
The Dinner


Though I had an apartment I stayed in at times, I lived here. With Robert when it was necessary to play our parts as a couple. The mansion was a sophisticated one situated in the upscale part of the city, surrounded by luxury and servants.

I got in and quickly prepared myself for the dinner. As I was making my way to the dining area, I stopped by the mirror in the hallway to adjust my cocktail dress; the sapphire blue colour brought out the blue in my eyes. I also adjusted the wealth of my long brown hair, making sure my appearance was intact before his mother could see me.

I learnt his mum was a star actress while young. She has been away since Robert and I got married. We only met briefly, so I didn’t know much about her. Though I overheard the servants once complaining of her being too excessive, easily irritated and difficult to please. So I was in for one heck of a ride.

I didn’t understand why she called for such an abrupt dinner. But whatever the reason, I just hoped it wasn’t something alarming. I couldn’t take any chances; everything had to be perfect so she wouldn’t have the wrong impression of me.

She and Robert were settling down when I arrived, the servants already serving a dinner of veggie salad and grilled fish, along with a selection of fine cheeses, freshly baked bread, and desserts. I was relieved I arrived just in time and didn’t keep them waiting.

We exchanged pleasantries and started eating. I had taken a few slices of the fish when I suddenly felt nauseous, something that tasted like bile forcefully rising to my throat.

Quickly, I excused myself and rushed to the bathroom to throw up after which I washed up. As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed dark circles were becoming prominent under my eyes. I didn’t know if it was because of the pregnancy or overworking myself at the company to make sure everything was always in order for Robert.

But whatever it was, now wasn’t the time to focus on it. I had messed up big time in front of Robert and his mum.

“Fuck….” I cursed under my breath. Why didn’t the stupid vomit just wait till I was alone or after dinner? Who knows what they could be thinking now?

“Do you think she might be pregnant?” I overheard his mum asking him as I was approaching.

“I don’t know mum,” Robert answered irritably. “I’m not a woman or a doctor. How do you expect me to know?”

His mum exhaled loudly, a bit frustrated.

At that moment, I walked in with an apologetic smile on my face. I hoped they wouldn’t find offence in my actions. I was about to take my seat when his mum’s voice stopped me.

“Are you pregnant?” She directed at me, she and Robert looking at me expectantly.

I froze on the spot, my blood running cold and congealing into blobs. They must have suspected. If Robert finds this to be true, then I’m done for. I had to keep the promise of not letting him find out about the pregnancy at all costs in the meantime.

Nervousness washed over me as I briefly glanced away, quickly thinking of something to cover up.

“No, ma,” I said, letting out a small nervous laugh. “It was just the fish. It made me feel nauseous. I think I might be allergic.”

On hearing that, she sighed deeply and facepalmed, shaking her head in disappointment, her cutlery clanging on the plate as she left it.

“Is anything the problem?” I inquired, concerned. Robert seemed concerned too because he stopped eating and kept his gaze on her.

“Yes, there is a problem!” She snapped, causing me to flinch a bit in shock as I almost lost balance and crashed into my seat. “You are the problem!” She pointed a finger at me as though I was a criminal. “I must say I’m very disappointed. It’s been almost three years since you married my son yet nothing to show for it. Still as barren as a desert. At this point, I’m starting to believe you must have done a lot of wayward stuff in your teenage years that have left your reproductive system damaged because I see no reason for a young healthy-looking woman like you not to get pregnant after three years of marriage. I’m a hundred per cent sure the problem is from you because my son is healthy and up to the task…”

“Mum please this is not the way to go about this,” Robert cut in to defend me to my surprise. “Let’s just have this dinner in peace.”

I was moved a bit but didn’t get my hopes high because I knew he was only defending me because he didn’t want a child. Memories of our passionate night together flooded my senses and I struggled to push them to the back of my mind.

“I’m sorry, Robby,” his mum said as if left without a choice and glared at me as if I were an abomination. “But if this person here who calls her a woman yet can’t prove it won’t give you a child then I guess it’s time we threw her out and got you a new wife who can.”

Her mum’s words stung me like a swarm of bees, leaving me bruised and battered. Tears formed at the back of my eyes but I tried to stay strong and not let them fall.

I couldn’t believe she could say such cruel things to me. If only she knew the harsh struggles I was grappling with at the moment, then she’d pity me. I didn’t want any of these. I never asked for them. I wished my life could have been better. I wished the universe could have treated me differently. Made Robert love me like I deserve. But instead, it seemed to have forgotten me altogether.

Robert rose from his seat angrily, pounding a clenched fist on the table, the plates and cutleries rattling. “I’m not taking another wife from any of you again. I’ve already had more than enough with this one,” he said before using the exit, leaving me shattered like a broken glass.

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