
Chapter 10


Pratibha's glance shifted to an email popping up on the lower right side of her computer. It was from Sai Krishna and he had called for a team meeting.

After checking the remaining emails, Pratibha sauntered to the conference room. Sai Krishna was seated at the table along with the rest of his team members. Pratibha smiled, pulled a chair beside Simran, and sat.

"Okay, Good morning again." Sai Krishna said. "I would like to announce that the customer is happy with the way we're moving so far. Congratulations to everyone for working hard."

"Thank you," a team member said.

"Your encouragement motivates us to do the job still better," Simran said.

Sai Krishna looked at Pratibha. "I like the way Pratibha communicated with the customer. The customer is impressed with the way she has interacted. I suggest we all learn from her."

His words never seemed to be flattering. Pratibha had done her homework well before they met the customer. She was driven by her keen interest in executing the project.

Even during her childhood, she had been curious to know how things - motorbikes, trains, and airplanes - worked. She often irked her father by asking a series of questions about anything new she came across.

Pratibha needed to thank Sai Krishna for his compliments. "I did my job, Sai. You praised me more than I actually deserved."

"No," Sai Krishna said, his voice raised. "I'm not flattering you. I was with you guys a couple of times when we visited the customer and I did notice your style of working."

Simran cleared her throat. "I agree that Pratibha deserves additional praise. We'll make sure we learn from her and contribute well."

Sai Krishna nodded. He paused for a few moments, looking at his laptop. "I've scheduled a training program this weekend. I want all of you to attend and gain the required knowledge."

"We wanted to visit our hometown coming weekend, Sai," Pratibha said.

"I'll let you know when you can go," Sai Krishna said. "And it's important for us to work hard even on the weekends too."


After the meeting, Simran insisted Pratibha come to the cafeteria. They took the coffee and sat at the table. Simran, seemingly craving for the drink, sipped a couple of times before placing the cup on the table. "Congratulations," she smiled.

"What for?"

"For doing the job well."

"Oh, thank you." Pratibha smiled, placing the cup on the table. "I appreciate Sai for giving us enough freedom to ask questions to our customers. Without his cooperation, I wouldn't have worked so productively."

"Sai said you've got good communication skills. I too agree with him."

"Oh, thank you. It comes with practice." Pratibha took another sip of her drink. "My keen interest to know things also motivated me to perform better."

"I think I'm a bit timid." Simran pressed her lips. "I need to improve myself while interacting with the clients."

"You're underestimating yourself," Pratibha said. "You did ask some useful questions related to your module. I only suggest you do some homework before facing the customer. That will make you ask in-depth questions and make your design and coding job easier."


Pratibha hustled out of her office along with Simran to board the cab. The day ended on a satisfactory note and Sai Krishna's praise elevated her mood. She was indeed motivated to concentrate and work better going ahead. When she approached the cab, she heard someone calling from behind. Pratibha looked over her shoulder. It was Prasanna.

Along with Simran, she waited for him to approach.

"You're late today." Simran smiled at Prasanna.

"Yes." Prasanna limped towards her. He breathed heavily as he approached. "The meeting with my manager got extended."

Pratibha took in Prasanna as he approached. His right leg was skinny and appeared to have no strength in it. He held his left knee with the left hand for support while he walked. Prasanna was fair and had a childish appearance. His small, round face made him look like a high school student. His thin, black mustache seemed prominent above his thin, closed lips.

Simran held his shoulder and helped him board the cab. Pratibha too held his hand, aiding him.

"Thank you," Prasanna said. He sat on an empty seat. Simran and Pratibha sat in their usual seats.

Pratibha softly patted Prasanna's back. "So, how was the day?" A feeling of compassion coursed through her heart. She appreciated his determination to work as a software engineer despite his disability.

"It was good." His eyes darted between Simran and her. "We started coding for the project."

"Congratulations," Simran said.

"Thank you," Prasanna said. "What about you? I heard you guys are visiting the customer to gather the requirements."

"Yes." Simran nodded. "We may need your guidance when we start developing the project."

"You can count on me," Prasanna said. He smiled.

Pratibha spoke to him about the next phases of the project and how to finish it without flaws. She said her manager had been very encouraging and he provided enough freedom to work. Prasanna appreciated Sai Krishna's way of leading the group and he praised him for successfully completing the project releases on time.

Pratibha said bye to Prasanna and stepped down from the cab near their apartment.

"Why don't we shop for groceries?" Simran said, before entering their main gate.

Pratibha was worn-out after a hectic day. "Let's freshen up and come back at seven."


When they entered the apartment premises and walked towards the elevator, Pratibha heard the screeching of the main gate, followed by a car honk which resembled that of Murali's vehicle. She looked over her shoulder. Murali, seated in his car, drove inside and waved at them.

Pratibha forced a smile; Simran waved back at him with a wide smile.

"Returning now from the office?" He stopped his car near them. His thin, open lips quivered into a smile. He stared more at Pratibha than Simran.

Pratibha avoided answering him.

"Yes," Simran said, and then she looked at Pratibha.

"Why don't we have some coffee together?" Murali asked.

Pratibha heaved a sigh. She needed to freshen up and rest for some time. I will go to my flat and relax instead of spending time with him.

Simran looked at Pratibha with a 'what-to-do' expression on her face.

Pratibha gathered enough courage to speak. "Not now."

"Are you tired?" Murali asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Let's unwind at Starbucks, then." Murali insisted.

Simran seemed ready to accompany him. She continued smiling and then said, "Let's go and come back in a few minutes."

"Yes, we will try to return soon." Murali sounded eager.

Pratibha would find some excuse to leave the premises. "Why don't we assemble back here after say twenty minutes?"

"Alright, " said Murali. "Let's come back in twenty minutes. I hope you don't disappoint me."

Pratibha controlled her urge to ask him why he needed their company. Is he on the lookout for a girl to hang with? I need to think about whether to join him or not.

After unlocking the main door, Pratibha entered her flat along with Simran and walked to her room. She placed her backpack on the table and collapsed on her bed. Her mind was filled with Murali's invitation to have coffee.

How dare he ask us to join him? Pratibha tried to decipher the motive behind his intention to get closer. Simran had already told him she was engaged. He seemed to be interested in Pratibha as he was staring at her like a hungry cat looking at milk. Is he attracted to me? Should she stay away from him and dampen his efforts in getting closer to her? Should she tell him she is dating Rahul? I'll try to understand his intention before acting harshly towards him.

But he behaved like a gentleman. He worked for Infosys and he was well mannered. His interest in progressing their friendship had puzzled Pratibha. 

Murali was more handsome than Rahul; he was taller, near six-foot, and had a fair complexion. His thin, open lips stood out on his face. Dimples that formed on his chubby cheeks whenever he smiled had caught Pratibha's attention. He seemed to come from a traditional family background as he wore a couple of rings with red pearls in them.

Pratibha changed into a white cotton nightdress. She freshened herself by splashing warm water on her face. Standing in front of the dresser, she applied make-up. She would wear a formal dress only if Simran took interest in joining Murali.

She grabbed a novel and collapsed back on the bed. After a few moments, Simran arrived.

"Aren't you coming?" She knotted her brows.

"Well-" Pratibha stumbled for words.

"Murali must be waiting for us."

"Should we join him?" Pratibha asked.

"Yes," Simran sounded affirmative. "He has helped us, right? More so, we have promised we'll return."

Pratibha too thought she should keep her promise.

"Alright," Pratibha said. "I'll join you."

After donning pale blue jeans and a round neck dark orange T-shirt, Pratibha went out of her flat along with Simran.

Murali was waiting in the parking place.

His face lit with a smile. "Thanks for coming."

Simran grinned. "You helped in dropping us to our office."

Pratibha took Murali in. In his cream corduroy pants and white, polka-dotted dark green shirt, he looked handsome. His face appeared more charmer than it was a few minutes ago. His black hair, anointed with a cream, glistening in the evening sunlight. Should she get closer to him and flirt?

"What are you thinking, Pratibha?" Murali said, alerting her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just-"

"Don't worry." Murali sounded reassuring. "We'll come back very soon."

Pratibha didn't want to remain shy. Murali seemed rather friendly and open-minded. Her seclusion would make Simran unhappy. "No, I'm not hurrying. Let's spend some good time this evening."

Murali walked them outside the apartment. It was a ten minutes walk to Starbucks. Murali held open the glass door to enable Pratibha and Simran to get inside.

Inside, the wooden tables were well arranged and half of the shop was occupied by the customers – mostly youngsters with their partners. Pratibha went and sat at the table, facing the hall. Simran sat opposite her.

She waited for Murali to take his seat. To her astonishment, he sat beside her. She hadn't expected he would take a seat next to her. Her heart raced, but she sat in silence for a moment to compose herself.

Simran's phone rang, breaking the silence. She answered and whispered to Pratibha it was her fiancé. She spoke for a few minutes, ended the call, and then rose. "My fiancé wants to talk to me. I'll come back after a few minutes."

Pratibha's pulse quickened. She needed her company as Murali was with her. How can she leave me alone with him? "Why don't you talk to him later?"

"No," Simran said, her voice raised. "He has something important to say. I don't want to disappoint him."

Murali's silence puzzled Pratibha. Is he happy for Simran leaving them? She looked at Simran "It's a matter of twenty minutes. You can have coffee and we all will go back together."

Murali cleared his throat. "Let her leave. The call may be important for her."

Pratibha heaved a sigh. No doubt, Murali liked spending time without Simran. Should she go along with Simran? What reason should she tell him?

Simran put her phone in her purse. "I need to go." She slid out of the table. "Bye, Murali. Take care." She rushed towards the door.

Pratibha continued looking at Simran until she went out of sight. She inhaled a heavy breath and sat in silence. Am I not wrong in spending time with a man whom I hardly know?

"Are you feeling comfortable?" Murali asked.

Murali might not be a bad guy as Pratibha had thought before. She needed to be friendly with him, and Simran was correct in saying he had helped them. They needed a man who stayed in their apartment building and who could be handy during difficult times.

Murali rose and sat opposite her. "You didn't answer me."

Though his pressing attitude irked her, Pratibha plastered a smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm just fine."

Murali gestured to a waiter to take their orders.

After going through the menu, Pratibha opted for a hot chocolate. Murali preferred the same.

Pratibha propped up her elbows on the table. "You said you're living alone."

Murali nodded. "I recently moved away from my mother and my younger brother."

"Is there any reason?"

Murali told her the fact, and how demanding his job was at Infosys.

The waiter placed their beverages. Murali took out a pill from his pocket and popped it in his mouth. He sipped the hot chocolate.

Why was he taking the medicines? "Are you unwell?"

Murali took in a huge breath. He paused for a few moments, looking at Pratibha before he said, "Well, I am consulting a psychiatrist for my mental ailment."

Mental ailment? "Why?"

"I fell into depression after my father died."

Pratibha placed the cup back on the table. "Oh, I'm sorry." Pratibha sounded gentler. She shouldn't have asked and disappointed him. "Are you feeling alright after the medication?"

"Yes, and my ailment got intensified when I-" Murali stumbled for words.

Pratibha fought her urge to inquire about his private matter.

"When I lost my girlfriend a month ago." Murali's eyes dampened. He stared down at the table.

A sense of compassion coursed through Pratibha's mind. Murali had a reason to ask her to join him at Starbucks. She shouldn't have misunderstood him; Pratibha needed to support him and help him in recovering from his depression.

"It's alright." She sounded gentler. "You don't need to tell me about your past. I can understand your situation and don't hesitate to seek my help to fight your illness."

His lips quivered into a grin. He seemed contented to have Pratibha as his friend. "Thank you. I appreciate you for your kind words."

"I suggest you spend your time with your family and friends. I hope you're still in touch with them."

Murali nodded. "I moved to my flat because I needed to improve my performance at work." Murali took a final sip of his beverage and sat the cup on the table. "I have a close friend, Prakash, who suggested I seek medical help to come out of the depression."

"It's good that your friend helps you."

It was dark when Pratibha walked back to her flat. Her perception of Murali changed after he revealed his illness. She needed to help him to whatever extent was possible.

But she should be cautious not to make Murali get attracted to her. She was already dating Rahul and she shouldn't get carried away.

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