
Chapter 4

I could sense the tension among everyone as soon as the son of the devil walked into the hall with his head raised high. I couldn't hate him more for the fact that he thinks no one can match up to him.

My eyes widened in awe the moment I saw Asher walking slowly behind the beast with his body covered in blood, as did those of Tala and some of their closest friends. I didn't like the way he was covered in blood, and my wolf and I wanted to do something, but there was literally nothing we could do.

Ariel held my hand as she gave it a light squeeze. I assumed she must have sensed the tension in me, but the look on her face clearly told me to drop whatever was on my mind.

I know she wasn't okay with the fact that I still loved Asher after everything he had done, but I still believe he has a reason for doing it since he has a really manipulative personality.

"There was a simple rule that wasn't meant to be broken!" Alaric's voice roared across the hall, and I could swear the room became so silent that the ticking clock turned out to be really loud.

"No one should have left the school premises, yet they did!" His cold voice sent shivers down my spine. I had also broken the school rule by running out of the school building.

I felt my legs trembling as I held Ariel's hand tighter; all that was in my mind was that he could call me up there any moment from now and brutally break my bones.

My heart skipped a beat the moment his eyes landed on me. I was scared to the point of being unable to shift my gaze away from his burning eyes, but in some seconds, he removed his eyes from my face.

I didn't realise when I released the heavy breath I had been holding, nor did I know that Ariel had been staring at me the entire time without saying a word.

He majestically tucked his hands into his trousers. "Not only did they leave the school premises, but they also tried to run away," he scoffed.

"Had you all been my slaves, I would have treated you more kindly, but the fact that I have not yet executed a single one of you makes you all appear ungrateful," he said as he ran his hands through his long hair, which I was on the verge of ripping out.

He returned to his original position and scanned through the room like he was searching for someone to kill. "I'm pronouncing a total lockdown; henceforth, every young wolf under the age of 30 will live in the mighty pack house, irrespective of your gender. Spread these words," he concluded, and he walked out of the hall, probably on his way to his office, or, as I would put it, the doom room.

As soon as he left, the hall became a noisy mess as everyone began to panic, but no one dared say a word against his new rules.

I felt a hand yanking mine and turned to see Ariel giving me a questioning look before she pulled me away from the crowd.

She led me into an empty classroom and made me sit. "What's up with you?" She asked with her brows furrowed.

"It's nothing serious," I tried to say, but she cut me off almost immediately with her index finger on my lips.

"Eww!" I protested and slapped her hands away, while she rolled her eyes.

"You better tell me what's going on," she demanded, and I heaved a heavy sigh.

"It's just that I also left the school premises today and wasn't punished by him," I rushed my words.

"What the fuck do you mean you left the school premises?!" She yelled with her eyes widening in shock, but before I could answer her, the school's address system turned on.

"Lenora Hunter, my office!" The familiar, deep voice growled into the speakers, and my heart couldn't stop racing.

"We're so dead!" My wolf sobbed, and it is impossible for me to maintain my strength once she crashes to the ground.

"I'll follow you," Ariel said, placing her hands on mine.

"Alone!" The voice growled again, like he was listening to our conversations, and it freaked me out.

"I'll be fine, right?" I asked her as I took in deep breaths in order to calm myself down, but it wasn't working either.

"I don't know, but let's be optimistic, right?" She said. Way to go being optimistic, dumbass.

I left the classroom as I slowly walked to the doom room. If I were at least a strong wolf, then I might have come up with a defence method, but hell, even Asher, the strongest wolf, couldn't match him.

I finally reached the closed doors of his office, but my hands wouldn't cooperate to open them as they were shaking and sweating profusely.

I eventually took a deep breath and opened the door to meet his eyes staring straight at me. Immediately, I opened the door. It was creepy because he must have been staring at the door while waiting for me before I opened it.

"What took you so long?" He asked, and I felt my wolf whimpering.

"I..I am sorry, sir!" I bowed my head and apologised to him. His face was never leaving mine, as he said nothing in return. I couldn't contain the fear anymore as I found myself on my knees, crying profusely.

"Please don't punish me; I'm sorry, and I promise it won't happen anymore." I pleaded for forgiveness, but he still wasn't saying anything. My mind had drawn a conclusion about him punishing me, but that suicidal part of me wished he would just kill me, and perhaps I wouldn't have to stand in front of anyone ever.

I felt a big, rough hand on my chin as I immediately opened my eyes to see him on one knee. His face aligned with mine, his brows furrowed, his eyes serious, as if they were about to unravel all the mischievous things I've done since childhood.

"Why are you so scared?" His voice was cool this time, and there was a hint of emotion in it, or maybe he was just being sarcastic.

"Answer me!" He demanded in a calm voice, but my body still flinched. I now understand why everyone was scared of him, but I still really hate him.

"You appear scary," I honestly answered, and his hands left my chin as he stood straight up with his intimidating height. I silently prayed I hadn't said the wrong thing.

"Stand up!" He ordered again. I hated the way he ordered me around, but I couldn't do anything but obey.

I stood up, but with my head still bowed. He appeared capable of severing my head in an instant; I felt minuscule in comparison to him despite our close proximity.

"Look at me!" He ordered again, and I immediately raised my head to look at him, even though my heart was still beating really fast.

"What about me appears scary?" He inquired, and I took the time to study his face. I hadn't really put down in my mind why he appeared scary, but his aura alone was worth trembling for.

"Your hair," I answered, since I couldn't think of anything else to say. His hair was beautiful, but I found it annoying with the way it bounces whenever he walks.

"Okay, you may leave!" He responded, prompting me to exhale in relief and hastily exit the doom room. That was a really weird conversation; not like any of our discussions made any sense.

I returned to the class, but I couldn't find Ariel there. I knew where she must have been, so I walked directly to the empty class while a bunch of students kept staring at me like I was a ghost. They were probably surprised that the son of the devil called me to his office while I was still alive.

"Ariel!" I exclaimed as I barged into the class, but I immediately regretted seeing her naked with her mate.

"You could always knock?!?" She dramatically yelled as her mate walked to the corner of the room to put on his pants and shirts before leaving us with a happy smile on his face.

It's nothing new to me anymore, because this couple would literally make out wherever they found themselves.

"But that was just getting interesting!" Ariel pouted as she slapped her forehead and sent me a death glare before putting her clothes back on.

I had imagined Asher and I doing all of these things together once I got mated to him, but I was disappointed and depressed when he rejected me. Ariel had always talked about meeting your mate as a spark, and I wanted to feel it, but unfortunately, I don't even know if I would feel it anymore.

"I hope what you want to say is worth my time with my mate." She moved closer to me, and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sure," I replied as I made myself comfortable on a desk there, but my eyes fell on a used condom wrapper, and I sneered.

"Don't worry about that; I'll clean it up," she replied as she joined me on the seat.

"What did he say to you?" She asked, and I tried to remember if he actually said real and meaningful words to me.

"He really didn't talk about me that much but only asked why I was scared of him," I answered, and she scanned my face for a moment.

"Hmm, okay," she replied, and I knew something was up.

"What are you thinking about?" I inquired, glaring straight at her.

"Take that creepy face away," she slapped my face. "I'm not sure about what I'm about to say, and it's better if I don't say it in order to avoid complications," she replied with a smile.

I tried to force her into telling me, but the red-headed girl would never give in. She never goes back on her words, no matter how much you pressurise her, so I didn't bother to ask her further.

"I'll leave now and maybe call him on my way so y'all can continue," I said, standing up from the desk.

"Nahh, you turned me off, so that'll be later," she dramatically sighed, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"We're leaving for the pack house after school, right?" I asked, and a wave of sadness flashed through her eyes before she shrugged it off.

"Of course, let's go there together," she replied, and I smiled at her. I really didn't know how well the pack house would be for us, especially when we get to live together there, but since the old wolves were excluded, I don't mind seeing my parents.

Although the pack house is really big and almost impossible for us to meet, I wouldn't like to take the risk. I'll only have two problems to face, which include Asher and Tala. I don't know how to bear the two of them living together. Hopefully, we don't get to cross paths either.

The school day was finally over, and everyone was tense. Their parents were to meet them outside the school and give them their luggage, but I knew mine wasn't coming for me. Ariel's maid had brought clothes for her, but there was no way her clothes would fit me; she was way skinnier while I had curves.

"Enter the bus in an orderly manner, young ones!" The school's mistress commanded. Ariel and I held our hands tight as I let out a nervous breath. The more steps I took, I felt like I was stepping into a new beginning.

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