

**Cassie’s Pov**

I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart racing and sweat dripping down my forehead. I had just had a nightmare about Kaiden, my mate, and it had left me feeling terrified and anxious. I tried to calm myself down, taking deep breaths and reminding myself that it was just a dream. But the more I tried to relax, the more my mind raced with fear and worry. I got out of bed and started pacing back and forth inside my room, trying to shake off the feeling of unease. I couldn't shake the image of Kaiden from my mind, and it felt like he was still haunting me, even in my dreams.

I tried to distract myself, picking up a book and trying to read, but my mind kept drifting back to the nightmare. I felt trapped and alone like there was no escape from the fear that was gripping me. As the night wore on, I started to feel more and more exhausted. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to shake off the feeling of fear and anxiety that had taken hold of me. Eventually, I decided to reach out to a friend, hoping that they could help me calm down and feel safe. I told them about my nightmare and how it had left me feeling scared and alone.

To my relief, my friend was understanding and supportive. They listened to me talk about my fears and worries, and they reminded me that I was strong and capable of overcoming my nightmares. Slowly but surely, I started to feel more at ease. The fear and anxiety started to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and reassurance. By the time the sun started to rise, I was feeling more like myself again. The nightmare had been a scary experience, but with the help of my friend, I had been able to overcome it. And I knew that I had the strength and support to face any challenge that came my way.

I was awakened by that bad dream, or should I call it a nightmare? I am sweating and catching my breath for a moment. It is still early but I felt that my body is already tired. The thought of my best friend, my first life, and my mate getting killed by a rogue gives shivers down my spine. It feels vivid as if that certain nightmare is so realistic.

I slap my face twice as hard as I can to stop having those negative thoughts because it is not helpful. I just found my mate, it cannot happen. My mom said when he is alive that dreams are usually the other truth. So it means that Kaiden will have a long life, right?

I know that our goddess, Luna, will protect us from any tragedy. She will not let her child befall another creature who loses their mind. I relax my heart and think about happy thoughts. I have to go to the market in the community of humans to refill our stock.

My brothers and my dad has a huge appetite, and in fact, I should remind them to add to the budget of this family! I do my usual routine such as going to the bathroom and doing some stuff. After dressing myself a little more ladylike, because some people said that I am beautiful, not boasting okay? Some notice that I got my mother's features. 

To be honest, that is flattering and I am happy to hear that. But they also kept noticing that I change my outfit nowadays in a more tomboy type of way. Because, duh, I am living with 4 dudes, how can you imagine my adjustment? But now that I know who my mate, fortunately, is my best friend is my soon-to-be lover, I should also dress more appropriately. Not because I am pleasing anyone, half though, but because I want to look more presentable for Kaiden.

I turn my look at the huge body mirror. I am wearing a white dress, like a summer dress, though I am more comfortable with sneakers or shoes. But I will try my best as the soon-to-be Luna of this pack. Though I am afraid to go outside of my room. What is waiting for me outside here, in the living room are the three idiotic brothers of mine. Just the thought of the laughing maniacal, because I am dressing like this again from who knows when makes me want to chop some banana in front of them.

I know, they should now mess with the only girl and specifically their sister. I gathered all my courage just to leave this goddamn room. I am inhaling all the oxygen before stepping out into my space. I tried to act as normal as I can, I slowly walk my way down our stairs, but luck is not on my side. Four pairs of eyes look at me. The whole living room filled with silence, then suddenly they all burst into laughter.

Tom slapped the table as he laughs breathlessly, Ben almost chokes his spit as he laughs helplessly, Marcus is crying so good as he points his finger at me, and my Dad simply laughs after his jaw dropped.

“Seriously? What are you all laughing at?” I asked them all with my hands on my hips. “This house is ridiculous.”

“Mating surely put a little bit feminine, never imagine that you will wear a dress this early,” Tom said like he is running out of breath, I hope he does.

I run my way to him and slap the back of his hand. He will surely have a hard time easing that pain! He is provoking me so mad.

“Aw!” he dramatically shouted. “You slap like a human with a ball. Do you want to see my head rolling on the floor?” he said wincing in pain. As if he is not a werewolf who cannot heal himself for a second.

“Stop acting like a victim here. I will cook our breakfast so get out of my way, or else I will serve a burned set of food,” I threatened them, and thank Luna they all shut their annoying mouths.

Because of the nightmare about Kaiden, I woke up feeling groggy and tired after a late night but I did not expect my family members to tease the way I look. Did they expect me to dress like before when I was mated to the future alpha of the pack? Once again, I snorted at them.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," my older brother, Tom, said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, feeling frustrated by their teasing. I just wanted a quiet morning to myself, without their constant jabs and comments.

Feeling annoyed, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I put on an apron and headed to the kitchen, determined to make myself breakfast and prove to my brothers that I could take care of myself. I rummaged through the fridge, finding some eggs, bacon, and bread. I started cooking, sizzling the bacon in the pan and cracking the eggs into a bowl.

As I cooked, the aroma of the food filled the kitchen. My brothers stopped teasing me for a moment, their attention caught by the delicious smells coming from the stove. Soon enough, I had a delicious breakfast sandwich on my plate, and I sat down to enjoy it. My brothers looked at me with surprise, impressed by my cooking skills.

"Hey, can you make one for me too?" Tom asked, grinning.

I smiled, feeling satisfied with my little act of rebellion. By cooking my own breakfast, I had shown my brothers that I was capable of taking care of myself and that their teasing didn't bother me.

As we ate our breakfast sandwiches, we talked and laughed, enjoying the food and each other's company. And even though my brothers continued to tease me throughout the day, I felt a sense of pride and confidence, knowing that I could handle anything they threw my way.

While serving them their food, Dad is now at my side with his lips smiling like very unusual.

“What is wrong, Dad?” I said a little bit annoyed.

“Nothing, child. I just miss your mother. I can still remember her, like this. I remember her wearing the same kind of dress, making us breakfast, smiling like that... That kind of smile. I just miss them, and now I can see her on you. You are no longer the same baby that we took care of a few years ago. You finally found your mate. But can you promise that you will never forget me?”

Looks like my dad is getting more dramatic lately.

“Dad, why would I forget you? We will just live our life four blocks away. You can visit us, and we can visit you,” I said to him.

“I hope he takes care of you, or I can manage to break some bone on his body,” he said with a little danger in his tone. Here we go again.

“Before he could attempt to hurt me, I will see to it that I can break all the bones on his body.”

After washing the dishes and taking care of my face, because I need to be presentable, I received a message from Kaiden, he said that he is waiting outside. So I call my dad and bit goodbye before walking away and locking the door of our house.

I saw him leaning in his car, he looks so handsome wearing his polo, with plain color, and his jeans. He looks simple but rocks. His lean shoulder shouts manliness all over the place. Just simply standing there, he looks like an effin model, I swear to Luna. He looks like someone I can jump and kiss.

“You look beautiful,” he said without taking away his eyes from me. I can feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter as if it was affected by his words.

“Do I look weird?” I asked because I was slightly uncomfortable. The last thing I want for this date is to look weird in his eyes.

“I am not used to it, but you look gorgeous whatever you wear, I promise you that,” he said sincerely.

Being his usual gentlemanly role, he opened the door of his car for me, and I said thank you for his chivalry. I sat on the shotgun seat, and he started driving. It is almost a month since the last time I came from the human community. If I am not just looking for specific ingredients and things that we need in our house, I will not go there. I never heard the news about humans catching a werewolf and violence happening, but surely there are few that have been not stated.

“What are you thinking?” he asked me a little bit curious.

“Nothing much... There are just a few things that keep bothering me.” I finally let out a sigh. “Are we still safe?” I asked him.

And I am talking about those things, the safety of the pack and our community. Because our enemies are not just one. Humans, Rogue, and other species that want to harm us. All we want is to live in peace, on the land that was given by our goddess. But we are afraid, there are lots of complications.

What adds to my frustration is, my mate, is the future alpha. Our pack's future will fall on our hands, and it is our decision how we can keep things going in a steady phase. But all my worries have vanished when he holds my hand and gives me a reassuring smile. He is saying that we can go through this.

“I know it is hard at first. You never imagine having a mate or an alpha. But we have to face it, we have to do something in the future. I will be the future alpha, but without my Luna, I am just a warrior without a heart. I need you...” he mumbled sweetly.

I felt needed at this moment. He is showing me how sincere he is.  Just the way he does hold my hand, there is an effect wherein I am getting calmer. He is my reassurance, he is my mate and there is nothing to change about it. We arrived at the supermarket.

Yes, we are more into hunting our foods, but we also balance them. If we overhunt the animals in the forest, there will be a huge disadvantage for us. We are looking at the most possible good decision and solution.

And one of the solutions we made is some of our pack members have to work on the human community, and gain money to buy our scarce source of food. Another one is the most efficient way, we are now raising animals that we can butcher.

I am in the meat section, looking for some beef and chicken. I might cook beef broccoli for tonight. All of my brothers hate broccoli, so it is more on payback time. How dare they laugh at me this morning? I am not a kind daughter and sister. They should suffer tonight. I am looking forward to their expression as they say what I will bring to our dining table.

“What is with your evil expression?” Kaiden asked a little bit weird, and half-ass cackling when he saw me having these revenge plans.

“I am planning to dispose of my family,” I tell him like I am so serious. A human grandmother passes on us, looking at me bewildered. She might take my joke so seriously.

Do I look like a murderer?!

“What?!” Kaiden exclaimed. I facepalm when he did not catch my humor.

I show him the pack of broccoli, he hates it too so I do not know what is wrong with werewolf dudes. They hate broccoli or carrots, duh!

And yes, we are eating vegetables. This does not mean that we are some sort of having a strong tummy, we can't have trouble on there. We also need fiber, so I am putting this green little revenge on our diet. Whether they like it or not. They simply do not have any options.

“What have they done for you to do this?” he asked with a horrified expression.

I gesture my hand on my body.

 “I know that this is very unusual. Dressing like this is not my style, but I want to be perfect for you.”

I felt heaven when he embraced me suddenly.

“You are perfect in every inch. I cannot imagine you getting ugly. Whatever you wear, whatever you choose to dress like, I will always be your number one fan!”

Okay, how can I stop giggling like a damn sixteen years old here? Like, how cannot he manage to melt my heart this way?

“Kaiden, stop!” I asked him trying to fake mad, but he is smiling ear to ear at me. I cannot stand this drama. I burst laughing and he stole a kiss on me.

“You are a thief!” I fake shock.

He smirks. “Okay, I will give it back!”

I pushed his pouting lips because it is a big no.

Maybe affection is just a normal thing in public inside of our pack, but this town of humans is conservative type. So I do not want to embarrass myself by catching up doing public displays of affection.

“Hey, not here! Remember when you were caught making out with Keira? Your ex, and that leader of the cheerleading squad? You were almost expelled that time,” I said to him. I cannot help but sound so jealous. I envied that girl before.

He frowned.

“Are you mad because of what happened that time? It is all in the past, and I swear that I will never look at someone again. You are the only woman in my life from now on,” he said sincerely.

I cannot stop biting my lips just to suppress that happy face that I do not want to show to him, but my heart betrays me, and I cannot stop smiling.

“Okay! Let us put those things in the past, and promise me that will never keep any secret, okay?”

He nodded. “I promise. I will never break your trust. Ever since I found you, my mate, I never think of anyone else than you.”

He tried to kiss me, and I almost close my eyes, but someone fake coughed on our back. An old lady perhaps, looking at us viciously with her glares.

“Young people nowadays being so wild and crazy,” she commented, we know it directs on us.

Kaiden and I both look at each other and hide our laughter. I almost thought we are inside a library.

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