

Katherine is happy that her daughter became closer to her. 

Kara became sweeter too that she clings to her so much. 

“Tell me the truth? What happened at school?” 

Katherine is worried that Kara is being bullied. 

Kara is not a sweet child and she often blames her for not having a father. 

So she is very happy she is opening up to her but this is really strange. 

Kara pouts. 

She is hugging Katherine’s waist while she is washing the dishes. 

Katherine’s hand  still has some bubbles on it. 

Kara holds her mother’s hand. 

It is rough and cracked. 

“From now on, I will wash the dishes.” 

Katherine is startled. 

Kara never likes household chores and Katherine didn’t force her. 

“It is okay. Mother can wash the dishes. Just study well at school. Lately, you went home early after school. Go have some fun with your classmate. If you need money then I will give you. Okay?” 

Kara’s eyes redden. 

Katherine panics and takes her wallet wetting her pants with the bubbles on her hand but she doesn’t care as she takes two thousand and stuff it to her hand. 

“Is that enough?” 

Kara shakes her head and sniffs louder. 

Katherine will give her child everything so she emptied her wallet and gave her everything. 

Kara slowly touches Katherine’s hand and takes her wallet and she stuffs the money back on it. 

“From now on, you don’t have to work at two jobs. I want you to rest when you can and buy yourself a lot of brand new clothes.” 

“What are you talking about? We are not rich. I have to work hard and bring you to a private high school.” 

“Mother, I can study at a public school.” 


“Then I will have a scholarship and you don’t have to pay so much.” 

“…..but your grades.” 

“I can still improve my grades. It’s just the second quarter. If I improve my grades and be promoted to Class A in Grade 6 then my average can still be good. Then I will talk to Uncle Ethan to help me apply for a scholarship in his school.” 

“You don’t have to do all that. Just enjoy your life and mother will provide for you.” 

Katherine is very touched but she doesn’t want to touch her with her dirty hands. 

“Mother, I want to enjoy more years with you. You are more important to me.” 

“Ofcourse we will be together!” 

“Can you promise? You work so much that you don’t sleep well. After work you will clean the house and cook. Then you will work again at night. If this continues your body will be ruined. And you will die. You will leave me all alone.” 

Katherine was stunned. 

She wipes her hands to the apron and touches the tears in her daughter’s face. 

“What is wrong?” 

“I dreamed that mother died due to over working.” 

“…….It is just a dream.” 


“Okay. Okay. I will stop my work at night.” 




“Only if your grade will really improve next quarter.” 



“Okay. Promise. Thank You Mother.” 

“My baby is being considerate to Mommy. How can I say no?” 

But Katherine is bothered. 

Maybe, Kara is bullied at school. 

Grade 5 is not young anymore. 

12 years old are not young anymore. 

But Kara is still 11, no, even if she is 12 or 13 or 30, she will always be her baby girl. 

Everyone is laughing at Kara but the girl walks indifferently and seems always thinking about something. 

The teachers will ask questions and she will actively answer. 

She will participate in discussion and she will even claim the leader position and execute the tasks flawlessly. 

What about the rumor and the teasing? 

No one can crack her fortress. 

She doesn’t mind anyone’s malicious comments and just nods at them as if they don’t matter. 

Kara already lived her life being shamed to death. 

How can a bunch of kids make her suffer? 

She just ignores them. 

Her instigators want to die from anger. 

Stephen also pouts seeing no reaction from her. 

“Lately, your performance in the class became very good.” The teacher said smiling. 

Kara thought it was strange because the teacher never called her office during her Elementary days. 

It turns out she wants to praise her? 

“My family is poor. My mother has two jobs. She wants to send me to a private school so I have to work hard. I want her to stop working at night and proposes a deal to her that I will apply for a scholarship in a private school where her good friend works as a teacher.” 

Kara is not stingy with explaining. 

She wants to gain the teacher’s sympathy and maybe she will give her more consideration in grading her, you’ll never know. 

Sucking for benefit without paying a cost is still the best. 

The teacher’s face shows a shocked expression. 

“I always thought you came from a well off family.” 

Kara smiles. 

She knows that her teacher is being sarcastic even though she doesn’t show it. 

She is really poor but acts like a miss from a wealthy family. 

How absurd. 

How naïve. 

How stupid. 

“Teacher, do not tease me. I already know my mistakes. I pretend I am a rich girl. But I am nothing but a fatherless poor girl whom my mother is working like the dead to provide for me.” 

The teacher touches her nose as if being shy that her schemes are seen through. 

“That is good. You are young. You make mistakes but do not let your mother suffer alone. You study hard and see what I can do for you.” 

“Teacher, being biased in grading is bad.” 

Kara teases back. 

“Who will?! I might look like this but my big brother owns a private high school.” 

Kara’s eyes widen. 

Could it be? 

IT was her why the Principal always found troubles for me in high school? 

Should I hate her? 

Never mind. 

I am at fault anyways and it was a good chance to get a scholarship. 

“Then I will be troubling you Ma’am.” 

“Just do your best. I will only help those who deserve help.” 

It was very fruitful. 

She wants to run home to tell her mother the good news but a bunch of brats hinder her. 

She might be small now but since her rebirth, she has been toning her body to be flexible and she practices her self defense technique she was forced to learn to curry favor for her father. 

IF they tried hurting her, they will feel the weight of her punch and kick. 

“So? Where is the money?” the girl with different color hair asked her while she sways her waist to the left to right in front of her. 

“… the bank?” she retorts. 

Who is this again? 

An acquaintance? 

She doesn’t look like a student in this school but her minions are wearing the same uniform. 

“Are you fucking with me?” she angrily clenched her hand into a fist and showed her with a glare. 

Kara raised a brow. 

“Sorry, I like handsome men.” 

“……” Everyone looks at her for a while. 

“You!” the punky girl shouted. 

“What do you want?” Kara knit a brow and she crosses her arm and taps her shoes in the cement. 

“I don’t know who you are but stealing money in broad daylight is very brave of you. You even have my schoolmate as a minion.” 

Everyone sucked cold air. 

Who is this? 

Isn’t Kara a pretentious poor girl who is stupid and slow? 

She looks like someone who got reborn! 

She does though. 

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