
Chapter 3

Chapter 3


"She hasn't replied yet," I said, looking out through my window at the night sky. "I knew she wouldn't, I told you, didn't I?” I was talking to my Beta who stood feet away from me, watching me, worriedly.

"You have to give her time, Alpha," Derek replied subtly, seemingly too calm considering how important this is to me, to us. To this pack.

"My patient is waning, Derek." I left the window and went to my bed to bounce, leaning forward with my fingers entwined.

"I have to send another letter and another until she replies. On your part, I need you to send some emissaries to the human world to talk to her. "

"Do you think that is wise?"

"Anything right now, Derek. I need answers. I need to see Larisa."

"Then, let's do this calmly, Logan." He sat close to me, imitating my posture,

"You and I know that Larisa went through a lot here and after you dumped her for Alvina, you don't expect her to jump at the first sight of your letter. She's no longer the Larisa we all used to know, remember that."

That was true. If there was one thing that was as clear as day, it was the fact that the new Larisa might be nothing close to the shy poppy-eyed princess I used to know.

From the information I gathered from the human world, she was the kind of woman that dined with Kings and Queens, went to top classed events, and could easily put down anyone who dared to cross her.

And that was what worried and intrigued me the most.

I needed answers. I needed to see her and hear her tell me herself what happened, why she left without looking back. Not caring about me.

"Alright, if you say so, Derek." I agreed, and stood with him, hoping to grab a shirt and tossed it on. "I need a few bottles downtown."

"Okay, Alpha. See you later." As he made to leave, I stopped and looked at him.

"Don't you want to come along?"

He seemed to hesitate and then shrugged his acceptance and we both matched out.

At the lounge; a popular place I go to whenever I want to unwind, I sat staring into space, my mind blank. Girls were dancing in front of us, showing us their fine assets which would have moved me before now, but not anymore.

It’s all because of my ex whore of a mate called Alvina. She is the very cause of my present misery. The cause of why my father was lying helpless, close to death. All because of her. Every day I wake up since the day I caught her in bed with another man who is still a mystery to me. I never saw this man's face before he shapeshifted and flew from the window while I was in shock

I want nothing but to wrap my claws around her neck and watch her struggle to death. As well as find out whoever that wolf is, but she wouldn't spill.


Just the way my best friend, Larisa, felt years ago when I betrayed her and chose the whore. I didn't know it was Alvina’s plan all along. To become my Luna, use me, and still keep her pack of men.

I feel so stupid.

“What of Alvina?” Derek asked, garnering my attention head-on. At first, I stared blankly, trying to process his question.

“What about her?”

“So, it's over between you two, truly?”

I scoffed.

“As if there was ever anything between us. I can't believe you will ask me about her. Would you ever forgive your mate if you caught her fucking another man?” I asked, raising my voice a notch to show my displeasure at him.

“I'm sorry, Alpha,” He bowed his head. “I didn't mean to say that. I would never have forgiven a cheating mate, particularly when she wouldn't reveal who he is, hence, protecting him with her life"

My head swung away, more balls of fire rolling inside of me that I felt like destroying something. That girl ruined me. She dragged my name through the mud! Ruined the reputation of not just the pack but my family’s name.

I was forced to think of Larissa after Alvina's betrayal and like a fool, I went out in search of her and met some rogues around the perimeter. All effort to find her was futile.

I know I was a fool. Why would I suddenly start looking for her after six solid years when I caught Alvina in bed with another man.?

After I caught her cheating, I went to tell my parents I was rejecting her. My father insisted it was the wrong decision, asking me to forgive her for the sake of the Kingdom. For our family reputation. A name that was already ruined by her act.

I refused, already making up my mind even before telling them. During the argument, I had left angrily and he came after me down the stairs still arguing. Then I made mention of Larisa, swearing that she would have done this to me.

My father forbade me from mentioning Larisa's name, said she's the sinner's daughter and would rather die than let me be with her.

That greatly angered and we had a little altercation and minding he was old, I pushed him with my alpha strength.

Then he slipped and fell, hitting his chest hard on one of the staircases, and went numb.

To date, he has been bedridden and all the help we have conferred has proven futile until I started searching for a cure.

I had summoned physicians from different Packs who ran away with my carats of gold without making my father better.

I had moved around the jungle and there was no home. The only place I thought of a solution was the human world where I ventured into and stumbled into a lady on a Billboard that looked like Larissa!

They call her the celebrity doctor!!

Only that I knew she might never agree ro help me with my father's ailment because of how my family treated her in the past.

"You know, maybe you should go to her yourself, Alpha," Derek suggested, getting my attention. I sipped my glass of beer and shook my head.

As I dropped it, I tapped at the edge of the cup with my forefinger, my eyes squinted in thought hence I shook my head. "I can't right now. The pack is under attack and if they catch wind of my absence for even a second, the pack will be down."

"Yeah, that's right too, Alpha."

We remained silent for a while, each still in in-depth reflection. "I have to keep sending more letters, Derek. And if she doesn't come, then I will think of what else to do."

“Let's just hope she has a change of heart, Alpha because the former Alpha is deteriorating every day."

I stayed mute, staring into space.

By the time we left there, I was very tipsy. I went straight to bed, hoping to wake up to a letter from the human world from the woman that was presently taking over my thought system.



Just when I thought everything was settling down; no more letter from Mr you-know-who, a week later, one morning, I was woken up by a panic call from Kassy saying a patient with a stroke was rushed into the hospital and was in the emergency ward. And that meant only one thing; I had to leave my house without even a bath in a frenzy, to get there on time.

I hastened into the Hospital, and no sooner had I flung all my carry-ons into my office, was I running to the ward, grabbing my coat along the way.

Kassy was at the door of the ward, waving her hand widely as she ushered me in.

"Hold him down, Cyril," I ordered when I entered, going to join one of the nurses close to the convulsing man. "This way!" I demonstrated, replacing his hands with mine and pressing down hard on the man’s chest, before I took a syringe holding Diazepam from the other nurse and jabbed it in the man’s hand. In seconds, he let out a squeak and slowly became very quiet at once.

I sighed in relief. Thank Goddess he didn't die before they brought him here. "That's it. It's alright, it's alright," I cooed to the sick man as his eyes fluttered gently until they shut out the world.

“Have you gone through his medical report?” I asked no one in particular while still gauging the man’s reaction to the drug I gave him. Many people react badly, I hope he isn't one of them.

“No, Dr. Kurt,” said Cyril quickly. “We didn't have the time as he was already convulsing before they brought him in.”

I stepped back, waving my right hand at them to do the same. "Cyril, get me his medical report, and Chloe, I will need you to keep an eye on him. Tell me when he wakes up and records his next reaction to the administered drug."

"Yes, Dr. Kurt," They both said and filed out. I stood there watching the sleeping man, my banging heartbeat slowly returning to normal.

This is how my job goes. Every time I'm called upon for an emergency patient, people think I have things in check. That nothing could ever go wrong. However, what they didn't know was that deep inside me, I fear. Yes, I knew what to do, but it didn't stop me from wondering what would happen when my abilities failed me.

I prepare for the worst and that is what I often tell my patient’s family too. To always prepare for the worse. Anything could happen. I was no god.

"Dr. Kurt?" I blinked rapidly and twisted to the door. It was Fabian, the same nurse that delivered the letter the other day. "Another letter just arrived."

My heart skipped.

I stretched my hand to take it and followed after her. When I reached in front of my office I shredded the envelope and produced a letter. It was from Logan again, once more appealing to me to come back. I didn't finish reading it and shredded the rest, tossing them into one of the hall garbage cans, before entering my office. I told Kassy, Logan won't let me breathe.

I picked up a pen and letter, ready to finally face him.

'Dear Logan’


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