
Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Six years later...

"Dr. Kurt, this letter just arrived for you." I looked up from my computer to see one of the nurses at St Nicholas Hospital, standing by my desk wagging a brown envelope in her hand at me.

"For me?" I took it and looked at the brown envelope from side to side-mostly at the seal, trying to make out where it had come from.

"Yes, Dr, Kurt. May I go now?"

"Yes, of course, thank you." I waved her off, as I tore the envelope and withdrew the letter. The words on the white A4 paper were finely written I must say, but that wasn't what caught my breath. It was the content therein.

'I hope this letter finds you well, Lay. I am writing from a place of deep regret and animosity and greatly hope you will forgive me after all the pain I caused you. The former Alpha has fallen ill and needs urgent help. I know you hate me and wouldn't want anything to do with me, but please, think of our relationship in the past and come back, if not for me, but for the love of the goddess who forgiveth all.'


Your best friend, Logan.

My knuckles turned white as I continued darting at the letter, re-reading it as though wishing for the words to evaporate and leave the paper blank. Hoping this was a joke, that it was my mind playing dirty tricks on me.

As I sat there, my eyes still pinned on the words, slowly anger bubbled inside of me like hot coal threatening to burst through any minute.

How dare he? After everything he did to me, he dared to send me such a letter? Best friend? Is he crazy or something? What is wrong with men?!

"Yah!" I hauled the letter across the room and stood glaring hard at it. If only burning this letter would burn the sender along, I would have gladly done so without a blink.

After six years, he suddenly remembered me because his father was sick. What does he take me for? An idiot? Or, yeah, I recall vividly that day his mother called me an idiot. He must have grown older, truly thinking of me as one. The former Alpha is sick. What does that have to do with me?

He deserved every sickness that came to him. In fact, left for me I prayed he would die and rot in the deepest part of hell for the wickedness they showed to me in the past.

"Dr. Kurt?" I jumped, glancing at the door where my assistant, Kassy, stood watching me with concern etched in her green eyes.

"You look white. Like, totally white. What's going on?" She came in and shut the door.

I pointed at the letter sharply. "That bastard!"

"Whoa, whoa!" She rushed to it and picked it up, "Chill girl, who is this bastard that have you riled up this b…adly-"

"He had the effrontery, the guts, the nerves to ask me to come home just because his father was sick, Kassy, can you believe it?" I paced from one end of my table to the next, cracking my knuckles.

She read carefully, her mouth moving, then she stopped and looked at me, pointing at it. "Logan?"

"Yes, it's him for God's sake, Kassy."

"Oh, wow, to be fair his handwriting is cool."

"Kassy!" I screamed, becoming very irritated with her now. "What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying...Oof, I'm sorry, wait, he asked you to come back to your__," she made a quotation sign in the air, rolling her eyes up, "Kingdom of animals to heal his father?"

"Kassy, I'm warning you." I grabbed my reading glasses from the table and walked around my desk to join her. "I can't believe this. And it's a pack, not animal Kingdom or whatever you call it."

"Still the same, boo, can you imagine? Asking you to leave civilization and come back to what..."

"It's civilized, Kassy. Everything here is the same there."

"Still, it's incomparable. Do you have fine bitches like me over there?" She wagged her brows in a jesty manner.

I knew she was trying to get me to calm down. She does that most of the time when I'm mad, but this time I am not letting this out easily because it's very serious.

"That's beside the point, Kassy. I'm so mad at him right now. Right before lunch break."

We entered the hospital’s cafeteria and went to stand in front of the food vendors.

"Hello, Dr. Kurt, Dr. Benny." The vendor greeted us and we waved back.

"If you ask me, I will say ignore him," Kassy proceeded after we grabbed a tray of tempeh and chicken stew and went to sit at our favorite table here. "If he gets you do not give two hoots about him anymore, he will move on."

I thought about that but then I knew Logan. I knew him enough to know that today might have just marked the beginning of another level of stalking from him. What makes him even think I can help his father? Is he already stalking me?

I knew it wouldn't be long before they caught up with me seeing as news of my medical prowess was spreading all over like a wide fire. I had hidden for years and ignored every interview I was invited to up until recently. And now this.

After I left the pack, I wandered for several days and nights, there in the forest, having nowhere to go. I slept under big tree branches, drank stream water, and ate wild fruits.

I thought I was going to die.

However, that day when I watched Logan break his promise to me, I made up my mind that nothing was bringing me back to that pack ever again. Not even death.

After many days wandering in misery, when I left that forest, I meandered into another forest that I later found out belonged to a pack. An enemy pack of Apex howlers who killed wolves at sight.

They were rogues, and I have never run the way I ran that day being chased down the forest filled with traps and dried-up tree parts across the path, by their giant patrollers. I fell so many times, bruised deeply, but still, I stood and kept running, knowing if they caught me, that would be the end of me.

Unfortunately, I fell into a ditch and because it was too deep, I heard them laughing above me saying there was no way I was going to make it out of there alive. Well, it wasn't easy but I still had to do it.

I was finally caught and had to plead with them to take me In as a slave which they agreed.

Thinking of the hell I went through made me cringe. Thinking about it makes my skin boil.

After I escaped being mated to the alpha rogue, it wasn't a long walk from there before I came to the border that demarcated their territory from the humans and in that moment of weakness and confusion, I made my way here.

Three days later, I woke up in the hospital, not knowing how I got there. I saw this kind man who told me I passed out and a good samaritan brought me there.

I was glad to be alive and also not in prison. However, my happiness didn't last long as he broke the next news that rocked my world.

"You are a month pregnant, Miss," I recalled what he said that day. My body had gone stiff, my blood chilling in my marrows.

"I don't want it," I shook my head, already knowing how it came about. I couldn't believe that after running away from my pack I still managed to take a part of Logan with me. "Remove it from me, please." I had cried fervently.

But Jack Oliver, who is now my boyfriend, only looked at me and smiled.

I couldn't keep a child that would forever remind me of how foolish and naive I was to believe Logan. I wanted it gone by all means. The Doctor refused and asked me to keep the child and if I didn't want it at the point of birth, I could easily give it away.

I accepted, then three months later, the Doctor confirmed it wasn't just a child, but triplets. Three fucken innocent children were growing inside of me and I didn't even know what to do. I was distressed and handicapped. I didn't have anything but the little money I was making from the cleaning job the good doctor offered me in his hospital. How was I supposed to cope? Every day that broke proved that I couldn't keep the children.

Until the day of the birth. Holding them in my arms, staring at their similar Obsidian eyes which they got from their father, I knew I wasn't ever going to give them away. I just couldn't bring myself to. I made up my mind to ride or die with them.

And six years later, here I am, a celebrity neurosurgeon of the first degree, very famous for my healing hands, and still in the field searching for more ways to better lives. Then out of nowhere, the past I had buried and sealed surfaced again.

"You have no idea the person I am talking about, Kassy," I spooned food into my mouth. "Logan is as strong-headed as a bull and doesn't give up easily when he wants something. But don't worry, I know what to do. I'm going to prove to him I am not that naive girl he used to know years ago. I will teach him a lesson he won't forget in his entire pathetic life.”

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