
Can you do it?

(NFTMB)Chapter 3


(Can you do it?)

I marveled at the gates of the mansion I was standing in front of. It was freaking huge.

“Wow”. My eyeballs were bulging out of their sockets. This was heaven.

I got my act together and pressed the buzzer.

Grace had helped me land a potential job of a nanny to a wealthy man. She said the pay would be high. So, here I was.

“Miss, who are you looking for”. I looked to my left and saw someone who seemed like a gate man judging from his outfit.

“Hello, I'm Victoria Abbot, I came for the position of a nanny”. Weirdly I felt shy all of a sudden so I looked to the floor.

“Okay miss, this way please”. He led me in through the gate.

My mouth hung open in shock. Did someone live here?. It was heaven.

The stone floors looked like they were always washed everyday. The water fountain in the middle was so big and so beautiful. It looked so good that I desired to drink from it.

I shook my head to expel such weird thoughts that could get me fired before the job even began.

I held my little bag with both hands on the handle as I placed it in front of me. I felt out of place in this palace. Yes Palace was a fitting word for this place.

We climbed up the tiled stairs to the main door. I stood back as he opened the large doors for me leading me in.

“Thank you”. I flashed him a smile.

“You're welcome miss”. He said with a tip of his hat.

I blushed, what a charming old gentleman. A part of me prayed his boss would at least be like him.

“This is where my journey ends”. His voice snapped me out of thoughts. I turned to face him fully.


“I'll leave now, miss, someone will take over soon, please make yourself comfortable”. The gate man announced before leaving.

“Thank you”. He winked at me and left. How sweet.

I was scared and embarrassed to even feel comfortable. I looked and felt out of place. I looked down at my cheap purse, my worn out black skirt and my almost faded pink shirt. I looked miserable.

I was actually doubting a rich person would let me get close to their precious baby, but Grace was quick to shut me down saying I was very good with babies and that they would be lucky to have me look after their baby.

I felt better after hearing her but now the doubt was back ten times.

The interior looked rich and weirdly Italian. Maybe the owner was Italian, who knew?. I was so scared that I stood in that spot for fear of ruining the expensive sofa.

“Who are you and how did you get in here?”. I froze when I heard that authoritative and gruff voice.

I slowly turned to look at the owner of the voice. He was handsome, wow.

Dark brown hair, tanned beautiful skin and full lips. He was gorgeous, was he the owner?.

“I asked who you were miss?”. I remembered that he had asked a question and I almost slapped myself.

“I'm sorry, I'm Victoria Abbot, I came for the position of the nanny”. I said apologetically while extending my hand for a handshake.

The handsome man eyed my extended hand carefully before taking my hand in a handshake.

“I'm Sebastian”. Nice name.

“Thanks”. He responded dryly.

Shit, I must have said that out loud.

“Follow me Miss Abbot”. He turned on his heel and I followed closely behind.

“You can call me Victoria”. I chuckled trying to lighten the atmosphere, it was so tense and awkward.

He stopped, looked back at me for a second and continued walking as if nobody spoke. Ouch.

We got to a door and he stopped in front of it. He knocked in a rhythm as I noticed and awaited a response from inside.

“Come in”. A deep angry voice could be heard from inside.

“Capo”. Sebastian said as we walked into what seemed like an office.

The chair was turned away from us, facing the window as cigarette smoke danced above the seat.

Smoking is bad for your health, I thought, making sure this time around I did not say it out loud.

“Śi Sebastian”. The man sounded Italian. I could detect the accent.

“Capo, questa è la ragazza che è qui per il posto di tata”. I turned to look at Sebastian as he spoke fluent Italian.

(Boss, this is the girl who is here for the position of a nanny).

The chair turned almost instantly to face us and my breath got caught in my throat. No way.

Sitting right there was the handsome billionaire CEO, Alessandro Rossi.

“Va bene Sebastian, puoi andartene adesso”. His voice sounded so sexy speaking Italian.

(Alright Sebastian, you may leave now).

Sebastian bowed before leaving, not even sparing me a glance.

I stood there lost and awkward, I could not understand what they were saying.

He crushed the cigarette onto the ashtray on the desk, putting it out.

“Take a seat miss___?”

“Miss Abbot, Victoria Abbott”. I supplied swiftly.

“How old are you miss Abbot?”.

“I'm 23 years old sir”. He gave me a once over. Who knew what was going on in his head.

“So, miss Abbot, do you have any experience as a nanny?”. He looked so serious, I almost blushed remembering how he had indirectly saved my life.

“No sir, I haven't worked as a nanny before. I was previously a sales assistant at a mall”. I lowered my head as I twiddle my fingers.

He arched one perfectly groomed eyebrow at me. I'm sure he must have felt I was unserious.

“Then what are you here for Miss Abbot?”. He looked like he was losing his temper already.

“I might not have been a professional nanny but that does not mean that I don't know the first thing about taking care of babies. When I was in high school I used to be a part time babysitter for our neighbor, so I could earn some extra bucks. While working at the mall, some customers would leave their kids with me for awhile and they trusted me with their children.”

I tried my best to sound brave and strong. I could not appear weak before this man.

Looking at him, he still didn't seem convinced by my answer. Taking a really good look at his face, he seemed tired and worn out possibly because of the baby but still very dashing.

“So miss Abbot, let's say a baby has been crying nonstop and couldn't hold down anything. What does that mean and what would you do?.

I saw something flash through his eyes for like a second, maybe it was fear.

“What age are we looking at here”. I asked carefully.

“2 months”. He said standing up from his seat walking over to the glass window and looking through it over what looked like a garden. It was beautiful.

“Ohh I think he just craves breastmilk sir, he's really tender you see”.

He turned to look at me, his eyes strayed a bit to my chest before he looked back at my face.

“Can you do it, Miss Abbot?”.

“Do what sir?. I was confused.

“Can you breastfeed my son, Miss Abbot?”. He was looking me dead in the eye as his back faced the beautiful garden.

I wanted to laugh out loud till I looked at his face and saw no trace of a smile, he was serious.

“Oh no sir, that's not possible. I'm sorry I can't do it sir, I'm not a wet nurse”. I told him respectfully.

“How much for you to do it miss Abbot, I don't have time for these gimmicks”. How rude

“It's not about the money sir, I really can't do it. I don't have a child so I'm not lactating”. My cheeks flushed red.

He looked at my chest again before turning to face the garden once more.

“Then you leave me no choice, Miss Abbot. I can't hire you to care for my son”.


“No sir, I can look after your baby, I can gradually introduce him to the formula”. I was desperate, if I didn't get this job, I would be homeless soon.

“Leave Miss Abbot!”. He said with a tone of finality.

I held back a tear as I slowly got up to leave and made my way to the door. As my hand touched the handle, the door flew open from outside as Sebastian walked in with a crying baby in his arms.

“Capo”. He seemed nervous.

“Merda, non di nuovo”. Mr Rossi said, throwing his head back. He really seemed nervous.

(Shit! Not again).

Sebastian handed the wailing baby over to his father, who looked like he did not know what to do with the baby.

“May I?”. I asked him cautiously.

He eyed me like a criminal before handing him to me.

“Attento al mio erede, altrimenti ti faccio saltare il cervello”. He said. Although I didn't understand Italian, it actually sounded like a threat.

(Careful with my heir, else I blow your brains off).

I gently carried the crying baby in my arms, gently stroking his back as I made my way to the glass window over looking the garden. I turned the little baby so he could look at it while I rocked him from side to side as I placed a kiss on his head.

His wailing had reduced to just cute little hiccups as he paid close attention to the things I pointed out to him.

The room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The young heir had completely stopped crying at this point, he was just so focused on the garden.

I rocked him for what felt like hours till he fell asleep.

“Where is his room?”. I asked his father.

“Follow me”.

He led me down the hallway to a room on the right.

I laid the little baby down in his cot as he slept soundly. I turned to meet Mr Rossi directly in front of me. I took a step back.

“I'll take my leave now”. I said making my way to the door of the nursery.

“Stay, please”. He spat the last part like it was something strange and foreign to him.

“I can't breast feed your son Mr Rossi”. I reminded him.

“You don't have to, if you don't want to. I just need you to care for him like you did today. He seems comfortable around you”. He said with a stoic expression.

“If so, then yes. I would love to be your baby's nanny”. I offered a little smile which he didn't return.

“Matteo, his name is matteo”.

“That's a lovely name”. I said looking back at the sleeping bundle. His name suits him, so cute.

“When can you start work?”

“Anytime sir”

“Can you start tomorrow?”.

“Of course sir, I'll be on my way now”. I made move to leave the nursery.

“I need one more favour from you”. He voice halted my steps. I turned to look at him.

“I need you to be a live in nanny for my son. You will be leaving here”.

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