Luna, Juliet, and Alyssa heard steps coming towards them making them scared but Luna pushed away her fear for her sisters. “we need to jump now,” Luna said hurriedly as Alyssa and Juliet nodded. “watch out,” Luna yelled as she saw two unknown guys keep their hand on her sister’s mouth to prevent them from screaming. “let them g-“Luna couldn’t complete her sentence as she was twirled and turned around as her face met a strong, broad chest making her gasp. Luna quickly looked up angrily as her breath got caught in her throat when her eyes met unique green orbs making her mute.
The boys were wearing everything black with their face covered, the only thing that could be seen were their unique eyes. “w-who? W-what?” Luna stuttered as the boy who held her pulled her closer to himself. “hey doll” the boy with unique green orbs spoke as Luna raised her left eyebrow and smiled punching the boy out of nowhere but suddenly Luna’s eyes widened to see that he had grabbed her hand. “now that’s cheating, trying to punch me out of nowhere” The boy said shocking Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet because no one was ever able to block that punch and here this boy was standing close while holding her fist tight.
“l-let me go” Luna stuttered as she pulled her fist away as the mysterious boy let her go. “let my sisters go” Luna warned as she looked at the boys who held them close. “and if we don’t?” the boy with unique blue orbs spoke as Luna chuckled and went into her fighting stance. “if you don’t, I will beat the fuck outta you” Luna spoke as the unique blue-eyed boy let go of Juliet and defensively raised his hand in the air. “Luna” Juliet cried out as she went to her and hugged her arm scared. Juliet was terrified, unlike Luna who was fearless, Juliet had many fears. “now you, let go of Alyssa” Luna yelled at the boy with unique red orbs as she pushed Alyssa towards Luna.
“you okay?” Luna questioned Alyssa who nodded with her hand on her chest. Her heart was beating rapidly, she was terrified of the fact that they won’t be able to escape but suddenly she saw Luna grab her arm and started walking backward. The window was now right behind Alyssa and Juliet. “go” Luna whispered as she looked at her sisters sadly. Luna knew very well that she was sacrificing herself for her sisters but she was ok with it. She wanted her sisters to be safe, even if it meant that she needs to stay with these boys who had a dangerous aura surrounding them. Alyssa held Juliet's hand as they turned around and quickly jumped together from the window and landed on the gym mat. Luna quickly looked out of the window to see her sisters safe.
“Get the fuck outta here” Luna yelled as tears streamed down Juliet’s eyes. She didn’t feel like leaving her sister behind but she had no other option. Alyssa looked at her little sister one last time as she grabbed Juliet’s hand again and ran towards their home. They left their bicycles at school as they raced down the footpath towards their home. “you let them run away, what about you?” The boy with red orbs spoke as Luna looked at him and shrugged. “I suppose I will stay besides, this way is the only way to escape and now you are standing near it” she spoke the bitter truth as she looked at the three boys who stood near the window blocking Luna’s way to escape them.
“call your sisters and tell them to come back” The boys with blue orbs spoke harshly as she shrugged. “no, you just fuck off because there is no way I am calling them to come to this hell hole not until you three are around,” Luna said as the green-eyed boy walked closer towards Luna who only backed away. “I am asking you nicely, come with me and call those two girls or else” Luna was now scared, she knew they were dangerous but this green-eyed boy was far most dangerous of all the boys she ever met.
“I-I…um…” Luna stuttered again as she looked at her left and right, she took a huge breath in as she let it out closing her eyes and relaxing her mind for a second. Luna opened her eyes as she looked at the boys in front of her. She suddenly took a step back and sprinted towards her right. Luna looked back as she saw the boys following her. She took the stairs as she quickly went down and ran saw two sides left and right as she decided which side she needs to go to when she suddenly felt a hand on her waist turning her around. She saw the boy with green eyes look at her as he bent down to her height. Compared to him, she was short. He stood 6’2 and here she was only 5’7.
“Listen to me, I will say this only once.” He whispered in her ears making her face flush red. “w-what?” she whispered back as she clutched his shirt tightly in her hands. “you might run away and think you are safe but I will always find you. I will be watching you. I am going to be your biggest fear and unless you come with me” he said as he looked at Luna who looked right back into his eyes. “w-what happens if…if I come wi-with you” she questioned with her voice shaking out of fear making the boy chuckled as he leaned down to Luna’s eye level. He was close, only a few inches away from her lips. “If you come with me baby, I will make you my queen.” Luna's face flushed red as she took a step back as chucked again.
Luna was lost of words right now, she was confused, puzzled and most of all she was embarrassed. No one ever said that to her and all this was new to her. The boy suddenly grabbed her hand as she looked down at their intertwined hands when he pulled her again towards himself. Suddenly all Luna could see was darkness because now the boy had let go of Luna’s hand and covered her eyes with a black cloth. “Let me go” Luna begged when she felt a pair of lips on top of hers for a second. She opened her eyes as she saw the black cloth fell and the boy not in front of her anymore. Luna did the first thing that came in her head, she ran…
She ran towards her house without looking back…
She had no other option but to run for her dear life…
Tears were streaming down her cheeks for the first time in front of people on the road…
She was terrified…
But most of all, she was embarrassed as it was her first kiss and she wasn’t expecting it to be taken by a so-called thief who offered her to go with him and be his queen…
She suddenly reached home as she opened the front door with the extra house keys she had and entered the house closing the door forcefully behind her. She rubbed her eyes and to get rid of the tears as she ran up to her room. Luna opened her bedroom door only to see her sisters Alyssa and Juliet sitting on her bed with a tear-stained face. “LUNA” They cried out as they rushed to her side and hugged her tight. “ok…ok...I get it…you missed me” Luna joked trying to dodge whatever happened to her. “jeez, stop hugging me,” Luna said all disgusted as she hated all the loving acts making her sisters giggle.
“Hey, let’s not tell dad” Alyssa suddenly said as Luna looked at her older sister annoyed. “not tell him? God, I almost got kidnapped. You guys got caught. This shit is dangerous” Luna warned her sisters angrily as Juliet sat straight a bit scared again. “yes Luna, I agree with you but we can’t worry dad. He is already worried because his work isn’t going well. The project he was doing is in a bad state and telling him what happened would worry him more” Alyssa said sadly as Luna sighed when Juliet kept her hand on top of Luna’s shoulder as Luna turned and looked at her younger sister. “Luna, if we tell dad what happened today, he will stay at home with us. You know how much he loves us and is scared to be away from us. You know we have no mom and with him being our only family, we should take care of him and his dreams just like he does for us” Luna sighed as she kept her hand on top of her Juliet’s and smiled. “ok, it’s our little secret” Luna said as they held hand and closed their eyes for few seconds.
Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet opened their eyes as they looked at each other. “what happened? What took you so long to come back?” Juliet questioned Luna who smiled at her little sister. “well for starters they blocked the window you both escaped from so I started running towards my other secret place where I sleep when I am bored so they ran after me and tried to catch me but I escaped and here I am safe and sound” Luna confessed but she lied because she didn’t feel like worrying them about the fact that a boy who tried to kidnap her pecked her lips. “I am tired,” Luna said as she tried to dodge the question and the topic as Alyssa nodded. “me too, let’s just rest for now” Luna hummed as she went to the washroom to change hoping when she exits, her sisters had gone back to their rooms.
Alyssa and Juliet stood up as they walked out of Luna’s room. “why is Luna behaving weirdly?” Juliet questioned Alyssa who looked at her little sister and sighed. “well she is tired, she was with those thieves more than we were, she must be scared but she is trying to act tough for you and me. Let’s rest and let her rest as well” Juliet nodded as she went to her room and went to the washroom. She quickly changed into her white sleeveless dress that reached her knees. Juliet laid down on her bed after closing the bedroom door and curtains. She looked up at the ceiling as she started thinking about what happened today.
‘That boy with those blue eyes and curly brown hairs reminds me of someone. I can’t point out who but I am sure he is someone I have known before. His eyes remind me and give me the same feeling I used to have as a kid when I was in an orphanage.’ Juliet thought as she sighed and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.
Alyssa was right now on the bed all dressed up to go to sleep but she just couldn’t. Every time she tried to close her eyes the boy with red orbs appeared out of nowhere. She didn’t see his face but she remembers his ginger hair which was straight reaching his broad chest and was tied in a low ponytail. He was giving off a possessive yet dangerous aura that spoke leadership around him. Alyssa suddenly opened her eyes with fear as she groaned. “My God, will I be able to sleep today or not?” she questioned herself as she closed her eyes again and tried to sleep the fear off.
Luna had just exited the washroom after taking a shower, all that running non-stop made her sweaty and she knew very well that she won’t be able to sleep unless she is clean and tidy for now. Luna laid on her bed as she looked up at the ceiling all frustrated. The green-eyed boy roamed around her head as his words repeated again and again as Luna screamed in her pillow frustrated.
‘be my queen’
She quickly sat up as she looked around with heavy breaths. She heard the voice and this time as if he said it again this time scaring her. It was loud and clear. She was now embarrassed more remembering the small peck she shared and for the fact that she didn’t scream at him. Luna was also angry, she was angry at the fact that he suddenly disappeared after that and what was shocking was the fact that the whole school got empty so quickly yet people outside were walking as nothing happened. It was very mysterious but it excited her a little. Luna’s heart started to beat louder and louder as every second passed by. She suddenly raised her hand and rubbed her lower lip with her index finger as she pictured the boy kissing her again but she suddenly shook the picture away from her thinking.
“Luna stop thinking, it’s useless.”
“he is useless”
“he is a thief who did this on purpose, he will use you like everyone else,” Luna said to herself as she let sleep take over her.
The three girls slept trying to forget the mysterious announcement and the boys. They were scared but tried their best to stay strong for their father and themselves not knowing what the future holds for them.