
Chapter 2

Iris's p.o.v.

I take my plate and go upstairs to my room. Placing the plate on my table I turn on the TV settling on a show than I finally start eating.

I haven't even finished half way through my food when Sebastian bursts into my room making me choke on my food "What are doing ?" I ask him when he locks my door panting like a dog "nothing just taking some shelter" He reply's placing his hand on his chest in order to calm his accelerating heartbeat.

"And why are you seeking shelter ?" I ask him placing my plate on my side table and making my way to him "oh actually I.." the loud banging on my door interrupting him "What did you do this now ?" I ask him "Nothing" He shrugs.

"OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR SEBASTIAN" Dylan's voice booms from outside the door "NOPE NOT HAPPENING" He yells back at Dylan "Sebastian get away from my door" I sigh "are you nuts ? He will rip me to shreds if I do that" Sebastian says in a disbelief "and if you don't move than he will rip this door to shreds and than rip you so why don't we leave the poor door from getting ripped" I tell him and push him slightly so I can open the door.

"YOU!!" Dylan states as he steps inside my room "HOW could you Iris ?" Sebastian says to me "Sorry bro but after how you woke me up in the morning I can't help but take advantage of this situation" I tell him. He looks at me with a sore look and I give him a sly smile "Thanks" Dylan says from behind me I turn to give him a reply but stop "uhh...Dylan" I trill "I know" he says dragging Sebastian out of my room with me still eyeing his now pink strands of hair.

"Well that was interesting" I grab my plate and continue on with my stuff.

My phone's ringing blazing in my ear jolts me from my slumber I groan but answer the phone "HI Gurl" I hear my best friends voice yelling in my ear "God Elise one day I will burst my ear drum because of your constant screaming" I tell her pulling my blanket off and standing up "before that your brothers will burst that ear drum of yours" She says flatly "yuh yuh anyways why did you call ?" I ask her "I just wanted to check up you know and get the details oh and I'm really" She says "details of what exactly and why are sorry for anyways ?" I ask her “details of your first day of freshmen year of course and I’m sorry because we planned to start the year together but I couldn’t make it” she explains “oh that well firstly you know how my are so you can imagine how the day went but besides that the day was pretty okay nothing spectacular you know and you did not have a choice you were not felling well enough to come to school so it’s fine anyways how are you feeling now ?” I ask her.

“I’m felling better than morning the fever has gone completely but a bit of nose and throat ache is still there” Elise says “I hope you get better will you be able to make it tomorrow ?” I ask “yuh I will be there” she reply’s “ok tell me everything tomorrow at school mom just came home gotta go” she says “yuh ok bye” I bid her a goodbye “bye take care” she says before I hear the beep sound indicating that she hung up.

After I come out of my bathroom I come to a decision to check on my brothers because the house seems awfully quite which might be normal for some people but its not at all for me because when you live with your brothers and eight of them you can compare your house to a concert but the only difference is that instead of the sound of your favorite artist you hear the obnoxious voices of my brothers or our friends and cousins so there is no way for my house to be this quite and calm.

I go to Blake's room first because by this time he would have come back home. I enter his room to see him fast sleep aww poor soul he works so hard to sustain all of us a lavish lifestyle. I kiss his forehead and make my way to Louis's room to find him sleeping too I kiss his forehead too and exit his room.

I open the door to Dan's room and to my surprised I find it empty. Next I go to Damian's room and see him painting he looks up from his canvas and smiles at me "Hi cherry did you sleep well ?" He asks me I smile at his choice of words my parents used to call me cherry when they were around so now the boys often tend to call me that "I slept fine, what are you painting ?" I ask him as I walk to him "don't know yet just going with the flow I guess" he says shrugging "let me see" I tell him as I observe hi strokes of colors "go ahead" he says moving out of the way completely.

I paint with Damian at times I'm not as good as him but I try "there really isn't much to work with but like you have used brown here so why don't you work around it with more shades of brown to create a woody like gradient thing" I tell him "that's something I can work with" He says looking at the canvas "ok well you continue your work I have other rooms to visit" I tell him "sure I know your a very busy person" he tells me jokingly I huff and flip my head dramatically and leaving the room making sure to catwalk Damian starts laughing and I join after him "your something else Iris" he tells calming himself down "I know" I wink at him and leave his room.

Next to his room is Dylan's room so there is where I decide to go next "Hey Dylan" I greet him he stops what he was doing and looks at me his face softening at my sight "Hello princess did you need something ?" He asks me "No I'm fine I just wanted to check on you" I tell him he smiles at me and continue his work I mumble a bye and leave going to Sebastian's to find him asleep because he literally never sleeps so this was a surprise to me but nonetheless I kiss his forehead like I did with others and quietly departure from his room going to Elijah's room to find it empty too which not gonna lie I thought was weird next which happens to be the last room I find myself standing in front of Isaac's room I open his door and step in to find him sitting on his bed watching his TV.

He pauses the TV and looks at me waiting for an explanation to why I am in his room and just staring at him "Everyone is either sleeping or doing their own thing and well I'm bored so can I join ?" I tell him as I close the door behind me "sure sweetie" He says moving so I have space to sit with him "yay" I exclaim as I get in with him "do you know where Dan and Elijah are ?" I ask him "they went to get groceries and before you ask no they did not go willingly Blake forced them so don't bother" He says I nod my head and get comfortable focusing on the TV.

Dylan's p.o.v.

My door opens I look up to see Iris who than greets me "Hello princess did you need something ?" I ask her "No I just wanted to check up on you" She tells I smile at her and continue browsing my phone I hear the door close.

The reason why I feel so protective of her is because after my parents disappearance we were raised by Blake and he always was and is protective of Iris and he is like our father figure so we hot it from him but as we are older than her and the fact that she is our only sister makes it our responsibility to make sure that she is out of harms way.

Our parents are a different story when I was 12 and Blake was 16 we were told that our parents were in a plane crash.

At first it was assumed that they were dead considering that everything on board was wrecked but they didn't find our parents bodies which because of the crashes condition but they did find the bodies of the other people who were on board.

we did file a missing person report for them but everything lead to a dead end so after months of investigation they closed the case. We too stopped hoping for them to be found not that we did not want them too we just could not hope and than get disappointed over and over again.

The others were to young to understand hell even I was young but they told me what had actually happened but the rest were told that they had passed away because it would have been complicated for them to understand.

I sigh and get up to leave my room closing the room lights on the way, I decide to go to Isaac's room because he is the only one who is awake and in the house besides in hopes that we could do something together.

I open Isaac's door "Hey Isaac you up for...." I stop mid-sentence and stare at my sleeping siblings.

I roll my eyes in annoyance because now all of my siblings are asleep and I don't have anything better to do so I gently pick Iris up and carry her outside but as soon I step outside Iris moves I look down to see her waking up a little so I tell her that it's me and that she could go go back to sleep as I am just carrying her to her room.

After placing her in her room I go back to Isaac's room and close his TV which was running when I came in and tuck him in a bit and leave his room to go downstairs to watch TV because I have literally nothing to do.

The front door handle rattles and I look up from the couch to see Elijah and Daniel enter the house with grocery bags in their hands "Hi Dylan" They greet me "Hi" I greet them back "you guys quite some stuff" I ask them "We did but mostly it was Iris's request and snacks" Daniel says placing them on the kitchen counter "You need help" I ask him leaning on the entryway "a little" He says I nod "Elijah you can go me and Daniel will do it" I tell Elijah "Okay" He shrugs and leaves the kitchen.

"Oh by the way where is everyone ?" Elijah pops his head back in "there asleep" I tell him "Even Sebastian" He gasps "really that dude never sleeps" he says "I know" I reply "Well I'm gonna go now so bye" He says "bye" Daniel says and I nod.

"How did the day go ?" Daniel asks "it was fine" I reply "What about Iris, How was she" He asks me "She was fine and don't worry she will be fine I'll make sure of it" I say.

We chat for a bit while we sort the grocery bags and after that is finish we go to our bedrooms and well we sleep.


- Maryam xoxo

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