

C H A P T E R 4


Why did I choose her?

I don't know, I have no idea. When I met her eyes, it felt like the time stopped, there was only her and I, alone, in a lonely world.

"Brother!" My brother yelled loudly, I groaned and pushed him away.

"Fuck off." I grumbled.

"No get up!" He said stubbornly, sometime I think of him as a child instead of a man.

"I'm up." I said lazily and get up of my bed, I looked at my brother face, grinning happily.

"What are you grinning at this hour?" I asked, glancing at my alarm. It was 9:00 am.

"Our butler told me that you were going to meet a woman, that's special." He squealed.

That's right, I'm meeting the woman that I met yesterday.

I only knew her name and her academy statue so I told my butler to look into it.

Hemilia Gran is 19, she comes from a small village outside of my kingdom. Her parents are commoners and they sent here to fulfill her dream of becoming a magic physician since she inherited powers from her grandmother.

Her sister Camélia Gran is 20, I met her when the army came back after a long, hard working war. We won and I congratulated all the warriors, her sister must the first commander army. It's honor to see a family composed of women who are taking works that are supposed to be for men.

I'm amazed and proud of her.

"Exactly I'm meeting her today, Caden." I smirked at my brother who grinned.

Caden is 15, 5 years younger than me but surprisingly we have a good relationship together, it feels nice.

"My highness, it's time for your meeting." Our butler, Warren said, I sat up and pulled a shirt out of my drawer, I put it on and went to my bathroom to wash my teeth.

"Princess Flora called for you." I groaned when my butler said that, Flora was a hookup, simple one but now she wants more and more. I don't want to be with women who are greedy.

"Then tell her to fuck off." I grumbled.

"My highness, I don't think it's appropriate for me to say that to the princess." Warren said nervously, beside me. I rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth, I spit out the paste and washed my mouth.

"Let Roman tell her to fuck off." I said to Warren who widened his eyes. Roman, my friend is a specialist on break up and on harsh words.

"I don't think the count would love his son spitting out harsh words." He scratched the back of his neck, he handed me out my uniform.

"Fine, I will tell her but don't except me to say gentle words." I scowled, I was never good with words, ever since I was kid I always used to speak less. But now that I met the beautiful and courageous woman, it seems like I want to speak to her, everyday.

I'm not a spoiled brat prince, I hate my life being a prince. Always attending those stupid social gatherings and events, it annoys me so much. People tend to know me as the Prince of Rosla or the amazing person who changed their country. I simply change their ideas by updating them. It's not my fault they don't get the idea of now technology.

Oh fuck sake, I'm being arrogant.

Once I finished putting on my uniform, I put on the necklace that was delivered by the academy, it's a symbol of Rosla. Royals members for men can put their necklace on their forehead, it will showed them leadership and dominance.

My father, the king, was always obsessed by me, he doesn't love neither my three brothers. He neglected and purposely focused on me. I hate that man, more than ever.

My mother, the queen, in the contrary has been lovely to us, she treated our family equally with love. I wished my father would be like my mother. But we can't believe that our wish will come just like that.

Your wish is to be rich, then work for it. All you need to is to work hard to get what you want.

I scoffed when I heard my father speech who said that he loves us. Fucking bullshit.

"Hey, prince Rhyker." An annoying and familiar voice said to me, I looked at my right and see Roman standing on the rail of the stairs.

Roman and I are the troublemakers in Rosla, we were both educated here to be posh and a fucking noble. He is the son of a known count here in the castle and also my cousin.

"Roman, what's up?" I asked, pulling my tie down, I hate it when it's tight.

"Heard from Caden that you are going to meet a special lady." He mocked, making a gruesome face.

"Don't ever make this face in front of me, especially in the morning." I warned him while walking downstairs. He slides down the rails of the stairs and landed on the ground with a flip. Also, don't forget that he's fucking hyper at this hour.

"Did you see my talent?" He clapped his hand, to congratulate himself.

"It was dull." I stated, hearing a shocking gasp from him.

"How dare you?" He imitated Greta, I don't know her last name but whatever.

"Fuck off." I snapped and prepared myself a breakfast, the cook was about to stop me but I sent him a glare that made him run. I don't like when people are making my breakfast, I'm a picky eater.

"You are so lucky to live in a dream castle, people envy you." Roman stated making me stop my mouvements.

What he said made me think over and over, I don't like it when people envy me. I want people to have a comfortable life and hear them say thank you for making our life comfortable. This is my dream. I hate looking outside of my private car and see homeless people, sitting in a dirty ground. I want to change that, I want to give them a life like us, because every human get a chance to live a peaceful life, except people who committed crimes that doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

I realized that I put too much coffee powder on my milk, I growled and do it again.

"And the prince is angry, again." I heard Roman muttering, I can't help it. This dumbass is also saying stupid thing.

"Tell me everything about the woman you are meeting today." He said with determination as I put my mug on the counter, I sipped at my drink quietly and breathed.

"She's 19."

"That's all?!" He yelled, disappointment is all over on his face.

"Dude, I know that you hate talking to much but you can't leave me hanging out here!" He begged.

"She's training to be a magical physician." I said the last words that was marking the end of the discussion.

"No way! Hemilia Gran?!" He shouted and I held my mug in the air.

I snapped out of my daze and looked at him while putting down my mug.

"Do you know her?" I asked, not realizing the harshness in my question.

I need to calm down.

"I do, she's famous in my dormitory. Not that kind of popular you think, she's more like a model for women, she's truly a goddess." He said, staring at the wall with admiration, I banged on the table with my fist to catch his attention.

He quickly snap out and smiled at me, "but she's being bullied in her class, most of the boys hate her because they are misogynistic."

Fucking assholes. I nodded while putting my lips on my mug, I glared at the coffee for no reason.

"For now on, Ashton will be her bodyguard." I said without thinking, what the fuck am I saying?

He choked on his juice and narrowed his eyes toward me.

"Why?" He asked bewildered.

"Because I said so." I shrugged off and looked away from his stare. He narrowed his eyes hard, trying to figure me out. But unfortunately for him, I'm really hard to figure out. I glared at him, showing my yellow eyes that I inherited from my grandfather.

My powers are exceptional, that's one of the part that made me I guess my father favorite puppet.

"Ah stop looking at me like that." He groaned and stepped out of his chair, I chuckled lightly and put down the mug on the sink.

"Hey, bitch!" He screamed at my royal guardian who was taking his usual smoke. My royal guardian accidentally threw his cigarette on the ground.

"You piece of shit." He growled and threw a deadly glare to Roman who grinned cheekily.

And that's my royal guardian, Ashton. He's much more the bad boy between us three. I guess the three of us are the three mousquetaires.

Ashton was always my royal guardian, someone who is always guarding like a bodyguard. He's been with me since I was 10. The three of us have the same age, we went to the same academy of Rosla and stuck together.

"My highness." He grumbled while bowed down at me, I nodded lightly at him and pulled my phone out.

"Kids shouldn't spend too much on electronics device." Roman stated, imitating an elderly voice.

"Do I look like a fucking kid to you?!" I snarled at him, Ashton snorted while he pouted grumpily.

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