
Allen siblings

Stepping into the club made Allen nervous. She hated big crowds, and she wasn't really the clubbing type. The scents of different alphas weren't helping her relax either.

Not only that, but her siblings are going to meet her new alpha, and Allen just hoped Kara didn't say or do anything stupid. She also hoped that Ohm couldn't embarrass her by telling her stories about when they were kids. That was not a fun time. Allen was interrupted by her thoughts when she felt a hand intertwine with her. Allen looked to her left and saw Sebestian smiling at her while lifting up Allen's hand and kissing the back of it.

"Let me know if you see your siblings," Sebestian said, and Allen nodded.

Walking towards the bar, Allen felt many eyes on her. She held Allen's hand like her life depended on it. Sebestian looked over at Allen and saw how distressed her omega was, and he pulled her into a hug. Allen buried her head into Sebestian's neck so she could smell Sebestian's scent. Sebestian scent smelled like strawberries and cream, and it was amazing.

A few minutes later, Allen pulled away, feeling much better. Sebestian smiled and dragged her over to a quiet corner instead of the bar.

"Darling, you should have told me that you don't like clubs," Sebestian said gently.

"I didn't want to upset you," Allen replied.

"Oh, flower, do you want to leave? We can reschedule it."

Allen shook her head. "No, I will be alright as long as I am by your side."

Sebestian smiled and kissed Allen's temple. "I won't leave you."

Allen nodded. "Can we get a drink now?"

Sebestian laughed. "You're a needy omega, aren't you?"

Allen growled, causing Sebestian to laugh even more. "Let's go, sweetness."

Once they got to the bar, they sat down on the bar stools, and Sebestian ordered Allen a beer, and Sebestian got some kind of martini. Allen looked around the bar, looking for her siblings, when she saw, in the corner of her eyes, someone sit down next to her. The next thing she knew, she had an arm over her shoulders and a nose pressed up against her neck.

"Dang baby, you smell good. Want to get out of here? This Alpha can make you feel amazing."

Allen tensed and looked over. She tried to shrug the guy's arm off, but it wouldn't budge. She looked over to her right and saw that Sebestian's seat was now empty.

Allen started to panic for a minute when suddenly the guy's arm was yanked off from Allen and the guy was being spun around in the bar stool.

"Don't you ever touch my omega again. I should rip your throat out right now for touching her and making her feel uncomfortable." Sebestian growled, his eyes glowing gold.

The other alpha's eyes grew wide, and he immediately got up and off the bar stool and backed away. "I'm sorry, Alpha."

"What's your name?" Sebestian growled.

"It's Earth alpha."

"Well, Earth, I don't want you to ever see inside my club again. Now get out of my sight."

Earth nodded and ran out of the club. Sebestian turned his attention towards Allen and could see how tense his omega was.

Sebestian closed his eyes and then opened them as he wrapped his arms around Allen once more.

"That's it; we're leaving," Sebestian said.

Allen shook her head. "No, I'm fine, Sebestian."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Allen said, and when she turned her head, she saw her siblings, and he got up from the barstool and said, "My siblings are here."

Sebestian looked over to where Allen was looking and saw four people. One was a long, black-haired female with good style, like him, who clearly was an alpha. And an arm was wrapped around her by a man who is clearly his mate, and he is also Alpha. Next to them was a boy who was like a teenager's kid and was also an Alpha. He was holding hands with a pretty lady with brown, shaggy hair and glasses. She was a beta. He saw four of them make their way towards the table. Sebestian looked over at Allen and gently grabbed her hand as he led them towards the table where her siblings were sitting, drinks in their free hands.

When they got to the table, every head at that table turned their way. Ashly heard both Simon, Jessica, and Ohm gasp when they saw Sebestian with his hand connected to Allen.

Ohm got up and pulled his sister into a hug. Soon everyone gave her a hug, and they were now sitting down.

"Oh my god. You are The Sebestian?" Kara said she earned an eye roll from Ohm.

"Yes, I am. And who are all of you?" Sebestian asked.

Kara smiled at Sebestian and held out her hand. "Hi there. I am Kara, Allen's amazing sister. I love your outfit; by the way, we have to go shopping sometime."

Sebestian grinned back and brought her hand to his lips. "It's lovely to meet you, and of course we will; there's no better way than to gossip about your gorgeous sister."

Kara giggled as Allen ducked her head down. "This right here is Simon, my mate. That's Ohm, our brother, and his mate Jessica."

"Nice to meet you all," Sebestian said with a nod.

"So, Sebestian, you're now my Alpha brother-in-law, huh?" Ohm asked, crossing his arms.

"Ohm..." Allen warned.

"Say what you have to say to me, little Alpha," Sebestian said as he laced his fingers through Allen under the table, letting her know that it would be okay.

"Why did you choose my sister, huh? So you can use her? Have sex with her because she's an omega? Is that it?" Ohm asked.

Jessica's eyes went wide, and she grabbed Ohm's arm. "Oh, knock it off."

"Listen here, pup. I don't want your sister for sex. I chose her because I felt a connection with her. She's amazing and wonderful. So I would watch that mouth of yours." Sebestian growled.

Ohm smiled and nodded. "Good. I just wanted to hear that. But I promise you, Sebestian, if you ever, and I mean ever, hurt her, you'll have to deal with me."

Sebestian sighed and kissed Allen on the temple. "Trust me. I have no intention of hurting her. I promise you that."

Ohm nodded and held out his hand. "I'm glad to hear that."

Sebestian smiled and shook the other alpha's hand. "You're a good brother, Ohm."

"I'm the greatest brother ever; are you serious?"

Allen laughed and shook her head. She then looked at Sebestian and leaned close to his ear. "I'm going to the restroom."

Sebestian added, "Want me to come with you?" Sebestian asked protectively.

Allen shook her head once more. "No, I'll be fine. I'll be right back."

Allen gave Sebestian's hand a tiny squeeze before excusing herself and heading towards the bathroom. Once she was inside, she did her business and started to wash her hands. She saw the restroom door open and close out of the corner of her eye. She didn't see who it was, but when she looked up and into the mirror, she saw Seth standing behind her with a grin on his face. Allen turned around right away.

"What are you doing here, Seth?" Allen asked.

Seth smirked and took a step. His chest was now touching Allen's.

"You look amazing," Seth said, and then he leaned in to sniff Allen.

Allen tensed, and when she heard Seth growl, she tensed even more. "You smell like another alpha. Sebestian isn't? Well, you won't have his scent on you for long." Seth growled.

Allen's eyes widened, and when she went to move and head towards the door, Seth grabbed her neck and threw her against the wall. Allen whimpered as her head collided with the wall. Seth grabbed Allen's wrists and pinned them to the wall above her head with one hand. Allen tried to struggle, but she was weak. Alphas were stronger; it's just how it was.

"Now you're going to be a good omega and let me enjoy this," Seth said using his alpha voice.

Allen whimpered once more and squeezed her eyes shut. There was no use in fighting.

"You're so pretty. My little omega." Seth whispered in her ear and bit her ear with his teeth.

"I'm not yours," Allen hissed.

Seth laughed. "Not yet."

Seth then placed his lips hard on hers. Allen tried to move her head, but she couldn't, and she slumped against the wall, letting Seth do whatever he wanted. She can't win against the Alpha, no matter how hard she tries.

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