
Chapter 11


Murali stood in the cafeteria along with Vikram and sipped his Coke. He was happy about his satisfactory work. He could leave his office contented.

“You really did well in shortlisting the candidates,” Vikram said, patting his back.

Murali smiled. “It’s better for us to hire someone from IIT. The project involves cutting edge technology and these guys can crack the difficult design with ease.”

“I agree with you.” Vikram took a sip of his coffee. “I had trouble dealing with a dumb guy last year who couldn’t finish the assigned task on time. We can count on these individuals you’ve shortlisted.”

“When do we interview them?” Murali asked.

“Very soon.” Vikram threw his empty cup in the bin. “You’ll be busy this week and we can begin the interviews next week.”

Murali nodded. “Okay.”

Murali spoke about arranging technical training sessions for the team before they started the design.

Vikram cautioned him to be wise in dealing with their foreign customers. He suggested they not annoy them as the customers seemed quite sensitive. He shared his bitter experience with one of his customers who canceled the deal because Vikram didn’t treat them well when they visited India.

It was quarter to seven when Murali retreated to his desk. He was exhausted after a tiring day and needed to leave; he shut down the computer and walked out of the place; he said goodbye to the help desk employee and then hustled out of the main entrance.

A cold breeze swept down the premises and sent a shiver down Murali’s spine. He drew a deep breath as the outside air was fresh and revitalizing. The branches of the tall Asoka, coconut, and peepal trees swung in the air and appeared like ghosts scaring him away. The sky was tinted with black and orange hues. A flock of cranes flew towards the west. The shrill of parrots, crows, and mainas in a nearby banyan tree filled the surroundings.

Murali pressed his car remote; the locks chirped open. He slid behind the wheel, contemplating Pratibha. Even though she behaved tough and remained silent to his appeasement, she had grown friendly after he told her about his mental ailment.

When he told her he was lucky to have her in the apartment, Pratibha remained unchanged. She didn't blush or lock her eyes with his. Is she in love with someone else? But Pratibha was compassionate towards him and said she would help him to come out of his depression. She resembled Falguni and Murali no doubt was attracted to her. After he met her, Falguni's image started waning from his mind. It was replaced by Pratibha’s. She is a Godsend to help me forget my bitter past.

Should I continue to get closer to her? He had keenly observed her during their conversation. She hadn’t shown any signs of intimacy. She seemingly considered him as a normal friend after Murali had told her he suffered from depression. Is she interested only to remain a good friend of mine? Or will she get attracted to me, eventually?

Murali shook his head. It was too early for him to ponder getting closer to her. He needed to build friendship, and win her heart before he thought about their intimacy.

He needed to meet Prakash and discuss Pratibha with him. He would seek Prakash’s opinion about his interest in her. Murali hadn’t told Prakash so far, and he needed to inform him sooner. He took his phone from his pocket and called Prakash.

After exchanging pleasantries, Murali said, “Can we meet?”

“Now?” said Prakash, his voice raised.

“Yes,” Murali said, his tone insistent. “If you aren’t too busy.”

“My son will be waiting for me.”

“Isn’t the housemaid at home?” Murali asked.

“She is at home but I need to help him in getting his homework done.” Prakash remained silent for a moment. “Okay. Where can we meet? At my flat?”

Murali heaved a sigh of relief. Prakash had agreed to see him. He needed to choose a nearby coffee shop instead of going all the way to his home. “What if we meet at Minerva Coffeehouse?”

“Sure.” Prakash sounded assuring. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

Murali drove to the coffee house and entered the parking premises.

Prakash was waiting near his car. He smiled at Murali.

“Did I keep you waiting?” Murali said as he locked his car with the remote.

“No. I arrived a moment ago.”

They entered the shop together. Murali sat at the table facing the counter. Prakash took a seat opposite Murali. When the waiter arrived, Murali ordered coffee and a few namkeen (salty) biscuits.

“So, how was your day?” Murali propped his elbows on the table and clasped his hands.

“First, tell me what you wanted to discuss.” Prakash sounded annoyed. “And it’s good that you’re looking more charming than before.”

Murali too thought his mood has been elevated ever since he met Pratibha. Prakash correctly guessed it. Murali admired Prakash for asking about his wellbeing and for his keen observations.

“Let's wait for the coffee,” Murali said.

“Okay, you’re testing my patience.”

Murali chuckled. They spoke about their work and the day spent. Murali said he was on track with the project schedule. Prakash said he attended a marathon meeting with his manager along with his teammates.

The waiter arrived with their drinks. Murali added sugar and cream to the coffee and stirred it well. He waited for Prakash to finish mixing the contents, and then said, “I have good news.”

Prakash widened his eyes as he took the first sip. He seemed content as the caffeine lowered his growing curiosity.

“I have found a new friend in my apartment building.”

“Congratulations. Is that male or female?”

“A female friend called Pratibha.”

“Wonderful,” Prakash exclaimed. “When did you meet her? You never revealed anything to me about her.”

“Well, that’s why I suggested we meet today.”

“Alright," said Prakash. "You made a good decision to meet me." He paused, sipping his beverage. "How is she? And where is she from?”

“She almost resembles Falguni. Very pretty.”

“Where is she from?” Prakash repeated.

“Bangalore.” Murali sipped his coffee and placed the cup on the table. “Works for TechSoft Solutions.”

“That’s interesting.” Prakash sounded excited. “Is she friendly with you?”

“She was a bit reserved in the beginning.”

“It’s obvious," said Prakash. "You shouldn’t expect her to kiss you on the first day, right?”

“Yeah," Murali smiled. "And she became compassionate after I told her about my depression.”

“I guess she is considerate.” Prakash smiled.

“Yes, you’re correct. She is quite understanding.”

“Is she staying alone?”

“She is staying at her company guesthouse with her colleague, Simran," said Murali. "Simran is from Mumbai and is engaged.”

“I’m glad you’ve someone’s company at your apartment. I suggest you build a good friendship with them. It’s nice that Pratibha is helpful despite being away from her hometown.”

Murali remained silent. Should I tell Prakash I’m attracted to her? What if Prakash thinks I’m mean and selfish? I will wait till Prakash suggests me to get closer to Pratibha.

“Murali,” Prakash said. “I can see you’re happier than before. I suggest you take it slowly until you get to know Pratibha better.”

Murali nodded. “I know I should behave properly. I will not misuse my friendship with her.”

He controlled his urge to tell Prakash he was attracted to her. He would mention it during an appropriate time. It was too early to talk about his interest in her. Pratibha might refuse his proposal to get united and Murali didn't fully know her background. What if she already loved someone? He didn’t want to be betrayed.

Prakash said he needed to leave as his son would be waiting. Murali also didn’t want to delay as he needed a rest after a hectic workday. He thanked Prakash for his support and he was confident Prakash would come to his aid if something went wrong in his budding relationship with Pratibha.

It was quarter past eight when Murali left the Minerva. He sat in his car and headed down the main street, remembering a past incident with Prakash who had helped him in patching up his friendship with Falguni. It was during his college days. Murali maintained a good relationship with his classmates and helped them clarify their doubts in doing their assignments. One of his classmates, Lidia, wanted his help in solving a few mathematical problems. She approached Murali while he was speaking with Falguni in the cafeteria. Murali, who took much interest in solving problems and helping others, switched his attention to Lidia. He never anticipated his close conversations with Lidia would annoy Falguni.

When Murali continued his communication with Lidia for the next couple of days, Falguni tried to distance herself from him. She almost stopped talking to him even though he convinced her his intention was to help Lidia. Falguni behaved selfishly, but Murali loved her; he had been attracted to her and had never felt bothered even if she grew angry towards him.

He spoke to Prakash, who was senior to him by two years, to settle the matter. Murali had told Prakash his intention was not to hurt Falguni but to help Lidia. It took Prakash more than a week to console Falguni and set right Murali’s friendship with her. Though Falguni agreed to the reunion, she returned to normalcy only after a month.

Murali thanked Prakash; the incident made them come even closer than they were before.

He arrived at his flat and collapsed on the bed. He needed to relax for some time before he took a shower and had dinner. His glance shifted to Falguni’s photograph in the showcase; it reminded him of Pratibha. He would see if she was on her balcony. He rose to his feet, turned on the lights, and then walked to the balcony. Pratibha had not even turned on the lamps and the empty recliner still sat there. Should he call her? He remembered Prakash’s advice not to stalk her. It was already nine o’clock and he didn’t want to disturb her. She would lose her faith in him if Murali misused their friendship. He would be better to meet her the following evening instead of disturbing her at that time.


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