
The Ice Princess

They say that love is blind; I say it is bullshit. Love is all-seeing and accepting. Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes of your partner and accepting them. Love is accepting their bad habits and working around them. Love is recognizing the fear and insecurities you might have. Love is fragile and will shatter when it is not perfect. Love is strong and should strengthen each day.

What is blind?

Well, wait one fucking minute, and I will tell you.

Now Vic Stone has just crashed my engagement party; then, while having a, what I can only call as one too long hug with Trinity, she did then whisper something in his ear. What I am now trying to establish, by asking as politely as an irritated man can be, is what she said.

But what seems to make this so much more difficult is that she is now upset.

I hate seeing her like this; clearly, by the expression on her face, I can see how much pain she is feeling. Whatever she is going through at the present moment, I can slowly see it eating her up inside.

Ya, I wished now that I fucking punch the man. He has come here, and not only did he upset what should be a happy occasion, he ruined it, and then he also put his daughter in such a degree that it is bringing tears to her eyes.

The man is fucking dead.

And dead has gone this party. Now I have to sit with a very upset woman that is quite frankly almost refusing to speak to me.

“Colton, do you think that we can go home?”

“Sure, princess.”

Not really think much of her want to departure, we say our goodbyes and head home. Now, as we make the drive home in silence, I am trying to encourage her to tell me what it is that she said. I know in my gut, I just fucking know it, that whatever the two of them were talking about is not going to work out so well for me in the end.

So as we get home, I watch as she slips out those red stilettos and heads straight to the room. Now my damn ass immediately thinks that, god, I am going to get all of that in a minute. Yet she does surprise me as I am busy slipping my jeans down my legs.

“Colton, I am going to lay down for a bit; I am not feeling well.”

Ya, what a complete downer. Just kick a man in the face.

I pull her into my warm embrace and hold her tight against my sculpted chest. I can smell the scent of honey in her hair as I lay my chin softly on her head. Her body is slightly trembling, which makes me squeeze her a bit more tightly. I keep my strong protective arms around her frail body for what seems like almost five minutes. She lifts up her head and seeks my eyes.

“I love you, Colton.”

“I love you, princess,” Then I take yet another chance, well I am fully expecting, but yet, “Are you okay?”

“We can talk a little later.”

So that is me, sitting in suspense, waiting to hear what she said to her father.

Well, from where I am sitting with a chilled glass of whiskey, I will repeat it again. It is something that is not going to work out well for me in the end.

So yes, it has not even been a full day since our engagement party, and we are sitting like strangers in a different room. There was not fucking even, ‘Come lay with me, Colton.’ Only ‘I don’t feel well.’ The woman looked perfectly fine before she spoke to that asshole that she calls her daddy. Well, daddy, he can be glad I am not making a little trip over to him in his goddamn castle.

The man is fucking dead.

And dead is the silence that I am sitting in, it is not so much the words that are not being spoken that brings the pain, but it is the silence itself. Even though she has not said a word yet, behind those beautiful brown eyes, I can see lies a deep pain. And that deep pain makes it feel like a thousand daggers are being driven through my heart. I saw how she fought every single tear that threatens to fill her eyes to the brink.

So I continue to sit in myself as I listen to the rain beat down on the patio outside; it splashes into the water of the pool and makes little ripples as they drop. The very same ripples are what are crashing in my mind as I play out my next move. I think, yet I will say, I know now more than ever what my first move is going to be.

I am marrying Trinity before this week is over.

Her father shall not take her away from me. He is a man not to be trusted, a great manipulator, and even scalier than you get. He shall do absolutely anything to achieve and get what he wants.

Well, Colton Cruz is even more determined than a fucking asshole like Vic Stone.

So I patiently wait for my princess to wake up to tell her the news that I am sure she will welcome with open arms.

And it is open arms that soon find their way behind me, wrapping me in a cocoon of her softness and warmth.

“You should not creep on a man like that, princess. I could have killed you.”

She only but chuckles as she leans in to whisper in my ear; I feel her warm breath lingering, giving me a shiver of pleasure shooting through my body, then she speaks, “You should not sit so much in thought; I could have killed you first.”

I flip her around the couch and drop her down onto my lap.

Now here goes nothing.

“Princess, I was thinking, perhaps we can get married, maybe next weekend?”

She gasps, and her body goes completely stiff. After trying to catch her short rapid breaths to steady, she mumbles underneath her voice, “Well, I, Colton, I think we need to talk.”

Ya, here it comes.

That one fucking minute has no arrived.

“Princess, what is wrong?”

She only but fumbles with her fingers then twirl them in her hair. Now I know that when Trinity twirls those elegant fingers, she is either about to lie or have done something bad.

“Let me hear it, Trinity.”

“Why am I Trinity now?”

“Because I know that the fucking shit is about to hit me. So get out with it.”

“Well,” As she drops her head, I know that I am not going to like this. And as she continues, “Daddy said that the time has come for me to step up.”

But wait, there is me; this is not even close to being the fuck over.

“Daddy said that…” She goes all silent, and I know that Vic is playing this one very well. Then she catches her breath and speaks again, “Daddy said I couldn’t be married to you if I am going to be the head of the Stone Family.”

Well, ya. What did I fucking tell you?

“So, what are you telling me?”

“Well, we can’t be engaged anymore.” Yet that is not all; the best is left for last. “He said that I need to come back home.”

Now, my very next words need to be chosen carefully, yet I don’t fucking care, “So you are dumping my ass because your daddy said so?”

“Colton, please, you must understand.”

“Oh, please believe me that I understand.”

And wait, I am not done throwing a fucking tantrum.

“So, you are leaving? Like now? Like today? Like, fuck you, Colton?”

“I am sorry, Colton.”

Ya, before I tell her to get her shit and leave, I rush outside in the pouring rain. With one loud thud, I slam my fist into the very first wall that I get.

What the fuck just happened?

This hurts.

It fucking hurts.

Does this break my heart? Of course, it does; it is shattering it into more pieces than it is made of. It is like crumpling up a piece of paper, you can smooth it over, but it shall never be the same. What has been said is done; there is no way that she can take it back.

Where do we go from here?

Ya, as I said, they say that love is blind, but it is just as foolish, for sometimes we love the ones that hurt us the most and love the ones that don't deserve our love in the first place.

Guess she has done this before; she has done this again. Whatever I say, whatever I do, it is just going to make it worse.

Yet, she does try as I find my way back into the lounge.

"Colton, please say something."

"Leave it, Trinity; I have nothing to say. You have said quite enough; doubt there is anything needed to say after that."


"No buts necessary, the damage is done. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a phone call to make."

With that, I see her starting to carry one suitcase to the other slowly towards her car.

The tips of a thousand daggers have just ripped every part of my now shattered heart apart. The pain that stings through me can not be described in any word, but tormented agony does spring to mind. Any ounce of feeling I had left has just died and dried out like a leaf in the winter. I have felt this pain before, and that pain was when she left me the last time.

I feel like running to the edge of the world and just drop into nothing. I need to leave my heart and get as far away as I can from here. I do not wish to feel this suffocating grip that I feel in my chest. The tears are burning my eyes; they want to burst open like a waterfall and consume the rest of my body. The only thing I can think of now is just to get away from her. She was supposed to have loved me, not break my heart on the day of our engagement party.

They say that a broken heart can heal just like a broken arm or leg. She gave me so much happiness; who knew that she could give me just as much pain. Even though my heart is bleeding out, I shall not show her a single tear.

They say that bitterness and love cannot live in the same heart. This heart felt nothing but love for her; even when I felt rejected by her before, I still felt strongly for her. But this time, it is more than just rejecting me for who I am; she is saying no to a life and a future for us. The question begs, which feeling do I feel strongly about now?

Guess it was just that, a dream; it was never supposed to have been anything more than that.

So love is blind; I still say bullshit. What is blind is when you tell someone you love them and not meaning it.

And meaning it is her leaving out that door, not a single goodbye, not an intended hug. Just cold as ice, the ice princess that is Trinity Stone.

Then as I am about to lose the last restraint that I have left in me, my call gets answered on the other end; I don’t need a hello, not a single word, just a plain statement…

“You are fucking dead. You might have won this round, but I am coming for you. Mark my words, you are fucking dead.”

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