Thought his voice wasn't totally calm but, it was unusual. And something else struck them when he repeated his question. He never does that. But why was he different?

Even though, it was hard to believe that their boss was speaking so calm after seeing two late workers. They weren't psychos who would prefer scolding to patience! So, they breathed in relief.

“It was my fault sir, I was so weak last night before sleeping. That was why I woke up so late today. And I'm genuinely sorry for that, Mr. Lucian!” Becky answered softly with a beet red cheek as memories of last night rushed violently in her brain. It was an erotic night!

Lucian creased his brow and nodded before turning to Anita, “What about you? Why are you late too?” He asked her, and Anita's heart dropped!

“I… I…” Anita wanted to reply truthfully, but she could not afford to go against her friend. It was actually Becky who caused her lateness, but how could she say that now without sounding harsh or tremble? She looked up at Becky and couldn't find the right words to say, “I was…” She was short of words as she stammered in fear. Anita thought about telling a lie but, her brain failed to find any reasonable lie to tell. So, she just continued stuttering.

Becky, seeing this, felt warm at heart and decided to aid her true friend, “It was I who caused her lateness, sir. Anita came to pick me up, and I was yet to take my bath. She helped me get dressed. I am extremely sorry once again, Mr. Lucian. This will never repeat itself again, I promise!” Becky replied with a scared facial look. She didn't know what to expect now! While Anita was bewildered.

“Is this girl crazy or what? She knows our boss well enough and still shoulder the two blames?” Anita asked inwardly in her thoughts with eyes wide opened.

Lucian was stunned with Becky reply but, quickly, composed himself. She was just honest and he liked it. Through the way she comported herself, he knew she wasn't telling a lie. But then, he had his doubt as, he actually didn't know whether Becky was saying the truth, or she was just trying to help her friend by taking the blame herself but, everything about the scene, gave him another impression of her.

Lucian, who was already bored from, playing around with the ladies, cleared his throat, “Okay. I've heard you but, I'm only letting you go today because, this is your first time since you've been working with me that you resume late.” He pocketed his hands after warning and looked away, “I won't be nice next time, Miss Becky." He replied with a dismissing tone and also a warning not to mess with him again. He need not tell them to leave, as they already knew it was time to leave his presence and get to work.

The two girls bowed slightly and turned to leave when they were stopped in their track by Lucian's voice.

“Miss Becky, wait behind!” Lucian called out softly, but, no emotion on his face.

Becky paused and Anita did the same and they both stared at each other.

“You can leave, Miss Anita!” Lucian dismissed her and Anita, immediately, walked away.

The two ladies heart beat fast as fear gripped them, and Anita parted to avoid provoking their boss.

Becky turned and asked with a low voice, “Why should I wait, Mr. Lucian? Did I…” She was yet to finish when her boss interrupted.

“Follow me to my office. I checked for you earlier in your office, but I did not see you.” Lucian began to walk away and Becky followed behind, “To be honest, I have been waiting for you.” He said and Becky eyes, widened in shock. Why wait for her? She wondered if, she had, unknowingly committed an offense and prayed in her mind to be rescued by her guiding Angel.

They were both in an elevator, and it was quiet, hushed, but then, Becky summoned the courage to ask, “Sir, what is my offense? I am truly sorry if what I said earlier upset you.” She begged as they walked into his office.

They entered a big furnished office. The office had a bedroom and even a sitting room in it. It was an ideal office for every working-class man. Even though Becky always entered the office, she would still be marvelled because, the office was evidence of money! It was as if she entered a full house nicknamed office, lol.

Lucian glanced at her for a while and rolled his eyes, he knew how carried away she was while staring at the arrangements of the office, and he brought her back to reality, “I was searching for you because, I want to tell you, you have been transferred to Croatia. And …” Becky interrupted.

“Sir, Croatia? How?” Becky asked out of shock. She couldn't think of what to say, so she just voiced out what was in her mind and regretted her choice and tone used.

Lucian paused for a while and scanned Becky before he continued, “You should have let me finish… You are being promoted as the new General Manager of my company over there.” Lucian said, and Becky's lower jaw dropped. Her reaction almost got the never smiling boss to smile, “Are you okay, Miss Becky?” Lucian asked with a raised brow.

Becky's eyes were almost out, and she pinched herself to be certain it wasn't a dream.

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