
Are you scared now?

(NFTMB) Chapter 2


(Are you scared now?)

Alessandro's fingers drummed on the rich mahogany table in front of him as my publicist read out his statement before it was to be announced to the media.

His stormy gray eyes were closed as a strand of rich black hair laid lazily on his forehead. He was boiling in anger. For a man who was known for his infamous "devil smirk”, his mean stoic expression was scarier. Everybody in the room was holding their breaths.

I was distracted, the entire room froze from the cold demeanor I exhibited, I could feel it. How dare she take my heir and make a run for it?.

No one crosses Alessandro Rossi. I was a billionaire CEO by day and a mafia boss by night. I ruled the world and the underworld with an iron fist. This was unheard of!.

It was unheard of that I was crossed by a tramp like my ex wife.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my reverie. I believed this was the call I was waiting for.

“Yes, Sebastian”. I said gruffly into the line

“Text me the location”. I hung up.

I rose up with authority in all my glory. 6’2 inches of pure unadulterated masculinity. All eyes were on me as I made my way out of the board room.

“Do what you must, this meeting is over”. I declared. The men around released breaths they didn't know they were holding in once I left the room. Now they could breathe fine.

I made my way down to my parking lot. I slipped in behind the wheels as I brought my engine to life. I had a funeral to officiate.

I had married Roberta because we were compatible. The perfect couple in the eyes of the press, that was what I needed. She was just a model I picked up from the runway for a one night stand. She stuck around and proved herself loyal, resulting in our marriage.

I arrived at the location in no time. I saw my right hand man, Sebastian standing in front of the warehouse. He was on a call but hung up immediately when he noticed his boss’ car had arrived. He knew his position.

As soon as he saw me, he made his way to me.

“Good day capo”. Sebastian said, opening the car door for me.

“Where are they?” I said, taking off my sunglasses.

“Inside”. Sebastian led the way into the warehouse.

Inside the run down warehouse, I saw my runaway wife tied up on a seat next to a battered young man. The whole place reeked of death and blood.

“Roberta, long time no see?”. I taunted her.

Alessandro was known to be a devil in the underworld, the invincible capo of the Italian mafia. His devil smirk was the last thing people ever saw before they arrived at the pearly gates. He was a man to be feared.

“Alessandro, you monster! Let me go”. Roberta yelled, pulling at the strings that bound her. She looked tearfully over at her boyfriend who was half dead.

“Monster?, I am not the monster Roberta. I am worse than the monster”.

I bent down to look at them at eye level. My shiny Italian shoes stepped on the young man's feet, crushing his toe nails.

“When I speak, you pay attention boy!”. I applied more pressure as the young man groaned and squirmed in pain.

“Stop Alessandro, you'll kill him!”. I looked over slowly at my wife as she stared wide eyed at me.

“That's the entire plan, my dear wife”. That devilish smirk appeared and Roberta shrunk back in fear.

“Please just let him go”. She dared to beg for the life of her lover in front of her husband.

I stared at her unfeelingly and without emotions. I clenched my jaw in anger. She had dared to tell the mafia boss what to do.

I took slow menacing steps towards where Roberta was captured.

“No one tells me what you do” I enunciated, grabbing her jaw in a painful way.

“I'm sorry please, it hurts”. I cried out.

I took one hard look at the woman I had come to tolerate. One thing that pleased me about Roberta initially was how submissive and loyal she was.

She knew what I did for a living, she knew I killed people but she never bat an eyelid. She let me do my thing as far as I sponsored her lifestyle.

That was until she found out she was pregnant. Initially, Roberta was thinking of getting an abortion. She was a model and having a baby might temporarily if not permanently reduce her popularity and demand. She couldn't have that.

When I was informed of the pregnancy I was surprised, shocked even. We had never planned for that, but I was happy. I would finally have an heir.

I flew off the rails when she informed me of her plan to terminate the pregnancy. How dare she!.

I remember clearly how much I threatened her into submission.

She eventually claimed that she grew to love the baby after she felt him kick, who knows maybe she did.

I looked over at the battered face of the young driver whose name I couldn't even remember. The boy was my wife's driver. They both dared to play on my intelligence. They would feel my wrath.

I stood up from my crouched position and turned as I walked a few feet away from them, I turned almost instantly but now brandishing a gun.

“Alright Roberta, I'm feeling quite generous today, my son has been returned to me”. I was smiling like a psychopath and waving the gun around as I spoke.

Roberta's eyes stayed trained on the gun. She had turned pale from fear.

“Please Alessandro, I don't want to play your games”. She begged.

I smirked as I looked down at her, I liked her begging. She was good at it.

“Not games my beautiful Roberta, questions”. I traced her well sculpted jawline with the gun.

Roberta was frozen with fear as she could only nod.

“Why did you think you could escape with my son and raise him as a pauper with your driver boyfriend. Remember, one wrong answer and he dies”.

Roberta's eyes snapped to me as she looked at me straight in the eyes. A lone tear fell from her eyes.

“Please don't do this Alessandro, I beg you. You can take the baby, I won't stop you, I won't even appear in front of you ever again. I beg you”. She was desperate.

“Wrong answer”. I said.

A loud boom was heard in the warehouse as the young boy's body dropped to the floor. He was dead. The young heir's little voice could be heard as well. The gunshot must have startled the baby.

“Noooooo, Jeremy!!!”. Roberta cried out, violently shaking herself in her seat. She was trying to loosen the binds and get to her lover. Pathetic.

Love was for the weak, I knew that very well. I didn't do love.

“What have you done Alessandro!”. She looked at me with red eyes mad with fury. She had snapped.

“I told you the rules of the game. Are you scared now?”. I sounded bored as I sat down a few feet away from Roberta. My legs spread in a man spread as the gun laid lazily in my right hand as my left hand ran through my silky midnight black hair.

“You devil!, you want to know why I knew Jeremy would be a better father to my son than you?.”Roberta scoffed, rolling her eyes. Her statement caught my attention.

“That's because Jeremy was there for me when you weren't, he talked me out of the abortion gently and lovingly while you threatened to kill me if I removed your baby. He even offered to raise the baby as his and give him his name and a normal life.

What type of a man are you? You're a beast, the devil himself. One thing I promise you is that you will never find love, you would never experience it, you would never have a woman look at you the way you want her to”.

“Shut the fuck up Roberta”. My jaw ticked in anger.

“No, let me speak Alessandro Rossi, you can't do anything else to hurt me now. You don't control me, you've taken the only thing I was living for, you might as well kill me too”

“Watch your words Roberta”.

“Or what? You'll shoot me too? I dare you. Alessandro, you will fall head over heels in love with a woman and she'll never love you back, she'll hate your very existence and fear even your shadow. You will never have what Jeremy and I had. You know why? That's because you'll never be half the man Jeremy was, you'll always be a caveman and a monster”. She spat at him.


I shot Roberta in the head. She insulted me, she dared to compare me to her boyfriend. She deserved what she got.

“I don't do love”

“Clean this up”. I ordered my men as I got up, tucking my gun into my back pocket.

I sighted Sebastian approaching, carrying the young Rossi in his arms.

“Capo”. Sebastian said, extending his arms.

I gently took the baby from his arms and stared at his face. He was the spitting image of his father. A Rossi true and true. The baby laid calmly, sucking his thumb. My eyes snapped back to Roberta and her lover, I eyed them with disgust.

I walked out of the warehouse, as I got into the backseat with the baby in my arms. Sebastian got into the driver's seat and took us back to the mansion.

We arrived in no time and I gently carried the baby in my arms into the house as Sebastian followed closely behind. As I stepped into the living room I was greeted by the smiling face of Roberta. I had forgotten her portrait was there.

She was indeed a very beautiful woman. What a waste.

I clenched my fist and my lips turned down in distaste.

“Take that damn picture down and find me a competent nanny”.

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