


The woman before me, possessing dark hair and green eyes, bore the name Rebecca. Withdrawing my hand from her face, I took a few steps backward, severing our connection. I fixed my gaze upon her and allowed a smile to grace my lips. She believed she could deceive me, such an innocent creature. It was evident that Turrini was not her true name; she must have been unaware. As the Loskutov, I possessed the ability to detect falsehoods. I could sense them, and her lies were unmistakable, etched across her countenance. She was a pitiful liar, and I couldn't help but scoff at her audacity. Rebecca, that was her true name. I knew it because there was no hesitation when she uttered it. She spoke the truth about that, but everything else... all of it was a fabrication. I was determined to unearth the truth, yet that wasn't the sole reason for keeping her by my side. As I gazed upon her, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist, she appeared so fragile, so innocent. Poor little girl, she had no comprehension of the consequences she had invited upon herself. There was one thing that everyone understood: Artemy Loskutov always obtained what he desired. And the battered and bruised girl standing before me... I desired her. An innocent kitten, the notion made me chuckle. She was now my kitten, belonging solely to me. I intended to manipulate her like a skilled musician playing a violin. And she would derive pleasure from it.


As Artemy stepped back, his piercing gaze sent warmth coursing through my body. It felt as if I were no longer in control, as his intense attention engulfed me.

In response, I nervously licked my suddenly dry lips, and I noticed his eyes following the movement. He leisurely licked his own lips, never breaking eye contact. The sensual manner in which he did it made me avert my gaze.

I couldn't help but question his intentions. One moment, he seemed ready to harm me, and the next, he exuded a desire to passionately kiss me. Was it all a game to him?

A scoff escaped me as I realized the truth. It was, indeed, a game. I had heard rumors about Artemy, how he manipulated people like a virtuoso playing a piano. Once he was done with them, he discarded them without a second thought—or worse, he eliminated them.

I was just a pawn in his game, and because of that, I had to tread carefully. If he was playing, then so would I. Somehow, I had to find a way to escape this situation and survive.

Suddenly, Artemy’s harsh voice shattered my thoughts as he called out, "Avim!" Startled, I jumped as the door banged open behind me.

I swiftly turned around to see an imposing figure blocking the doorway. With his wide shoulders and planted feet, the man almost filled the entire space. He had short hair and a deep scar running from his forehead to his chin, making him appear even more menacing. He wore a black three-piece suit similar to Artemy’s , with two guns holstered at his side.

An intense shiver ran through me as the man shot me a hateful glare.

"Avim, show Rebecca to the room next to mine. It's hers now," Artemy commanded in a familiar, stern tone. It reminded me of how my father and Raffaele ordered their men—demanding immediate action without question. "After she's settled, bring her to the maids. She'll be working with them," Artemy continued. Throughout his instructions, Avim’s expression remained emotionless, not even a hint of a twitch. I was certain he didn't even blink.

Artemy’s gaze remained fixed on me as I saw Avim approach.

Avim stood so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. Trembling, I took a step forward, inadvertently bringing myself closer to Artemy. I was trapped between two formidable men who made me feel like prey. Perhaps that's exactly what I was.

"Come," Avim said, his voice grating on my ears. I glanced back at Artemy, who nodded as if granting me permission to leave. Avim grabbed my arm forcefully and began pulling me out of the bedroom. His grip was tight, and my arm started to go numb.

My body ached from the bruises covering it. Weakness started to overtake me, and a sudden dizziness swept over me.

I stumbled over my own feet but quickly regained my composure as Avim growled in annoyance. Swallowing hard, I did my best to walk normally as he forcefully guided me into the room beside Artemy’s.

When he opened the door and pushed me inside, an indescribable pain shot through my body. The room was initially dark, but suddenly the lights came on, and I gasped again, this time for a different reason.

The bedroom was enormous, at least three times the size of mine. However, the most captivating feature was the breathtaking view overlooking the serene back garden. As I approached the window and caught a glimpse outside, a sense of peace washed over me. For a brief moment, I felt liberated.

I marveled at how something could appear so tranquil while my world was crumbling—an ironic contradiction to my current situation.

"Clean up, and then I'll bring you to the maids. Clothing will be provided," Avim’s voice broke through my thoughts. I turned around to see him standing at the doorway, arms crossed over his bulging muscles.

Swallowing hard to suppress the lump forming in my throat, I nodded in acknowledgement. Avim took a step back and closed the door, relieving the room of his overwhelming presence.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I surveyed my surroundings. The bed, occupying half the space in the room, caught my attention. Nightstands stood on either side, mirroring a wardrobe on the left. In front of the bed, a bench with two pillows at either end resembled the one in Artemy’s room.

Walking over to the bed, I sat down and bounced lightly, feeling the softness of the silky comforter beneath my hands. All I wanted was to sleep.

My body felt weak, and weariness clouded my vision. Yawning, I slowly stretched out on the bed, nestling deeper into the plush mattress and comforter until I felt completely relaxed. Warm and snug, my eyes gradually drifted shut.

"Just a few minutes," I thought to myself.

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