
natural herbs

C H A P T E R 3

"This is how natural herbs solved most of our wounds by using magical techniques, we use the sort water to mix with the herbs and put it on the patient wound." I finished my speech with a silent sigh, the prince looked me with pride in his eyes. The sound of his clapping hands echoed in the auditorium along with the professor who has a big smile.

"I loved it." The Prince Rhyker started with a grin.

"Thank you, my highness." I bowed down.

He smiled and stood up to walk toward me, I widened my eyes. What does he want again?

"For your amazing presentation, I would like to take you out for lunch?" He proposed, his beautiful smile on his face, hazel eyes softened. I couldn't believe it! How would you feel when a prince asked you out?

My mummy always told me never refuse a royal proposition, it's rude and inappropriate.

"I would love to." I stuttered and he smirked, standing straight. He nodded and called his guardian.

"At 13pm, I will pick her up, don't bother driving me home." He said without any attention to him.

"Of course, my highness." He bowed and held the door for the Prince.

"See you later, my lady." He winked at me and leave the auditorium with an impressive walk.

After the guardian closed the door, I started to laughed alone, nervously.

"Did the Prince asked me out?" I recalled the moment he proposed to me.

"I can't believe it! My wife will be amazed." The professor gaped, he was still shocked and why the fuck is he talking about his wife?

I returned to my place, well beside Justin who had this curious face.

"What the fuck?" He asked, flabbergasted.

"I don't know." I hissed.

"Why the Prince came here to see you?" He said with frowning eyebrows.

"I have no idea, I met him yesterday—"

"You met him yesterday!" He yelled and I hushed him harshly.

This bitch can't keep his mouth shut.

"I explain to you at break."


"Are you serious? You guys met yesterday in a library?!" Justin yelped loudly, catching my classmate attention.

"Yes, we talked but I don't know why he still talk to me, I'm surprised he didn't forgot my name." I said with widen eyes, I can't believe that he didn't forgot my name.

"Maybe he thinks that you are cute?" He shrugged and I snorted.

Me? Cute?

He needs glasses then.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes playfully, there was no way he found me cute beside he's supposed to be engaged with Princess Flora.

Princess Flora of the Gaielia, the country next to our. The princess was not a spoiled, annoying girl, she was kind and sweet. I watched her on TV talking about important events and information from all around the world.

She's beautiful, smart, funny, strong, confident just like Prince Rhyker.

Why is he going to choose a cheap bin?

"I think that you should be careful." Justin stated, I looked him staring at the front with a glare.

"You are dating Camélia, not me." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious, I love you like a sister, I don't want you to get hurt. Beside, she told me to protect you." He scowled and placed his head on the wooden table.

I do the same thing as him and turned my head toward him, we held a staring contest, he groaned meaning that he gave up and I smirked.

"Lovebirds! The Prince is looking for you." The professors shouted at me, I stood up straight and ran down the stairs, I glanced back at Justin who supported me. I chuckled and walked out of the auditorium.

I walk in the hall where most people who are practicing magic and medicine are there, hanging here. Faine isn't here since she's training to be a teacher, it sucks to be honest.

"Hemilia Gran?" A voice called me out, I turned my head to the man who called me, it was the royal guardian.

"Please follow me." He said and I followed him.

I looked at his back walking straight forward the private room, I glanced at the wall beside. There were severals wall, painting differently. I wonder who did those beautiful paintings?

"That's the Prince artwork." He answered my question, I guess he realized I was staring too much at the wall.

"That's amazing, he's multitalented." I said, it was true anyway.

"I suppose you can say that, it's important for the Prince to master everything, he developed a talent where he can learn quickly than others kids."

"I talked too much, he's inside." He pointed out the door in front, I nodded and bowed at him.

I opened the door and looked inside to him leaning back at his chair, he's doing something. Writing in a back book that seem to be his notepad.

"Please close the door." He said without looking at me, I immediately closed the door and bowed at him, even though he didn't see me.

"Come here." He patted the empty spot in front of him, I walked and sat there. He put finished writing the last part and put down the notepad on the table beside him.

I can finally look at him, he was beautiful, an artwork.

His brown messy hair, nose beautifully sculpted, his piercing deep eyes and his soft red lips on his no spot face, I should ask him what kind of skin care he use?

Shut up Hemilia, just don't.

"My highness, why did you called me here?" I asked with respectfully.

"Call me Rhyker."

"Pardon?" I lifted my head up.

"Rhyker, come on it's easy to pronounce." He chuckled.

"I can't." I shook my head frantically.

"No one is here, only you and me." He smirked and I felt myself blushing, it's getting hot here in this room.

"R-Rhyker." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my head.

"See? It wasn't that difficult."

"And I asked you here because I have a favor for you."

Me, why me?

"What is your favor R-Rhyker?" I said not able to said his name correctly, well pardon me to say his name.

"I want you to be help me cheat on my lover." He said making me flabbergasted, what kind of demands is this?

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, frowning deeply.

He burst out of laughter after he saw my face, frowning hard.

"I'm not kidding, I want you to help me." He laughed.

"I'm not going to sleep with you!" I shook my head.

Is the highness stupid? How dare he thinks of me lightly? I'm not a hooker or someone.

"But isn't that how we break off things with your lover?" He asked while tilting his head.

Who is this man? He doesn't know anything!

"Can I ask if it's not personal? Why do you break off things with your lover?" I asked curiously, princess Flora is a beautiful woman and kind. Both of them will rule the country with elegance and dominance.

"She's been too clingy." He said making widened my eyes.

I stayed shocked while he looked at me with frowning eyebrows.

"I don't think cheating is a good way to break off a relationship." I suggested, why is he breaking up with her just because she's clingy?

"How should I do it?" He asked innocently.

It seems that the highness doesn't know anything about love.

"Well you should maybe tell in front her that you want to break up and then tell her the reason why." I said with a tight smile.

"No I'm not good with words beside if I do that she will stalk nonetheless." He shook his head.

"Oh dear." I sighed deeply and leaned back in my chair.

"Well then, any suggestions?" He asked again, looking at my eyes.

This will be difficult for me, I don't know what should I do.

Should I help him or not?

Even if I make a decision, I'm pretty sure he will stay on my mind for a long time.

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