Chapter Two - Prez *NOT EDITED*
- Jax -
I stumble down the stairs into the clubroom to find most of my men missing, I look around at the people passed out on the floors and tables, my brothers covered in rotters and empty bottles, a normal sight around here. I walk over to the bar where the new prospect is cleaning up from last night's antics.
He lifts his head up and gives me a small nod before I sit down on the barstool "Usual killer?" I nod and smile to myself, I love the name I've made for myself. Everyone fears me, no one dares to test my authority they know that the people that do end up staring down the barrel of my gun, I am always respected, and the people that don't get a special spot in hell.
I lean back while he pours me my whiskey and pushes it infront of me, "Where are the rest of my men Wood?" he looks back up at me and chuckles while he continues cleaning glasses, "You didn't hear the news yet prez? Val has a new dancer at the club, she wanted the boys to check her out, make sure she's any good".
I down my drink and as I put the glass back on the table my men stroll through the door, most of them laughing and cheering acting like dickheads as usual. Don't get me wrong, I love my brothers they're my family, but some of them are fucking stupid. "What the fucks going on here?" i shout out as my voice echos throughout the clubhouse "Killer you should have seen it, Vals got a new dancer in and she ripped into our VP over here, she seems pretty fucking crazy, little thing shows no fear" hawk says while grinning ear to ear, if hes smiling it must have been good, hawk doesn't show emotions often and when he does its usually anger.
Gunner comes over and takes a seat next to me "What'd you do this time?" I ask him slapping the back of his head and chuckling to myself, "Fucking nothing, she got on a Harley and I asked her if it was hers she gave me some smart ass comment so I asked her who the fuck she thinks she's talking too" he says slumping back in his chair and pouting like a damn child.
"You also called her a bitch" Hawk pipes up from across the room before laughing his ass off, he gets out of the chair walking over to us before sitting next to Gunner grabbing his shoulder and shaking it slightly "Then she called you a dickhead and attempted to blow your cock off, she's not wrong tho. Personally, my favourite part was when she threated to carve you up and you looked like you were going to shit yourself" the guys start laughing again.
"No no no, that's not the best part, it was after she threatened to carve ya, I think her exact words were 'Oh, by the way, you're pretty fucking weak for a VP'" Snake yells out, I turn back to Gunner trying to hold my laughter in, he gives me a death stare. I smirk "A Harley are you sure? What does she look like?" He smile while thinking about it, must have made a pretty big impression on my boys.
"She's a small thing no taller than 5'8, long blonde hair, body like a fucking goddess, covered in tatts and piercings, curves in all the right places, nice tits big ass, shes a masterpiece but one crazy son of a bitch. She shows no fear, she might even be crazier than you killer, might give you a run for your money" oh this I have to see. One of the original members come over to us and sit down, "Don't forget boys, party at the club tonight, Vals got the new dancer working" Gunner turns to face me "Tonight's gonna be fun".
~ Time hop to 11 pm, deal with it ~
The boys and I gathered our shit and ride down to the club, when we pull up theres on single Harley parked out the front. We get off and start making our way inside the club I pull Gunner to the side letting the rest of the men walk in first. "That the bike?" I nod in the direction I'm looking, he turns around to me and smirks, "Yeah that's her. Come on brother, you want to see this" he says while walking into the club with me following behind.
When we get in the usuals are on the stages dancing, I look around trying to find the unfamiliar face, Val calls us over to the bar as we sit down and grab some drinks. "Wheres the new girl?" Gunner asks with a smirk on his face. Val laughs and shakes her head, "She's on next, you might want to learn when to shut the fuck up, she told me about your little interaction. I'm sure she will beat your ass before you even have time to think" she pushes 2 whiskeys towards us. Vals Hawks old lady, they have been together for as long as I can remember, childhood sweethearts.
"Yeah yeah Val, she will warm up to me, all the ladies do" he winks as she raises an eyebrow at him and nods smirking to herself. I take my drink and down half it, I turn around and lean against the bar, the dancer finishes and the next song starts. Poison - Alice Cooper, I hear the announcer call the name 'Cherry' as most of the men erupt in cheers and whistles, let's see whos been giving my VP attitude. My eyes make their way to the stage, and what happens next changed my life forever.
I watch as the girl 'Cherry' walks onto the stage, my eyes make their way up her legs to her face, she's a fucking goddess. She starts dancing to the music, as I intensely watch her move her body to the beat, I have to admit shes got moves better than any of the dancers working here. I move closer studying her, my eyes roam over her tattoos that take up most of her perfect skin, her long blonde hair swaying as she moves her hips grinding on the pole. My eyes focus on her face, shes a fucking perfect, I've never seen anything like her, and then her eyes meet mine, and from that moment I knew she was going to be mine.
As her eyes meet mine its an instant connection on both of our parts her ice blue eyes shooting at me, looking right into my heart and soul. I can tell she feels it too, she spread a sexy smirk across her face when our eyes meet. I don't know how long we stared at each other while she was dancing but we both didn't dare to look away. It was almost like she was dancing for me, and only me, suddenly I snap out of the trance she had me in and look around the room.
All of the men starting at her, drooling over her made my anger being to bubble up. I clench my fists, my knuckles turning white I take another mouthful of the whiskey. I can feel my rage bubbling up slowly, I take a deep breath and run my fingers over the cool metal of my gun that's tucked into my waistband. Slightly calming me down, she's not mine.. not yet anyway. While I was in my own head I hadn't noticed that she had finished the song and left the stage, I look around for her but cant find her.
Fuck it, I'm going for a smoke, I make my way out the front with Gunner following behind. Once I'm outside I let out a deep breath I didn't know I had been holding in, pulling out a cigarette and holding it between my teeth while I light it. Gunner starts talking to me but my attention is elsewhere. In the corner of my eye I can see her standing at her bike, smoking a cigarette. I finish my smoke throwing it to the ground, as I'm about to make my way over to her Val bursts through the front doors.
"Cherry before I forget to tell you if you haven't already noticed this club is owned by the local MC" I look at her waiting for a response, she looks over Val's shoulder and stares at me once again, those damn eyes. Another sultry smirk comes across her face as she inhales her cigarette, "Yeah, I figured as much" she says to Val not breaking eye contact with me.
"Well glad we got that out of the way, also members wearing the local patch get everything for free, you will still be paid for it. You can do whatever you want, private dances or more I don't care as long as you're safe and happy, all dancers have their own room. Do not entertain any other MC. If they show up tell either me or someone wearing a cut we will deal with the problems when they come" her eyes still staring into mine.
"Don't worry hun, I can handle myself" she says with a smirk on her perfect lips, Val laughs "I know you can gorgeous" and with that she walked back inside passing me and gunner. 'Cherry' throws her smoke to the ground and walks towards the door, before she opens the door to go back in she stops dead in her tracks and turns to me.
I have to look down to her as I easily have a foot on her height. She looks up at me, smirking again, showing no fear, damn she's sexy. She steps up onto her tippy toes pulling on my cut bringing my face down to hers, staring at me with those ice blue eyes, a smile curves on the right side of her mouth, the closer she gets to me the more intoxicating she smells like vanilla, berrys, ciggarettes and leather.
She brings my face close to hers and brushes her lips against mine slowly licking my lower lip as she drags her mouth to my ear, that alone was enough to make me want to throw her down and take her right fuck her infront of everyone, but something tells me she'd want it too. A small growl escapes my lips at the thought of it, she then whispers just loud enough for me to hear "You look like trouble" a soft chuckle escapes my mouth and I lean into her ear "Darlin, you have no idea" I feel her smile against my neck and let out a small laugh "Now I'm curious" she says while raising an eyebrow at me "I heard you had a little altercation with my VP, sorry about that he doesn't know when to shut his fucking mouth" she lets out another giggle, god even her laugh is enough to get me hard.
She cups my cheek and brings my face down to hers again "Oh don't worry baby, I'm sure he learnt his lesson" she bites her lower lip and lets out a little moan. And just like that she let go of my cut and walked her sassy little ass back into the club. She's going to be the death of me. Gunner turns to me "What the fuck was that?" without answering the question I walk back into the club "Tell the boy's shes mine. No one touches her. And I fucking mean it, if I see someone touching her ill slit their fucking throats infront of everyone" I turn to gunner whos mouth is curved into a smirk giving me a small nod before walking off to the others.
I walk in looking for her, my eyes are instantly drawn to her picking her out from the other 50 girls with ease, these bitches have nothing on her. I go to the bar and tell Val to get a room ready for me "Anyone in particular prez, anything to drink?" she says while getting glasses out "Cherry. And the usual 3 of them" she walks off down the bar calling Cherry over to talk to her, I watch them speak to each other, before Val turns around to point to me, her eyes follow and meet mine once again, she smiles and bites her bottom lip, god damn. Before turning around and walking into one of the back rooms with a small bounce in her step. "Room 5, go in she will be in soon with your drinks," Val says to me while raising her eyebrows, I walk into the room and make myself comfortable on the couch waiting for the little spitfire.