



“You have the tendency to always spoil everything for me, don’t you?” Freya asks annoyed and the I give a few steps backwards because I know the next a thing will be a smack.

I have already received a lot from her today and I’m exhausted. I just want to get away from her side right now.

“I’m sorry” I apologize quietly as I tiredly brush her hair.

“You think sorry will fix this?” She asks clearly annoyed as she swiftly spins around and gives me a scornful look. “Alpha Asher saw me chasing you and now he must surely think I’m a bad person, not knowing that I was only punishing your for bumping into him earlier!” She scolds and I just stare at her in silence.

Anything that comes out of my mouth will only annoy her the more and I don’t want that.

“Don’t just stand here and look at me like I’ve lost my mind, say something!”

“It was not my intention to bump into him earlier today and also I didn’t mean to cause a scene later on. I’m very sorry”

“Now that sounds more like it.” She sits properly and I continue with my task of brushing her hair. “I’m going marry the most powerful Alpha and do you know what that means?”

“It means you are going to be the most powerful Luna”

“Exactly! You are smarter than I gave you credit for”

And you are dumber than a bag of hammers.

I say in my mind.

“I’m going to be a powerful Luna” She rants on. “I’ m gonna have as many Maid servants as I want, to attend to my every need. You very well know how rich Alpha Asher is, he uys going to spoil me with expensive gifts. Oh my Gosh! I’m so lucky. I am the luckiest girl in the entire world. Well… what can I say? I deserve it. I mean, I am pretty and nice and I deserve nothing but the best. Unlike you, you are as ugly as sin and that’s why everyone hates you!” She rants on and I just ride on with brushing her hair.

At least today she’s not bringing my parents into the issue.

“I’m done” I announce and step aside as she seats up from the chair and inspects herself in the mirror.

“How do I look?” She asks grinning.


“Of course I do. You know, I’ve grown so used to you and adapting with new servants is going to stress me up a lot. I’m going to talk with my father to let me take you along with me to be husband’s castle. It’ll be such an honor for you to be the personal maid of the most powerful Luna, Wouldn’t it?”

“of course it will.”

“Good, now get your pathetic self of here and make sure to take a bath. You reek of poverty and misery”

“Thank you” I thank her softly as I gently make my way out of her bedroom.

Once out, I quickly make my way to the basement where my bedroom is situated so I don’t bump into either her father or brother.

I would rather deal with Freya and her rude ass all day than bear to see her father or brother.

As I take my bath, her hurtful words reiterate on my mind but I’m not going to cry.

She is soon going to get married to a powerful Alpha?

So what?

That doesn’t bother me at all.


Even the moon goddess knows I’m lying to myself.

I care that she is going to be the wife of the man I bumped into earlier today.

He was kind to me.

When I bumped into him and fell down, I was terrified about what his next move would be. I knew he was going to hit me or better still order his guards to beat me up but he didn’t, Instead, he offered to lift me up and stopped the guard from hitting me.

When our eyes met, I got drowned in his charming brown eyes that almost got me blushing.

All my life, I have never seen a man as fine as him. He facial features were perfectly sculptured from his prominent jawline to his high cheek bones. He had perfect lips and a straight nose that no male could match.

He was absolutely, heartbreakingly gorgeous and I wish he could just take me away with him.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t crushing on him already.

I know what you are thinking, we had a very brief encounter and barely spoke with each other, but that doesn’t matter. That guy has got an aura that will attract any girl even if she had just a glimpse of him!

To be honest, Freya doesn’t deserve him and I’m so jealous of her.

Why do the bad ones always get the best of everything?

Why is life so unfair?

Suddenly, a heavy wind blows into the bathroom and that causes the droplets of water from the shower sway to one side.

The basement doesn’t even have windows, where on earth did such strong wind come from?

“Life is only unfair when you imagine it to be” I hear a voice whisper from nowhere and it freaks me to the core .

I shriek in fear as I quickly step out of the shower and tie my oversized towel around my chest, scanning the surroundings if I would see someone but I don’t see any one.

“Be calm child, I am not here to hurt you”

The voice goes yet again and this time around my heart drops down into my stomach.

“Who… who are you?” I ask mortified with a shaky voice.

“You do not need to know who I am, all you need to do pay full attention to what I have to tell you”

“Can… can I at least see your face?”

“No, you cannot. Now you listen carefully” The voice cautions and I lean against the wall to listen but I stop looking around just in case she decides to show herself to me.

“O…okay, I’m all ears”

“The only way for you to get out of this misery is to reclaim what was lost”

“What was lost?” I ask confused.

“Yes, what was lost and you can only do so by finding what seems to be impossible, by doing what seems to be long forgotten. If you fail, the consequences for everyone will be apocalyptic. Astrid, your time of crying and wailing is over, this is no time for you to be weak. You have a destiny to fulfill and in order to do that, you have to be brave and strong”

“What is this destiny you are talking about?”

“Not everything needs to be disclosed at once, child. For now, I want you to ponder upon the words I’ve said to you and most importantly learn to be brave and strong. Good night”

The wind stops blowing and everywhere is calm again and the eerie feeling in my stomach stops. My heart beat stabilizes as well.


Once I put on my clothes, I climb on my bed and try to force myself to sleep, but that voice keeps ringing in my mind and I can’t help but wonder what exactly she meant.

Right now there are over a million questions on my mind and I wish someone could give me a clear answer to each of them.

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