


I was abruptly awakened as the door crashed open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang. Startled, I leapt off the bed, my body trembling uncontrollably. Feeling slightly off balance, I struggled to regain my composure. My vision was hazy from sleep, and I had to blink repeatedly to adjust to the bright lights. When my sight finally cleared, a wave of fear washed over me. Avim stood there, his expression filled with dangerous anger.

"You were supposed to clean up," he growled through clenched teeth. Avim entered the room, his footsteps echoing loudly on the wooden floor. "Listen, Boss gives orders and you follow them. No questions, no problems. Got it?"

Unable to muster any words, I simply nodded, my fear rendering me speechless. Avim frightened me. He exuded an aura that brooked no nonsense, and I suspected he was a ruthless killer. In this world, everyone was a killer. There was no innocence left. Without saying another word, he pointed towards the door on my left. Nervously, I made my way towards it, acutely aware of his presence.

I opened the white door and was greeted by the sight of a luxurious bathroom, complete with a bathtub, shower, shampoo, and soaps. Tears welled up in my eyes. When I ran away from home, I had anticipated a life of hardship on the streets, struggling to meet my basic needs. Yet here I stood in front of this extravagant bathroom, with a spacious bedroom and a comfortable bed. I had a job and food to eat. Though it wasn't the life I had envisioned, a sense of gratitude filled my being.

Closing the door behind me, I realized there were no feminine accessories present. Shaking off my concerns, I whispered to myself, "Cleaning is all that matters." Glancing at the mirror, I gasped in shock. I was covered in dirt and grime. My face bore red and green bruises, while my once-white dress was torn and filthy. All I wanted was to immerse myself in the tub, but time only allowed for a quick shower.

Wincing as I hastily discarded my dress, I looked back at the mirror and noticed scratches on my arms. I looked appalling. Was I really going to face Artemy in this state? Why wasn't he repulsed? More importantly, why had he kept me? My reflection in the mirror frightened me. Shaking my head, I stepped into the shower. As the warm water cascaded over my bare skin, relieving the numbness and gradually easing the soreness of my bruises, my tense muscles began to relax. Initially, the warm water aggravated my injuries, causing them to itch and ache, but after a few minutes, all I felt was warmth.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed my body to go limp. Tilting my face upwards into the spray, I reveled in the sensation of water enveloping me. A feeling of contentment washed over me as I reached for the shampoo, squeezing it into my palm and massaging it into my unkempt hair. I let the water rinse away the suds, observing as brown water, leaves, and small twigs swirled down the drain. When the water finally ran clear, I proceeded to wash my body. Once finished, I lingered under the warm water for a few more minutes, letting its heat penetrate my tired form.

Stepping out of the shower on unsteady legs, a shiver ran through me as the cool air kissed my damp skin. Grabbing a towel from a nearby rack, I began to dry my hair and then my body. Wrapping the towel around me, I walked over to the mirror. I looked considerably better. The bruises on my face appeared less severe, and my complexion was no longer pale. My cheeks were rosy from the warm water, and my green eyes sparkled with newfound life. Offering my reflection a smile, I opened the door and cautiously peered outside. Seeing that Avim was nowhere to be found, I stepped out and made my way back to the bed, where a black dress and underwear awaited me.

The cotton dress was simple yet elegant, falling to mid-thigh and accentuating my curves as it flowed from the hips. Slipping on the black flats placed beside the bench, I returned to the bathroom. I rummaged through several drawers until I finally located a hairbrush. Carefully, I untangled and smoothed my disheveled hair until it gleamed with a newfound luster.

After pinching my cheeks and biting my lips to further redden them, I deemed myself ready. Walking confidently towards the door, I held my head high and squared my shoulders. Opening it, I discovered Avim waiting for me, leaning against the wall. As his eyes fell upon me, a flicker of surprise flashed across his face.

"Let's go," he commanded, swiftly concealing any trace of emotion. His expression hardened, and he glared at me. It seemed to be the only way he knew how to express himself: glaring, growling, and emanating anger.

Without waiting for my response, he started walking towards the stairs. I followed closely behind, my steps echoing in sync with his. I was prepared for whatever lay ahead. I was determined to fight for my freedom this time.


Reclining on my sofa chair, I tilted my head towards the ceiling and closed my eyes just as the door swung open. Even without looking, I knew exactly who it was. Only one person would have the audacity to enter my room uninvited.

As I opened my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Brayden nonchalantly strolling in. He shut the door behind him, leaned against it, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. His face remained expressionless as he stared at me.

"Seriously?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on me. I chose not to address his question directly; instead, I fired back, "I need a comprehensive background check on Rebecca Turrini." I knew precisely what he was referring to, but I had no inclination to discuss that matter. Who I chose to keep or dismiss was none of his concern.

Standing up, I made my way to the small bar. "I'm aware her last name isn't Turrini, but I still want a thorough check, just in case you unearth anything."

After pouring whiskey into two glasses, I handed one to Brayden. He accepted it and took a slow sip. We locked eyes, the tension thick between us. When his glass was empty, he placed it on the bar and turned his attention back to me.

"What are you planning, Artemy?" he inquired, giving me an odd look.

I shrugged, replying, "Why do you assume I'm planning something?"

Brayden scoffed and shook his head. "Because you never take action without a plan. You're keeping the girl who trespassed. That sounds like a plan to me." Pausing briefly, he continued in a deliberate manner, "Is she a spy? Is that why you're keeping her? To uncover her accomplices?"

Shaking my head, I glared at him. If it had been anyone else questioning my decision, they would be writhing in pain on the ground. But Brayden was my second-in-command. We were born just two weeks apart, and his father had served as my father's right-hand man. It was never in question that he would assume the same position for me. He was my brother.

"Do you really think I'd keep her if she were a spy?" I gritted my teeth as I asked. He had a talent for getting under my skin.

"Anything is possible with you. Why are you keeping her, anyway?" he inquired persistently.

"None of your business. Just do as you're told," I responded harshly. Brayden nodded, stepping away from the bar. "I'll inform you of any findings."

I turned towards the expansive windows, effectively dismissing him. I heard his footsteps shuffling, followed by the sound of the door closing. Glancing down at the glass in my hand, I idly rotated it between my fingers.

"Let's see what we can dig up about you, kitten," I whispered, bringing the glass to my lips. I was captivated. Excitement coursed through my veins.

I would meticulously unravel her, layer by layer, until I knew everything. Every minute detail. And once I was finished, I would consume her until nothing remained.

Several minutes later, I still stood before the large windows overlooking the magnificent backyard when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I swiftly retrieved it, answering the call without bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?" I barked into the phone.

"There's no information on her," Brayden stated. My grip tightened around the phone, and a smirk tugged at my lips.

I knew it.

"She doesn't even exist in the database," he calmly continued, seemingly aware that the revelation wouldn't faze me.

I let out a small laugh, shaking my head as I contemplated the seemingly innocent girl I had discovered cowering beneath my bed. The moment I laid eyes on her, I sensed trouble, and instead of turning it away, I invited it in.


It was simple. She intrigued me.

"I've got this," I confidently declared through the phone before hanging up without waiting for a response.

Well, this is going to be entertaining.

I turned away from the window, exiting the room.

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