She sniffed and turned her body around to face me “He was with another girl !” She sobbed into my shoulder.
I patted her back awkwardly “Who ?” I asked.
“Noah.” She said clutching her own blankie to her chest, Daniella and me had a habit of taking our blankie’s everywhere.
When we were younger we went on holiday to France and dad bought us these blankies from a stall thinking we would use them for warmth then throw them away. We didn’t. We held onto them and now, fifteen years later we still had them.
Daniella’s was a bright pink while mine was a baby blue. They were very comforting and we cant sleep without them.
“Oh that dickhead ?” I asked, my voice rising an octave. I was angry.
“Yeah…he was…with..with..Greta” She said her voice drowning in sobs as she clutched my tattooed arm.
“Ah hell no” I said, shocked.
Did he have any class ? Greta ?! Seriously ? That slut-bag. Greta the bitch with the ugly name, she was the fugliest little slut around. Noah and Daniella had been best friends since they were children. Noah had left for boarding school but promised to still call Daniella everyday and he did. When he came home for the holidays they spent all day together. Then Daniella made the mistake of doing the deed with him. It didn’t change things they still talked and were disgustingly loved up, even more after the sexual act. However on Noah’s nineteenth birthday Daniella my innocent younger sister had decided to surprise him, by going to his boarding school. However, when she did go she noticed he already had a surprise. His dickstick was risen for an evil little redhead named Greta.
Daniella was heartbroken. Obviously. Clearly, she was still in love with the dickhead.
“You don’t need him.” I whispered gently tugging her hair “You can do so much better. If he’s gonna date her. You show him you can move on too. You really should not be crying over a guy.” I said, honestly. I hated it when girls cried over guys. I mean I will only cry over a guy if I really really really fucking really love him. Then will I only let my precious tears fall for him.
“You were talking to his brother…why ?” she asked, her voice not one of accusation but of curiosity.
“What..Nolan ?” I asked, confused. Nolan was his brother ? I had no idea. How could I have not noticed, they were both undeniably beautiful.
“Yes.” She said looking up at me while using her blankie to wipe her tears I clutched mine in my hand.
“I didn’t know…Sorry jammy.” I said.
She shrugged “I don’t mind.” She said sadly.
“You know what you need ?” I asked, I had the best idea for her.
“What ?” she asked.
“Tattoo’s.” I smirked.
She gasped “No way !” she snapped.
“Fine, let’s go to Dameons shop and you can tattoo me.” She looked at me with a shocked face “trust me jamjam’s it’ll help you !” I said grinning, hoping she would agree go along with this crazy idea. Daniella was not the kind of girl to just up and get a tattoo. She’s not really the act on impulse person, she sits down and thinks about something for probably two too three days, before she actually does something.
She gulped thinking about it for a couple of minutes. Finally deciding she wearily nodded “Okay.” She said.
Maybe she wasn’t so boring after all.
Nolan P.O.V
I sat on the chair scooping the eggs onto my fork. My brother stared at his expensive watch then the stairs, he kept repeating that notion for a couple of minutes.
I shook my head smiling at mine and Danielle’s mother sitting together, talking. I smiled as I tapped my brothers shoulder.
“Calm down.” I said sipping on my orange juice.
“Why isn’t she down ?” he whispered aggressively in my ear.
I shrugged “She probably over-slept.” I said reasonably.
“No. Daniella doesn’t over-sleep….never….never !” he snapped, his voice low and dangerous.
Footsteps sounded from down the stairs and Noah snapped his gaze to his plate of untouched food he picked up his fork and began to poke the bacon on his plate. As if acting like he hadn’t been staring at the stairs for the past hour “Damn, If I aint hungry.” A gentle soothing voice wrapped around me like a blanket. I looked up noticing Danielle standing in the large doorway stretching her body, my breath hitched in my throat. She looked beautiful. Her wonderful black hair was scraped back in a bun on the top of her head, she wore a tank-top and a pair of shorts a thick socks that brunched up around her ankles.
All her tattoos were on show, Noah froze, shocked. He hadn’t seen her in a while so seeing her like this must have been a shock for him. She yawned.
Her twin, Daniella came in beside Danielle her eyes wide. She looked far to excited for the early morning.
“Hi everybody !” She said grinning.
Her sister jumped turning her head around lazily “Calm it down there tinkerbell.” She said tiredly.
Daniella giggled “Isn’t she funny ?!” she sighed “she’s just so funny.” She said skipping into the kitchen and taking a bowl out of the cupboard and filling it with cereal.
My brother shot me a confused look staring at Daniella who was now grinning while staring at Danielle.
Danielle raised an eyebrow “Don’t look at me like a peado.” She said.
Daniella giggled, “Mum ! Guess what we did ?!” She asked.
Danielle shot her a ‘shut up’ look, Daniella ignored it “Danielle took me out and she let me give her another tattoo !” She squealed, slipping into the last free seat which was beside my brother.
My brother tensed up.
The twin’s mothers eyes widened “Danielle Michelle Janet Mitcherson !” Her mother snapped.
Danielle bit her lip looking around the kitchen casually as if she didn’t do anything.
“Danielle !” Her mother snapped.
Danielle looked towards her mother “Oh.” She pointed to herself “me ?” she asked.
Her mother nodded “Yes. You.” She said, she looked livid “Show me the tattoo’s !” she snapped.
“Yes Ma’am” Danielle said mockingly as she stood up she began to roll her tank top up from the bottom I wanted to groan.
Her skin looked so perfect, so milky I wanted to lick it, she stopped pulling it up when she reached her rib cage.
On the side of her ribcage in small handwriting were the words Daniella. Her mother’s jaw dropped “You let her do that ?” she asked.