Chapter Four
Brianna watched the Wizards as they arrived in the courtyard, dismounting from the great feathered owls that flew them across the mountains. The Veraga Twins were easily picked out among the large group of more than arrogant Wizard sets. Their broad shoulders and stubborn turn of their heads were distinctive to them.
Their long black hair was tied back at their nape, flowing below their shoulders. They were muscular, well built, handsome and daring, and they terrified her. They made her ache and want, and filled her dreams with such erotic acts that she would awake, her body burning, screaming out for relief. A relief she knew not how to attain.
Even now, the flesh between her thighs pulsed and ached. The hard little button of her clit was swollen, so sensitive she feared the reprisals should she touch it. It would surely burst in an agony of pain as Elspeth had always predicted would happen should their magick touch her. And she feared it touched her often. Nightly, at least.
Her hand clenched on the sill of the window as she continued to watch them, listening to their deep, raised voices as they called out orders and prepared to release the great owls until they needed them once again.
The huge beasts nested in the Laughing Mountains to the North of Covenan, and made themselves available to the Wizards of Cauldaran exclusively. Only the female owls had ever carried the Wizards. Their strong, sturdy bodies bearing the burden of the warriors and ruling Wizards with strength and grace. It was said they were fierce and savage in battle as well. They were protective of their burdens, and were said to be more than willing to give their lives to save those who rode upon their backs.
Garron had assured her that before the separation of the magick sects, the owls had not been needed to carry the Wizards into battle. Indeed, there had been few battles because the magick of Covenani and Cauldaran had kept the lands balanced and in harmony. Brianna scoffed at this, though. If this were true, why then had the Sorceresses separated from the bold, arrogant Wizards? This was a question no one could, or would answer.
“So they have arrived.” Elspeth’s furtive, hate filled voice hissed from behind her. “May the Sorceress Matriarch bless you, my Princess. How could your mother have betrayed you in this fashion?”
Brianna bit her lip nervously.
“Garron assures her I will be treated well by them,” Brianna told her as they watched the commotion below. “I am not being forced…”
“You are, Princess,” Elspeth protested fearfully. “Neither you nor your mother knows the trickery of these fiends. You must run from them. Hide. You cannot let them destroy you.”
Brianna stilled the welling fear that rose inside her. Garron, though mocking and sarcastic, had never lied to her, nor led her astray. He had sworn on his dragon’s heart, that the Wizards would not, could not harm her.
“Let us see what happens,” Brianna said quietly. “You had best return to your home, Elspeth. You know Mother said you are not to be here for now. I think this is too painful for you.”
She glanced at Elspeth sympathetically as the older woman gazed with hatred and malice at the men below.
“I must save you,” Elspeth whispered. Despite the tone of fear and worry in the nurse’s voice, Brianna felt a flare of unease.
“I will be fine, Elspeth,” she promised her as the owls lifted off from the courtyard and filled the skies as they searched for a place of rest until the Wizards needed them once again. “I must go to the Receiving Hall now. Return to your home as Mother bid you. I will check on you soon.”
Brianna turned from the window and moved quickly for the stairs that led to the great Receiving Hall. She had fought bitterly to miss the reception, but her mother had been adamant that she be there.
Serena and Marina were there ahead of her. Her two older sisters were dressed, the same as Brianna, in their ceremonial gowns of white and sapphire blue. The delicate fabric skimmed their bodies, falling to their feet in graceful folds of the purest white. Soft, sapphire blue edging, and embroidered starbursts along the shoulders and hemline proclaimed their status. On their heads they wore their small crowns of gold and glittering dialmas stones,though Serena, as next in line to rule, wore a crown slightly larger than her sisters.
As Brianna stepped in line beside her sister, she lowered her head beneath her mother’s gentle regard.
“Queen Amoria, the Wizards of Cauldaran extend their thanks for your invitation and request entrance into your home, and your grace.” A Sentinel guard stepped forth with the traditional greeting.
“You have my permission to enter. My home is yours, for as long as your stay should last,” Queen Amoria answered regally.
Brianna felt her stomach drop. There were more than a dozen Wizard sets, as well as the Sentinel Guards, the warriors of Cauldaran. There were forty males altogether. Tall, handsome, powerful. The air was suddenly thick with an energy Brianna couldn’t define as they began to enter the Castle, their messenger introducing each on entrance.
Sandalwood and spice, and an elixir of excitement wrapped about the proceedings. As though the added power of the male magick had suddenly transformed her home and made it a mysterious, exciting place to be. She wasn’t certain she liked the feeling.
Finally, the Veraga Wizards, rulers and holders of the Cauldaran Scepter, stepped forth and were announced. Brianna barely contained her whimper as something flared deep within her woman’s core. A heat she couldn’t ignore that flushed her body and filled her blood with power. She could feel energy crackling around her, sensitizing her flesh.
“Princess Brianna.” They stepped before her, staring down at her, one with eyes of the deepest blue and filled with lust and carnal needs. The other’s eyes of green, filled with compassion, warmth, and needs she didn’t want to define.
“I welcome you to the Palace of the Covenani,” she whispered, mortified at the trembling of her voice as she lowered herself into a graceful curtsey before them.
“You lower yourself before us no more.” Drago’s blue eyes flared as her surprised gaze rose to his. He had not made such a demand of her sisters before her.
He gripped her arm as she rose, trembling before him. Before her stunned gaze, both Wizards went to their knees, bowing gracefully, humbly.
“We are at your service, Sorceress,” Lasan said deeply as Brianna’s confused gaze swung to her mother.
She felt as though she were suffocating on the power surrounding her. Her heart was thundering, the blood rushing through her veins in demand. But a demand for what, she was not certain. Confusion filled the women, but it tore through Brianna like the great winds of the Wintry Mountains.
They were waiting. Kneeling at her feet, heads lowered as she trembled before them. Fear rushed through her as something seemed to build within her. A surge of power she had never known, feared she did not want. She shook her head, the faces of Wizards and Sorceresses watching her expectantly, moving dizzyingly around her.
She heard a whimper, barely realizing it was her own as she felt her sisters move beside her. A static sound of energy sounded in her ears, thundered through her body. To her utter horror and humiliation she felt her cunt seep with a rush of fluids as the power thundering through her body began to center in her woman’s core. Her eyes widened, she trembled, her hands clenching as she fought…
The pulse of pleasure that flooded her body had a small cry tearing past her lips as her clit exploded and her cunt rained with the soft juices of a release that thundered her body. She staggered, nearly losing her balance as she distantly heard her mother’s demand for answers.
Lasan and Drago looked up at her, sensuality and carnal pleasure filled their expressions.
“No.” She stumbled back, fighting against the weakness that suddenly filled her, the overriding need to step forward, to plead for mercy.
Confused, distraught with her lack of control, she felt tears fill her eyes as she struggled for control, for strength to get away from them.
“Princess, be at ease,” Lasan whispered gently, compassion filling his voice. “Allow your power…”
“No!” Brianna cried out as his voice seemed to intensify the coursing pleasure that thundered through her blood.
Her eyes went to her mother, as fear flamed as high as desire.
Queen Amoria watched with anger and confusion. As though in slow motion Brianna watched her mother step to her, then stop, fury flashing across her face as though some unseen force had halted her movements.
She could feel her juices trickling along her female nether lips and need spiraling once again in her body. She would be screaming out for ease again in seconds. The fear of that seared her brain. Calling on every incantation she had ever been taught she fought to break the magick that wrapped around her with velvet bands of pleasure.
“Do not touch her.” Drago turned suddenly from her, his eyes glowing with a mixture of sexual pleasure and fury as Marina and Serena moved to her side.
As his attention splintered, Brianna broke from the hold. Shaking, her body on fire with mingled terror and lust, she gazed at them in horrified confusion.
“You are demons,” she cried out frantically, stumbling back, barely catching herself on the dragon that had suddenly materialized behind her. “Garron.” She gripped his sturdy leg, using his broad body to find a sense of balance. “Please,” she whispered, knowing his power, beseeching him now as fear filled her. “Please, Garron, help me.”
Before she could blink, it was over. She had never shadowtraveled in her life, but within seconds the curious, intent faces of those in the Receiving Hall had disappeared, and she was standing unsteadily in her room, gripping the dragon’s leg as she fought for her control.
“I warned you,” Garron said in exasperation. “You do not heed my words, and you do not listen to my advice. This, Princess, is what happens when you ignore me.”
She vaguely remembered a lecture on her first meeting with the Wizards.
“Sorceresses,” Garron bit out with such a tone of male frustration that she winced.
He paced away from her, his talons making a soft, comforting scrape against the stone floor.
“What did they do to me?” She twisted her hands together nervously.
“They did nothing,” he growled. “Your power did this, and had you just listened to me…” His voice rose with his male anger. “No one listens to me. I am a dragon. Ageless. Knowing secrets you cannot imagine.” If he had hair, Brianna was certain he would be pulling it out. “Yet you and that stubborn mother of yours never listen. You never heed my advice. Never pay attention.” He snarled in anger.
“My power has never done such things,” she argued furiously. “Why would it do so now?”
“Because, woman—” he growled, but was interrupted when the door flew open.
“Dragon, you are needed.” Drago, Lasan, and Queen Amoria stood in the doorway. “The Princess’s mother can comfort her. We require you at this moment.”
Garron’s eyes narrowed and his scales seemed to hiss with impatience.
“You require me?” he asked silkily.
Brianna blinked at the insolence in his tone. There was a challenge in his voice that none could mistake.
Drago frowned. “Aye, Dragon, I require your presence now.”
The Twins turned and left the room, arrogance seething around them. Brianna’s gaze went to the dragon. He glanced at her, his eyes still narrowed.
“I now remember why I sleep for such long periods,” he grunted. “ Wizard Twins are more unsettling than Matriarch Sorceresses. Damned prideful males.”
In a blink he disappeared. Brianna turned to her mother, crossed her arms over her chest and announced with all the determination she could muster, “I refuse to Consort with demons. I deny their suit.” Such intensity of emotion and heights of reaction within a woman’s body could not be good. Could it?
Amoria sighed.