I collapsed on to a bench outside, shoving my rucksack down beside me, perhaps with greater force than necessary. Reaching in to my pocket I pulled out my mobile phone and rung home. Jennifer wasn’t due in to class until the afternoon, so she was probably still fast asleep, snoring the place down. Some girls have all the fun ! As I waited for her to pick up, my gaze swept the area. People were milling about, chatting and laughing. I had yet to even make an acquaintance, unless you count the player that seems to pop up wherever I go.
All of a sudden a voice pulled me back to the present. « Jen and Lily’s babe pad. Who may I ask is calling ? » Jen said over the line.
« Cute. Very cute ! » I laughed, shaking my head and pinching the bridge of my nose. « I’m surprised you’re awake. I thought you’d still be dead to the world. »
« Well if you would like to look to your left, you’ll see that I’m alive and kicking, » Jen said.
Pulling the phone from my ear, I turned to the left and saw Jen waving at me, a huge grin on her face. Snapping the phone shut, I shoved it in my bag and ran over to her. « What are you doing here ? » I smiled, holding up my hand for a high five.
To my complete and utter embarrassment, she looked at my hand and laughed. « What are we, five years old ? »
« Ummm, yeah. Never mind then… » I mumbled as I slowly lowered my hand and shoved it in to my pocket. I could feel my cheeks burning as I studied a very interesting leaf that was on the ground.
« What are you looking at ? » Jen laughed, arching an eyebrow at me and looking very amused.
« I was just – Uh never mind, » I stuttered, waving my hand dismissively. « What are you doing here so early ? »
« Well I’ve come to watch the try-outs, » she smiled, « Didn’t think I’d leave you high and dry now did ya ? »
Before I could even stop myself I stepped forward and grabbed her in a bear hug, almost lifting her off the ground. As I stepped away I saw a huge grin on her face. « Thanks for the hug Lilz, but next time please don’t squeeze me so hard that I almost run out of oxygen. Capische ! »
« Yep, » I said popping the P. « Okay, so I have to go to the locker room and get changed. I’ll see you in the stands yeah ? »
« You betcha, » Jen replied.
Nodding, I turned around and started to walk away, but I stopped. Quickly jogging back over to her, I held up my hand nodding to it enthusiastically. « Come on, you know you want too ! »
I smiled when she sighed and gave me the high five. All be it a little harder than necessary. Maybe she was still a little pissed about me throwing the water over her this morning. I’d have to keep my eye on her. She was not the type to let such a thing go. It was just common sense to keep my guard up. After all, when you get pranked, it’s only customary to prank back. Or so I’ve been told ! Running across the grass and heaving my rucksack over my shoulder, I aimed for the locker room.
When I found it a couple of minutes later I hurried through the door and practically launched my bag on to one of the benches. Striding around to it, I noticed that most of the girls were already changed and ready to go. Aww shit ! Unzipping my bag quickly, I nearly threw a fit when I realised I had forgotten my running shorts. Damn it ! This means I would have to go through soccer trials in my tiny jean shorts and a white vest. Oh this day was really sucking ass ! Before I even had a chance to turn back around and walk out the door, a heavy set woman strode in to the changing room and looked over all of us, making a face when she saw me in my hot pants. Frick !
« Ladies ! » She practically yelled, « Your trial begins now. Pair up and run some drills together. I’ll be watching. »
As she turned to leave she cast one last look at me, smirking and shaking her head. As I huffed out a breath and wondered over to the doors leading out on to the field, I was not in the least bit surprised to find everyone already paired up. Turning on the spot, I made a face. Just great ! All of a sudden the doors behind us burst open and a girl came running through. She was sweating buckets, like she had just rushed to get over here. She had messy brown hair and her tracksuit was way too big on her.
« Shit ! Did I miss anything ? » She gasped, as she dropped her bag to the floor and walked over, taking the place beside me.
« Nope. We just have to get in to pairs and run drills, » I shrugged, smiling at her. « And I need a partner, so you want to team up ? »
She nodded, bending over and clutching her knees. « Yeah…..thanks, » she gasped.
« Are you okay ? » I asked. She looked like she was just about ready to collapse in to a heap on the floor.
« Yeah, yeah ! » She waved a hand at me. « I’m just a little asthmatic, that’s all. »
« So why are you trying out for the football team. What if you have an attack out there ? » I asked her, nodding towards the double doors.
« I’ll be fine, » she answered, seemingly finding her breath. « So are we just gonna stand here nattering all day or are we gonna go play some soccer ? »
I stepped to the side, gesturing for her to go through the doors. When she walked past me I shook my head. Let’s do this, I thought, as I marched through the double doors and on to the playing field.
Noah POV :
« Come on man ; move your ass would ya ? We’re missing precious time here, » I smiled, gesturing for Dean to catch up with me.
We were on our way to watch the girls soccer try outs. I mean, can you blame me ? A bunch of hot, sweaty girls all tackling each other. It was a real turn on. As I strided out into the bleachers, I glanced over my shoulder to see Dean gawking at the playing field like he was hypnotised. Sighing, I marched back down the steps and punched him on the arm. « Dude….. » I whispered, nodding up to the seats. « Come on ! »
« Ok, ok ! » I heard Dean mutter behind me. I knew he was probably giving me the finger behind my back but I didn’t care. I had more important things on my mind, such as eyeing up any potential – uh – partners, shall we say. As we both made our way up, I smiled when I saw a girl sitting on her own.
I nudged Dean, who had finally caught up with me. « Girl, 11 o’clock ! » I whispered.
« Noah, it’s not mission impossible, » Dean laughed. « Just say, ‘Look, there’s a girl to the left. »
Choosing to ignore him I changed course and began walking towards the girl. However, when Dean and I got closer we both sighed, realising that it was only Jennifer. « What are you doing here ? » Dean asked, frowning down at her.
« I could ask you the same thing, » Jen scowled at Dean, « Checking out what’s on offer I suspect. »
« You got that right ! » Dean said, taking a seat next to Jennifer.
I smiled as I noticed him shuffle down the bench, making sure not to get too close. For some reason, Dean and Jen did not get along. At all. It was strange really. Me and Dean usually had luck with the girls, but Jen just never went for it. Especially Dean, she held a special hatred for him. And he knew it. Personally, I found it hilarious.
« So what are you doing here neighbour ? » I asked as I sat down.
I say neighbour because me and Dean live opposite Jennifer. Have done for a couple of months now. We chat if we see each other in the hallway, but that’s pretty much the extent of it. Her and Dean barely even acknowledge each other’s existence. We haven’t seen her around for a while. Guess we just haven’t run into each other. « So…… » I repeated.