
Prepare To Be Taken

I am standing next to Trinity’s bed; it is far into the evening; she is fast asleep and has not even noticed a presence next to her. The woman can sleep like a rock, but if I am going to grab her, she will most certainly wake up screaming. And that is the very last thing I want, is for Vic and his men to come storming in here.

So, I will abandon my attempt tonight; I will be back tomorrow evening again with a plan in mind. For now, I need to return back home and make preparations to, well, very most, unfortunately, keep Trinity from ever leaving my home.

Ya, I have gone fucking crazy.

But I have no idea how to keep her from running away from me. If she comes willingly, she will only stay what is a few days before she makes her way back home again.

Now, before I slip out of the room, I leave a little something, just to scared the shit in her that I was in her room while she was sleeping.

As I finally sneak out of the room again, I have a very relieved Mason, for he does not see Trinity with me. I only but whisper to him, “Don’t get so happy, we are coming back tomorrow night again. Now, we have some work to do for Trinity’s arrival.”

When we are finally in the car, he looks over to where I am sitting with one satisfied smirk on my face, “Please tell me what your next brilliant idea is?”

“We are going to the Venditti Mansion.”

He snaps his head in my direction, and as he gasps, “What the fuck are you going to do there?”

“It is the last place where Vic will look for Trinity.”

“Colton, man, seriously. I have known you for years, but this, this is a stupid idea.”

“I did not,” my voice raises two pitches higher as my face turns to him in anger. “I did not ask for your opinion. You will do as I tell you.” Well, the man is still brave, “I am telling you this is a fucked up idea.”

So with utmost frustration, I patiently take two deep breaths before I speak again. “Then how do you suggest that I get Trinity back?”

He runs his hands through his hair, and I know the man is just about to say something stupid, “Wait until she steps up, and then you speak to her.”

Ya, I could do that.


I have not fucking patience.

Taking her away is the only option that I can think of. But then, keeping her locked up…is that truly what type of man I am? I can just not be without her. Does nobody fucking understand that?


So much to my annoyance, if find myself being dropped off at home half an hour later. I need to do some thinking. I need to get one hand over Vic.

Fuck that.

Taking his daughter is the only way I can see it working. She will understand, but perhaps, she might just even hate me. Why is love so damn complicated, or is it only me making it impossible to understand. Though what is there to understand in keeping two people apart from each other. Vic, who has screwed almost every other man’s wife, should at least understand this single concept. Or perhaps screwing around has left the man with less common sense.

So I drop down on the couch with an ice-cold beer in my hands and start to flip through my phone. Now don’t get too excited; I am not intended to phoning another woman. I am looking for the best damn locksmith that I know in the business of securing a home that you will never escape it.

I am going ahead.

Fuck what Mason says.

And fuck that little voice in my head.

After having my third beer, sitting in complete darkness, I grab a bag and throw some shit together; I am determined, I am going to the Venditti Mansion. It belongs to me after all, and there Vic will definitely step on my turf, though I stepped on his, so I guess the next round is his, but not before I get his precious daughter.

As the sun finally starts to rise over the horizon, I am driving into the driveway of what will now be my new home, but ya, this place needs some serious redecorating for these fucking lion statues just creep the shit out of me. I hate to think about what the inside looks like.

And I soon find out as I step out of the car and step a foot inside. The most ungodly golden curtains with the most fucking ugly chairs in an overly decorated lounge is one eyesore. There is no way I am living in this shit.

So as soon as it hits eight, I am on the phone to Mason, “Get your fucking ass to work. I am at the Venditti place. And phone that interior decorator that you screwed; this place needs a few changes.”

Well, not a few; the whole thing might as well be ripped to the ground and start over again. But my main concern is these locks and these windows. So in only but a few seconds, I have the best man in the business online and on his way to come to assist me.

By the time night falls, there would be no way that Trinity can ever escape these walls.

Ya, I have now completely stepped over the line into insanity.

And it is Mason that soon comes to remind me of that, “Colton, I am asking you, as a friend, do not do this.”

“It is done. I am going ahead.”

“You are going to start an ugly war.”

“Well, guess what, I already did. Now stop giving me shit; we are heading out in an hour.”

With the sun setting on what was one crazy day, all locks changed, bars in front of the windows, most rooms redecorated, I am fairly satisfied with myself. Tonight Trinity will be mine again. I can feel her almost in my reach again. I have not considered what she is going to say, but I am going to guess that she is not going to be pleased with me. And as for Vic, the man is going to be fucking furious.

But that is my problem for later.

I am standing in what is now my new room, unfortunately not Trinity’s, as I need to keep her secure, well, at least just for the first few days while she is still mad at me. Then thereafter, I will allow her to roam free in the house, but there will be guards at all the doors, so she will not have a single opportunity to escape.

So, I slide into a dark pair of jeans, a black designer shirt. As I button each button one by one, I can almost feel Trinitiy’s hands rand over my rippled abs, her soft lips against my sculpted chest. My entire body shiver as the thought of having her near me sends a chill of pleasure running over my spine. After giving myself one satisfied once over in the tall mirror that is hanging on the far side wall, I make my exit. With somewhat of a spring in my step, I meet up with Mason and Jax downstairs.

And of course, Jax has not yet had his say about this, “I think…”

I immediately interrupt him, “Do I pay you to think?”

“No, but I know that you are going to see your fucking ass with this one.”

Then Mason feels he needs to add another objection, “Vic is going to have your balls for this one.”

“Well,” I wave the both of them off, “He needs to find me first.”

Then Jax turns to me once again, “Have you ever thought how Trinity is going to feel about it.”

Ya, fuck. I have you, goddamn idiot.


“If she does not want to be here, then she can go home.”



“I know she wants to be me; I just need to convince her…again. Now stop giving me shit, and let's go.”

The drive to the Stone Mansion is made in fair silence. Then as we get closer, I run through the plan once more.

“Jax, you will keep a lookout at the bottom of the terrace; Mason will be down the hallway. Then once I have Trinity sedated, then I will bring her down. We have to be in and out in ten minutes.”

And with that, we pull into that very side street where we will find the small gate that will give us access to the grounds. After arming ourselves with two Rugers and at least one knife, I open the gate. As it clicks open, that adrenaline starts to set in and rush through my veins.

While Jax keeps his lookout, Mason and I make our way up the terrace and thank fuck, the door is not locked; I don’t have time to pick a fucking lock at this crucial time. Once we slip through a creak of the door, Mason makes his way to the right side, to the end of the hallway, close to the steps.

I make my way past two rooms on my left, making sure to clear them before I move on to the last door, which is Trinity’s room. So slowly…one…two…three…breaths, I click the knob open and slip inside. Slowly I creep my way towards Trinity’s bed.

The curtains are drawn, it is completely pitch black, but I have been in here enough times to know where to find her. So as I come to a stand next to her bed, I take the cloth with the chloroform from my pocket, then…

She is not fucking here!

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