Chapter Five
The yearly Covenani Ball was in full swing. The royal palace was filled, all three ballrooms were in use, and the belle of the year was none other than Brianna Sellane, third daughter to the throne of the Covenan. Not that Brianna had any designs on said throne. She would have preferred to give up her chair at the Coven Council, but some things one did not do. Giving away her heritage being the first, her mother had informed her.
The annual ball for unmarried Covenani females was another. This was Brianna’s third year, an almost unheard of total. It was also the first year in over a millennia that the Wizards of Cauldaran were in attendance. Brianna cursed that particular decision. Twin Wizards now roamed the halls and the ballrooms. Brooding in looks, sexy and powerful, they completely overshadowed their human male counterparts. They would have stolen the attention of the unattached females were it not for the fact that Covenani females had no desire to lose their power and their independence in the face of such males.
This night, the Veraga Twins were at the ball as well. Their eyes followed her, watched her. Brianna was uncomfortably aware of the arousal in her body from that knowledge. Her cunt pulsed, her clit ached, remembered pulses of tormenting pleasure pounded through her blood. What had they done to her upon their arrival?
She had avoided them in the past three days, since that humiliating meeting at the Receiving Hall. Had stayed far away, and fought the needs that churned inside her. Vague dreams flitted through her mind, visions of sexual excesses that both terrified and aroused her.
Her nurse had described such sex acts as painful. Horrendous. Capable of tearing a woman in two when their cocks invaded her simultaneously. And though the thought of that possession filled her with fear, it also filled her with lust.
“The Veraga Twins are still watching you, Bri,” her sister Serena said with amused concern.
“I am aware of that,” Brianna sighed. She could feel their gazes on her, stroking her with heated looks.
She fought to ignore what this did to her body. Fought to ignore the ache of need that had not completely abated since they had knelt at her feet days before.
She glanced at her older, beautiful sister and wished she possessed a tenth of Serena’s bearing and poise. She could have easily handled the Wizard Twins and sent them scurrying out of sight. That is, if anyone could. It would have been hard for even the most self-possessed woman to send the leaders of the vast Wizard sect running. The Veraga Wizards were immovable objects when they decided on something. And they had decided on Brianna months before.
“Mother is very much for this alliance, Bri,” Serena told her quietly. “I cannot understand why, but she thinks it would be in the best interests of the Covenani to consider it.”
Brianna flinched. She was very well aware of her mother’s opinion of this. Just as her mother should be well aware of hers by now. Even Garron had finally given up, and merely frowned at her in disapproval now. A dragon’s frown was not the most comfortable sight.
She glanced at the Veraga Twins once again. They were so broad, so handsome and muscular it made her teeth clench in fury. The human females flitted around them like birds to nectar, and set her nerves on edge. Demons that those two were, they were likely teasing the silly twits with whatever power they had used on her.
“I will not submit to those two,” Brianna hissed furiously. “I have heard the tales of their unnatural desires, as have you. Why would mother wish to send me to such a hellish existence?”
The question had plagued her for days now, ever since her mother’s first words giving her blessing to the alliance should Brianna consider it. Queen Amoria had only scoffed at the tales Brianna recounted to her, but finally admitted she knew only that the Veraga Wizards had sworn on their oath that Brianna would come to no harm. They did not deny, though, that she would sleep in a bed that both males would share with her. Together.
And yet, neither could Brianna control the flare of lust that sang through her body each time they were near. Either separately or apart, it made no difference. Her body hungered for them.
“They have assured Mother of your future happiness and security, Brianna, you can ask no more of them than that,” her sister told her.
“I do not wish to hear this.” Brianna shook her head in denial. “I have told Mother and now I will tell you. I will not be a Consort to ones such as the Veraga Twins. I do not know why the two of you will not drop this.”
A delicate frown creased Serena’s pale brow. Her lavender colored eyes darkened a bit with her worry. Serena was the most beautiful of the ruling house of Sellane. With her long auburn curls, milk-white skin and unusual eyes, she drew both male and female looks of approval. She was a wonderful sister as well, until she found a subject worthy of her stubbornness. As she had now.
“Brianna, perhaps it would be worth considering,” Serena said worriedly. “Mother is certain the rumors of any pain are unfounded, and we are being threatened by the humans outside our own province. The Seculars in particular are arming for battle. We could use the strength—”
“The Seculars have armed before.” Brianna shrugged, though this news worried her as well. “Say no more of this, Serena. My heart is not in this alliance you and Mother would wish. I will not give in to your pleas.”