
The Call


“Now isn’t the right time. I’m planning to surprise him and everyone back at the family house during an important dinner,” I lied to her again, managing another smile.

She shrugged, believing me anyway.

I was full of lies today. This was my third lie today. And to Jane, I have been lying to her ever since I got into this marriage with Robert, always defending him and trying to paint the perfect picture of everything being alright while they weren’t. I hated myself more than anything now.

Shortly after, Jane left to pick up her child from school and make lunch for her family.

My mum was admitted to the same hospital, but in a different ward a bit further away. I wanted to take the pregnancy test first before visiting her because I knew I’d spend a long time with her.

I still couldn’t believe Robert didn’t recall me mentioning she was sick to him at some point. I did tell him several times this week when I wanted to leave work early to visit her.

Despite that, I didn’t blame him or think too much about it. He had a lot of all these work-related in his mind and must have forgotten.

The doctor assigned to my mother informed me she was doing well and responding to treatment. That was the best news today.

But when I went in to see her, she didn’t seem happy unlike before. Ever since she learned of my marriage, she has been dreaming of having grandkids.

She always complained to me about it. At times, it made me think twice before coming to visit. But today, she complained so bitterly, I felt her pain and almost broke down in tears.

It pained me deep in my soul that I couldn’t give her what she was asking for. I couldn’t tell her about the complicated reality of my situation. About the contract and the clause that strictly forbade children. It would break her heart to pieces. She might not even handle it well and that will only worsen her delicate health condition. I can’t afford anything happening to her. She was the only family I had left.

I spent long hours with her, assuring her she would have what she wished for. Robert and I were trying hard. I hated that I was lying to her, but had to do it to put her mind at ease.

Conflicting emotions mauled me as I stepped out of the hospital building. Though I hadn’t decided on what to do with the pregnancy yet, I knew my only option was to get rid of it to avoid Robert finding out.

But being faced with all these conflicting feelings, I was beginning to reconsider. The only question now was, will Robert overlook the contract terms and accept the pregnancy?

My phone rang loudly in my bag, startling me and disrupting my thoughts. I took it out and checked the caller ID to see it was Robert calling. I saved his number as ‘my forever’ because he was the only man I had ever and will always love. But I hadn’t bothered to find out what he saved mine as.

“Hey love,” I picked it up and overcame a glitch as I said the word ‘love.’ I didn’t know how he’d take it.

His usual cold, straightforward tone sounded from the other end of the line, not responding to my greeting. He only called me love or honey when we were around his family members. And it hurts really bad knowing he can’t say it to me whenever we are alone or in the presence of the other workers at the advertising firm or even Scarlett.

“Where are you?”

“I…I’m still at the hospital,” I squeaked, hoping there was no problem. If he was asking, that meant he must have left since. With Scarlett. I wondered why she came to check up with him. What was he not telling me?

“What are you still doing there?” He sounded provoked.

“I had to get a few things for my mum,” I said in an apologetic tone. The last thing I wanted was to make him angry. I hated seeing him angry. “I’m sorry. I’m about to board a taxi home.”

He sighed and cleared his throat, his voice now calm and customary. “Come back quickly. My mother returned from her trip and has asked to have dinner with the both of us.”

“Oh…okay….” I muttered and before I could say anything else, he hung up.

Just then a grey Sedan pulled over, close to where I was standing. The tinted glass at the passenger seat wound down and the person behind the steering wheel leaned over, motioning for me to hop in.

To my surprise, I saw Martin, Robert’s younger half-brother behind the steering wheel. They shared the same father but different mothers, as Robert’s father married two wives. Robert’s mum was the first wife while Martin’s mum was the second.

From the little I know, Robert’s father separated from his mum to settle with Martin’s mum. And I think that might have somehow affected Robert’s upbringing.

Martin looked casual, wearing a pair of stylish glasses, a simple black t-shirt and shorts.

“Hey Lily,” he took off his glasses, revealing a pair of warm gleaming eyes. “Going somewhere?”

Martin was too handsome to be ignored with his thick black hair, full brows, eyes almost the same shade of brown as Robert’s and beardless square jaw. But he wasn’t as handsome as Robert, though the gap between them wasn’t that noticeable.

“Yes, to the family house….but I was about to board a taxi….”

I tried to explain when he cut me off.

“Hop in let me give you a ride. I will be stopping by there.”

I was a bit hesitant, but seeing I was left without a choice, I decided to enter. I had been standing by the road for the past ten minutes without successfully stopping a taxi, and I needed to get home early for dinner or else Robert wouldn’t take it likely with me. This dinner must be important to him if he wanted me to return early.

Furthermore, it was Martin, the best brother-in-law I could ask for, so I didn’t have to worry about anything.

Sliding into the car and closing the door, the soft, cool wind from the AC washed through me and the buttery leather upholstery felt like a cloud against my exhausted skin, helping soothe my nerves as I relaxed a bit.

Martin observed me for a bit before asking. “Is everything okay? You seemed kind of stressed. Hope Robert didn’t do anything this time?”

“No,” I uttered with a slight jolt. “Robert didn’t do anything.”

Why was he always thinking like that?

“I know my brother very well, Lily,” he insisted. “He can be a real pain in the butt with his cold harsh attitude, and I have noticed how unhappy you look these days. You can let me know if he’s the one putting you through this stress. I won’t hesitate to help you out in any way I can.”

“No, please don’t do anything you and I will regret,” I pleaded. “Robert hasn’t done anything. Everything is fine. It’s been a long day and I was just coming from seeing my mum at the hospital.”

He sighed in resignation, not looking too convinced. He gave me an empathetic look before zooming off, inquiring about my mum during the ride.

Martin has always been there for me even before I left the prestigious high school he also attended. He was always ready to lend a hand and shoulder to cry on even when I didn’t call him. He just happened to be there for me at the right time and place and never complained. He was everything I wished Robert could be to me.

When he turned out to be my brother-in-law, I was happy and couldn’t ask for more.

He dropped me off at the family mansion after which he drove off to an important place he said he needed to be.

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