

**Cassie’s POV**

Kaiden offered to carry the groceries for me as we approached the checkout line. As we placed the bags into the car, I felt relieved and appreciative for his assistance. We talked and joked on the way home, enjoying each other's company. It was such a tiny thing, but having Kaiden by my side transformed the routine process of grocery shopping into an exciting experience.

I was grateful for Kaiden's willingness to accompany me to the shop when we returned home and unpacked the groceries. It was a simple gesture of love and support, but it demonstrated how much he cared about me.

Then he suggested that we go to the nearby park later. I, like him, never bother to change my clothes. So, after giving him a cool drink, we went straight to the park. This will be our first official date, and I'm not sure what to anticipate or what he expects of me.

This will be my first outing with my love interest. I mean, I believe in having a label, and he has yet to provide me with one. What is obvious is that we are friends, and that is all that matters right now.

I sat on the bench while he went to get some ice cream from a vendor. I'm staring at random folks in this park. Children are playing, families are picnicking, and couples are dating.

And it feels romantic, but the nicest part, and the best thing here, is that I have been dating someone I adore for a long time.  I never expected Kaiden, my best friend, and the popular Kaiden to be my mate.

"Vanilla flavor, as usual," he explained as he handed me the ice cream on a cone. When I saw how huge a scoop he offers me, I almost salivated.

"And yours is chocolate, right?" I mentioned it.

He has loved chocolate since we were children, and I often wonder if it is an unhealthy obsession. He is always overhyped due to too much sweets, thanks to his genes, and he can still have those stunning and attractive abs and muscles. He is the sexiest dude alive, in my opinion. He can make me drool without even trying.

"Of course, chocolate is my favorite." Some things are unchangeable." That is something I agree with.

The same as my sentiments towards him. I'm always so taken by him that I can't help but wonder what-ifs. What if he isn't mated to me, and other people deserve him more? Overthinking is not something I enjoy since it is simply harmful. But I can't stop myself. Why? Because I'm still doing that nonsense.

The scary aspect here is the remorse, not falling in love with the alpha. What if he comes to regret loving me or just being his mate? Then I recall how he informed me that I am ideal for him. And I should always think about it instead of thinking negative thoughts.

"Where do you want to marry?" "Do you have any ideas?" he questioned, almost giving me a heart attack. He's bringing up such a broad subject!

“Wedding? This early in the morning? "After all, we're still in college," I reasoned. It's not like I don't want to have a wedding. Is it simply too early? I believe so...

He cackled as if I had said something amusing.

"We're not that stupid. We study to learn about human behavior. We have nothing to do with a degree... I can marry you whenever you want, and if you don't, I will still respect your wishes. But I can't stop wondering when and where. I want it to be amazing, just what you deserve."

"I adore you, Kaiden." Right now, you are everything to me."

He laughed. "Can you call me yours?" And will I invite you to mine as well? "I just love the sounds that we owned each other like we owned the rest of our time," he said.

"Okay, from now on, Kaiden, the soon-to-be alpha and pack leader of Blue Moon pack, will be forever and always mine," I pledged. I showed him my pinky fingers, which represent our commitments.

"From this day forward, my future Cassie Clark, my future Luna, and the one I will live with for the rest of my life will always be mine forever and always," he swears.

I recalled my terrifying dreams. I will not allow it to happen. There is nothing that could keep us apart. Only Luna has the power to separate me from him.

We ended up going out to eat BEFORE noon since we were starving. We decided to dine at his favorite burger joint. And I should remind myself not to be taken aback by his voracious appetite. He also orders a massive burger in a massive quantity. Also, keep in mind that he will not share his food with me. Since then, I've known him; he enjoys eating his food without sharing; it's in his nature, and I understand him.

But then he offers me a bite of his double beef cheesy burger, which surprises me still again. What type of miracle is taking place? Does he want me to take a bite? This has never occurred before!

"You sure about this?" I asked, seeking to explain what he had meant.

"Yeah, but why?" "You're not eating pickles?" he inquired, as if it were no great deal!

"No, look, you never share your food before," I stated flatly.

"There are things in mine that are bound to change." I'm opening up the other side of my soul to you. I've never shared my good before because I wanted to do it for the first time with my friend. I am well aware that I am not a flawless person. I am aware of this, and I apologize for my previous behavior. I'm hoping you can still accept my flaws. Because I will also demonstrate to you that I am a better man now," he expressed concern.

I'd never seen him act like this before. I know him, I know him too well, no matter how many times I repeat it.

Before reaching this stage of love, he became my best friend. I observed every facet of him, and I watched him from a distance as well as up close.  But I will always love him. Because I accept him for who he is and fantasize about being with him. I never give up, and now I'm reaping the benefits of my hard-won patience. While holding his hand, I smile at him. I simply want to make him feel as secure as he makes me feel.

"I'm not sure what your reaction will be to this, but I hope you don't laugh or else I'll smack your head," I informed him.

He lifted his hands as if to promise. "OK, I swear I'm not going to laugh."

For a little while, I bite my lips, stifling my smile. “Good... The truth is that I've been in love with you since then. Like when we have no notion we are related. I believe it began while we were in high school. I observed how you evolved into who you are now. From that tiny guy to the stereotypical high school jock to a college standout."

He is taken aback by my abrupt huge revelation. I understand him because I know I would feel the same way if I were in his shoes. Consider that your childhood friend, best friend, or most trusted individual has been in love with you for a long time.

"But you've never said it to me before," he remarked, puzzled, with a small frown on his face.

Here we go again, I sighed.

"Because I'm scared of your reaction." And you are aware of our fate. We have no idea who will be our mate. Everything can change in the time it takes us to discover our match."So I clung to the hope of meeting someone. I attempted but failed. Yes, you have no idea because I kept it a secret, but I also tried to communicate with some other guys, not dating, just casual getting to know each other, but I failed because you are the only one who constantly runs through my thoughts," I said in one breath.

He laughed. "Yeah, and that should always be the case." I will not allow you to see any other men but myself and your family. I've never been territorial about any of the woman I've dated previously, but the prospect of you dating another guy bothers me. "I'm going to beat that shit into pulp," he said, his fists cracking.

I laughed. "You are not required to. I don't intend to see anyone. "Perhaps you are because you have a lot of girls," I answered, leaving a nasty taste on my tongue.

He secretly reaches out to touch my hand. Because we are still outside and in public, we are basically holding hands in a covert manner.

"So you've always been envious?" You know, you secretly adore me, and I have no idea I'm causing you pain."

I nodded slowly, like if we were having a private confessional. You can't blame me since I've been keeping these feelings hidden for so long that now may be my moment to express them.

"I'm really sorry, I don't know if I just know...

My head shook. "You don't need to feel sorry for me. I never forced you to feel the same way. And I can't stand seeing you in trouble just because I have a crush on you. Those are the last things I want you to feel; I never want you to feel burdened or accountable."

"But I am now, and believe me when I say that beginning today, I will cherish you more than you deserve."

"I am looking forward to that, my alpha."

We, of course, chose to leave and return to our pack territory. I need to keep myself occupied because I still have a lot of housework to do.

Why can't I offer the works to the boys? They're going to ruin everything! I recall the last time I requested Tom to clean the bathroom; oh no, he spilled a lot of soap on the floor, and an accident occurred. Lucky bastard, plus he's a werewolf who can heal damaged bones in a matter of minutes.

I asked Ben to cook breakfast, but he nearly burns down our entire kitchen. I let him kneel on the beans to contemplate playing with fire. Finally, Marcus. I requested him to water our crops in the back yard, but knowing those youngsters, they despise veggies as much as they despise my nagging. They intend to destroy my beautiful crops.

Finally, I prepare vegetables for our breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entire month. I believe I caused them some distress at the time, but they deserved it.

EVENING has arrived, and all of the boys are congregating in our living room. They are shouting and chanting for their favorite football team. Just typical boy behavior; I can't judge them because I have my own. They have no choice but to back off when it comes to my favorite shows.

Right now, I'm cutting some broccoli for our meal tonight when Marcus walks into the kitchen and notices my sinister plan. I'm caught in the act, and he shouts quite loudly.


I rolled my eyes heavenly wards, not caring about his screams.

The next thing I hear is their footstep running into our kitchen, and they want to immediately dump the green vegetables.

“No! Don't even think of touching that broccoli! Or I need to cut some fingers and chop them up right now."

"What exactly is your problem?" My father, frightened, inquired. Is this how all males are? Very impressive.

"No, I just want to remind all of the werewolves with balls here that I still have the spatula." You can mock my outfit all you want, but you must still need and face the consequences. "Don't worry, this is only for tonight or it will be extended depending on how well you all behave," I said.

I witnessed Ben's attempt to gain access to our refrigerator. I know they have an emergency ration of burgers, fries, and frozen pizza so that if they irritate me and I cook some leafy green vegetables, they can survive the night.

"Where are the pizzas?" he exclaimed. Ben is usually making a lot of noise.

"What about the pizza?" They've entered my room. Nobody will have any extra food. "There will be no mercy tonight," I stated flatly. That's what happens when they tamper with me.

Now that we're at the table, I'm relieved to see them frowning from time to time as they eat their vegetables. They're also giving me death stares. I mean, there's no harm done! They're just sad boys who won't eat their vegetables. They can despise me for the rest of their lives because of this night. "At the very least, I am kind enough to put meat on our table," I told him, and what did I get in return? Only a snarl. We manage to chat about something else after that filling dinner.

Everyone is preparing for the moonlight celebration, which will take place next week. It's similar to Christmas for people. We also honor the divinity of beloved Luna, as well as the day of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest and our safety. However, it is also the day that my friend will publicly declare our connection.

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