

Becky was momentarily stunned when she heard her boss words. Her heart leaped in joy! She danced in her mind, but then…

“Do I really deserve this? Like… How come he trusts me so much to give me the position? God, what a blessing this morning. Ohhhh! I'm so lucky!” She thought as she looked at him like a lost soul.

“But, Mr… Mr. Lucian… I am the new General Manager? I am a bit confused, sir! How can you trust me to that? It is a big position, sir.” She couldn't find her words at all as she kept stammering to complete her statement. What if he was pulling her legs?

“I trust you will do an impressive job there.” Mr. Lucian replied, dryly, with no emotions on his face. He looked serious! And with that, Becky knew it wasn't a joke.

“Why do you trust me so much to this, sir?” She asked quietly and curiously. It was more of a whisper and doubt.

Lucian frowned a little before turning around, “Sit down!” he commanded as he walked towards his seat and Becky immediately obeyed behind.

Lucian walked straight to his table and picked some files. He turned to Becky who was still busy looking at the beauty of the office and cleared his throat loudly to get her attention back.

“Take this!” He ordered and handed the files to her carelessly.

Becky collected the files before it fell off, but, was still confused. She didn't know what the files were about nor the use, “Is he giving me some works to do today even after appointing me as a General Manager?” Becky asked herself as she wondered what was really going on.

“These files are all about the company in Croatia. Study them well for proper guidance before you take off and there is also a month training for you, but that is only after you study this and get to Croatia… wish you best of luck, Miss Becky!” Lucian explained shortly and pretended he was alone as he focused on a document on his desk.

Becky hugged the files closely to her chest and smiled, “Thank you, Mr. Lucian. Trust me, I won't disappoint you! I will do my best to keep the business at the highest.” She bowed funnily and blinked twice which calm the stony face of Lucian, a little! He almost laughed, but forced a wry smile instead.

“You can leave now.” He replied and focused again on his pending works.

Becky knew there was nothing else to say. So, she turned and rushed away from the office. Becky, however, was literally dancing as she walked back to her office and headed for the elevator.

It wasn't the money or her salary increase that fascinated her. Becky personally was a rich girl, and her parents were even richer. They had different companies too, but Becky wanted to work with a stranger.

A stranger who didn't know her status. A stranger who would not treat her any different from their other workers. A stranger who would treat her like everyone else, so she could gain experience and earn out of hard work. She wanted to gain more experience because, she had a dream to become one of the most successful woman in Italy one day, and she wanted to work hard towards that.

Beck finally got to her office and almost ran to her table. She opened the files and briefly went through it. She was still on it when a knock was heard on her door.

“Come in!” Becky said and sat on her seat.

The door opened and Anita entered, looking all worried. But was even more furious when she noticed how relaxed Becky looked.

“Becky!” Anita screamed and rushed to her. Checking her over to ensure no injuries or bruises, the only bruises was that she got from the previous night romance, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he do anything to you? You shouldn't have taken all the blames. You know how strict he is, don't you? I could have said something there to defend us. Just why did you?” Anita quarrelled. She was red and tensed and also grateful.

Becky giggled, looking at her friend reaction. Anita was overreacting and it was funny to Becky. She wanted to calm her friend down but, she couldn't even calm herself down, how could she calm her friend then?

“I am okay! He didn't do anything to me.” Becky said with a smile on, and Anita moved away.

Anita, seeing that Becky was mocking her, felt cheated. She pouted and walked to a seat opposite Becky and sat down, “You're laughing at me! Tell me what happened. I'm sure now that you are not hurt, not emotionally, not physically, but what did he say?” She asked curiously.

Becky finally stopped giggling and handed the files to Anita, “Take a look at this!” she said.

“What’s it for?" Anita asked looking at the files as if it were some hot milk, she wouldn't want to ever touch, “Are you giving me your work to do because I'm asking you what happened?” She asked, looking disgusted!

“Common, how can you say that? Just take it and go through! Who is giving you work to do?” Becky replied excitedly and rolled her eyes.

Anita collected the files after some hesitation. She slowly opened it one after the other, and checked it's content, but confusion never left her face even after she opened the last page.

“What's all this? What's here? Are you going for a seminar? Did he send you to a seminar to represent him?” Anita asked curiously with her eyes still focused on the files, trying to solve the puzzle somehow.

Becky chuckled, “No girlfriend! Mr. Lucian is transferring me!” Becky replied with a bright, bold smile.

Anita nearly dropped the file she was holding out of shock. Her eyes widened as she looked at Becky, expecting her to laugh and tell her it was just a random silly joke, but, that never happened.

She, pulled the chair she was sitting on backwards, and stood up like a roboted toy, “What the heck are you talking about girl?” Anita asked, looking all stunned and unimpressed, “Why on earth would he transfer you? Why? Why do you have to leave here? Can't he just look for someone out there and leave you here? Does he plan to separate us?” She asked sadly, as she stormed closer to Becky.

Becky stood up too, “No, no! It's not just any transfer, girlfriend! He's making me the General Manager in one of his company at Croatia. And you know that is where our families are. It will make me stay closer to them. I have missed mum so much!” She explained calmly, trying to make Anita understand.

“And so what? We both told our parents we will only be coming back after we gain enough work experience. Didn't we? You told your dad, and I told my dad. So, why do you want to leave me here and go over there? I will be all alone here, for fucking sake!" Anita shouted, raising her voice.

“We've gain enough experience already, girlfriend. We have been here for years, and we can both go to Croatia to continue gaining that experience! You can come with me, Anita.” Becky held Anita's hand in order to calm her. She understood her friend's reasons but, it was a duty call. It was a sign to her that, truly, her dreams can be achieved.

Anita face immediately turned beet red. She would rather not stay away from her best friend, neither did she want to leave her crush. She was lost for words. And only looked away to hide her emotions.

Becky noticed the red cheeks of her best friend and walked closer to her, “Don't tell me you already have a lover here that I am not aware of?” she asked curiously, while also smirking.

Anita lowered her head and replied shyly, “I… I don't have any lover here. I only have a crush!”

Becky was surprised. Crush? She never had a crush in her life. Even before meeting Cain, no guy ever impressed her! It was only after she started dating Cain that she noticed how perfect and handsome he looked. So hearing the word 'Crush' from her friend was funny to her but, she stopped herself from laughing or Anita might disappear right there and then… She did not want to think about it.

“Oh, my! Who is the crush, that stole your heart, my friend?” Becky asked teasingly, while bending low to look at Anita, who still had her head lowered.

Anita smiled, “You don't need to know.” She replied and turned.

Anita was so ready to escape from the office, but Becky would never allow that. She pulled her hand back and held her shoulder.

“Tell me, or you don't leave here today and I will call your mum to tell a lie.” Becky threatened, making a serious face. Becky was good at it. Indeed, Anita's mother was fond of Becky, and she would believe anything she said.

Anita blinked and suddenly began to laugh, “Aw, I'm scared! You sure look like a boss lady. Now I see why you were given that post as a General Manager.” She said and continued laughing.

“Really?” Becky asked while feeling flattered by her friend.

“Yea! And don't worry about carrying out your threat. I will tell you!” she bit her lips as if regretting her words immediately; then she stepped on her toes and whispered to Becky's left ear.

Hearing Anita, Becky froze and was dumbfounded! It was like a wild cat got her tongue. She was stunned and couldn't believe what she heard her friend say. She looked back at her childhood friend like she was looking at a complete stranger, “Who… Who are you? You can't be my friend.” She uttered seriously as she took a few steps back with her gaze focused on Anita.

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