They were miraculous. So colourful, she had an entire arm covered in them. I wondered how long it took.
Her beautiful bright brown eyes roamed the room, and stopped on me. She noticed me staring and I clapped my mouth shut. She smirked her double lip rings shining as the light hit them, her eyes flashed almost mischievously and I immediately moved my gaze to the ground.
I was about to look up when I saw a pair of black boots step in front of my view, I gulped. I looked up and saw her standing before me.
I blushed at being caught staring at her. Now she was confronting me.
« Saw you staring at me… » she told me bluntly, her voice was confident yet so gentle and soft.
I blushed even harder « I’m sorry. » I said staring down at her caramel swirled eyes.
She grinned showing perfectly white teeth « Don’t be, my names Danielle. Yours ? » She asked.
I licked my lips « Nolan. » I said.
She licked her lips, she stood on her tip toes and whispered in my ear ; « I love a man who blushes. » she whispered seductively causing me to blush harder.
« So, Nolan. How old are you ? » She asked reaching over and picking up a cup of champagne, her dress rode up a little bit showing me the beginning of a tattoo. I wanted to see the rest.
I slapped myself at my dirty thoughts.
« I’m twenty. » I told her.
She looked at me sipping the champagne « You’re very sexy. » She told me.
I choked on my cup of coca cola, « W-what ? » I asked feeling heat rise within my cheeks.
« I said you’re sexy. » She said stepping closer to me, she smirked « You look just like a goody-too-shoes, but I don’t mind. » She said running her nail which was painted a dark black over my torso.
« I love a good boy. » she smirked.
I blushed “P-people are staring.” I said.
She licked her lips and stepped away, “Maybe we should go some place no one can stare at us then ?” she said, smirking when I blushed harder shoving my hand into my pockets.
Was I dreaming this ?
Was this, beautiful confident women actually talking to me ?
ME ?
She wasn’t right for me. Not at all, I needed a girl who would be equally shy. Not a girl who would be willing to..to..dare I say it ?
Have…intercourse….with me…in a public place ?
I shivered at the thought. That was so bad. I couldn’t imagine defying my parents like that, I cleared my throat. “N-no” I said, regretfully stepping back “It’ll be rude.” I said.
She grinned, nice and wide showing her perfectly white teeth a flash of metal shone clashing with the perfect white.
I wanted to gasp.
A tongue piercing ?
“Ooo, Rude ey ? Maybe I deserve a spanking.” She said, smirking when my eyes widened. “I’m just joking….or am I ?” She asked winking.
I gulped “I-I….” I said, wonder-struck. This girl, she’s so forward, so bad. Why did the thought send a rush of adrenaline through me ?
Bad Nolan !
She shook her head, as if she was scolding herself “Sorry for teasing you.” She said winking at me. Making me blush harder “You going collage, pudding ?” she asked me, teasing me with the nickname. I blushed. She raised an eyebrow at me, placing her empty glass of champagne on the table.
“Yes, yourself ?” I asked, curious to know more about her.
“Yeah, I intend to. What uni you going too ?” she asked, genuinely curious. I was surprised, she wants to know more about me ?
Me ?!
“I haven’t decided for final yet.” I told her proudly as I took another sip of my cool coca cola. I had so many offers from different colleges me and father hadn’t decided which one I wanted to go to for final.
“What would be your dream job ?” I asked.
She ran a hand over her perfect face “I wanna’ be a tattoo artist or journalist.” She said chewing on her lip.
I wanted to reach over and pull her lip out from between her teeth, chewing on your lip….very bad habit. A tattoo artist ? For some reason I envisioned her a tattoo artist, it seemed so..her. I could imagine her tattooing someone, with the amount of tattoos she had on herself it was intriguing.
“Don’t chew on your lip.” I said sternly.
She let her lip drop from between her teeth, they rose up into a smirk “Dude. You even talking like that gets me all hot inside and you only told me what to do. Jeez, I just wanna tie you up and fuck you until you don’t remember your name.” She said bluntly.
I almost choked on my spit, I clutched my chest. I gasped, “Y-you cant say that” I said gently feeling a blush rise up to my cheeks.
She grinned, “Of course I can, I was feeling it, might as-well let you know.” She said grinning at me, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She checked the time on her watch, “Anyway pudding, I better be off. Ill seduce you later.” She winked “I better go before I rip your clothes off…..you might blow up blushing.” She said laughing.
I felt my face burn with heat, she was so blunt ! Rip my clothes off..why ? Is she attracted to me ? No way. Not someone like her. “B-bye Danielle.” I said, not wanting her to go.
“Laters Pudding.” She said grinning at me and making her way towards her twin.
I sighed.
Bad girl.
…..I think I might say—think it….the S word….S-sexy bad girl !
Danielle P.O.V
I slipped under the sheets trying to ignore Daniella, who for some odd reason was crying. I cant handle crying people really well, I tried…once and all I managed to do was encourage them to cry more.
It wasn’t my intention, but she was pregnant and she was asking me what to do with the baby fat so I told her go gym and run on a treadmill and she began to sob so god-damn hard.
So I just left her alone.
“Urm…Jamjam’s ?” I asked, clearing my throat and turning around to face her bed.
“What ?” She snapped, her voice quivering.
I gulped, pushing the sheets away from my body and stepping out of bed. I picked up my blankie. Padding over to her bed in my thick socks, I slipped under her expensive sheets “Talk to me Jammy.” I said pulling her hair in my hand. A gesture I did quite allot when we were younger to show I was their for her.