
Chapter Nine

2 months later – February (Tokyo, Japan)

“Thank you everybody! Good night!” You shouted as you waved at the crowd, finishing with a big bow as you left the stage with a huge grin on your face. The staff greeted you out back, clapping and congratulating your performance.

“Arigatou gozaimasu.” You bowed, thanking everyone.

“Y/N!” Jordan called from the back and you excused yourself from everyone to meet your manager.

“Hey!” You smiled as you accepted a big hug from him.

“Congrats. You know you’re the best but that last show was the bomb!”


“There’s an after party—"

“Yeah, about that. Can I skip?” You asked and Jordan gave you a look.

“What? But this party is for you.”

“I know.” You sighed. “I’m just not feeling up for it tonight.”

“Okay. Can you at least show up? It’ll be weird if the star of the show isn’t there.” He said and you sighed. “But how about this? I’ll help you slip out after an hour, okay?” Jordan suggested and you contemplated. It would be weird if you wouldn’t be at the party thrown for you. Not to mention rude…

“Deal.” You finally said and Jordan gave your shoulder a light squeeze before letting you go to get ready and freshen up for the party.


After an hour of photos-ops and small talk with all the attendees of the party, you thought you finally had enough and decided to call it a night. It was half past 11 p.m. and the party was just getting started but you felt a wave of exhaustion washing over you like a cloud, pushing you to leave and meet with the comforts of your hotel bed.

You looked around for Jordan but you couldn’t seem to find him amongst the crowd. You found Cara by the bar and went up to her to bid goodbye.

“What do you mean you’re leaving?!” she asked incredulously. “We just getting started!”

“I’m just not feeling well.” You lied and Cara frowned.

“Well, okay. Do you need someone to—"

“No, you have fun here. I already contacted the driver.” You smiled, appreciating her concern. “Can you tell Jordan I already went ahead?”

“You mean cover for you?” She smiled slyly and you rolled your eyes at her before giving her a half hug and waving goodbye.


Bright lights lit the city like stars and you wondered why you weren’t joining in the festivities. It was more than just the closing for your month-long concert tour for it was also February 14, or as what most people call it: Valentine’s Day.

You were never a big fan of the holiday nor did you have anything against it. To you, V-day had always been just another day with the added chocolates, free stuff, and discounts for couples. Tokyo was definitely a beautiful place and you thought Japan was the perfect country to end the tour. In two days, you’d be returning to America to prepare for the launching of your new album, “Lost Stars.”

As the thought hit you, you felt a slight hollowness. A face popped into your head, causing you to frown. You would be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn’t thought about Guk since you left Seoul a few months ago. You were moving on, sure. But apparently, it that didn’t happen overnight nor in a span of three months.

Moving on proved to be a much more difficult and complicated task than you expected. You learned that trying not to think about him only made things worse and instead, you thought about him as much as you can, saying to yourself that you chose the right path—telling yourself the two of you chose to protect your heart from another heartbreak. You knew pursuing another relationship with each other would be like picking on a wound that had only half-healed from the first cut.


Enthralled by the view passing through the car’s window, you answered your phone without looking and said, “Hello?”

A static sounded on the other line and your ears perked up, causing you to sit straight. Removing the phone from your ear, you looked down at the screen only to find an unknown caller.

“Hello?” you asked again through the static. Your heart almost jumped out of your chest when a melody sounded and a voice sang:


At that place, again with you

At that place, if we can meet

At that place, I’ll be waiting

I want you to come girl.


What place? You thought as the line was suddenly cut off the other end and your eyes narrowed in confusion as you looked at your phone. You tried redialing the number but you only heard monotonous beeps when you called.

“What the hell?” You muttered and you thought maybe some people were just trying to pull a prank on you.

You arrived at your hotel after half an hour later, still think about the weird call. You yawned as you got out of the car, thanking the driver that took you. He tipped his hat and bid you goodnight as you went on ahead inside. A receptionist caught sight of you strolling through the lobby and immediately approached you. You slowed your steps as the Japanese woman smiled and bowed in greeting, handing you a piece of paper.

“For me?” you asked, dumfounded.

“Hai.” She bowed again and bid you goodnight before leaving. You looked down at the paper in your hands and thought maybe it was a fan letter or a—

Your eyes widened when you saw the words printed on the page:

At that place, again with you

At that place, if we can meet

At that place, I’ll be waiting

I want you to come girl.

“What…” You turned the paper over and saw another message.

“Sakura Ballroom.” You muttered and you found your feet padding across the lobby, turning the corners to the elevator. Instead of hitting the number to your floor, you found yourself pressing the third floor where the ballrooms were situated, curiosity getting the best of you. It might have been a risky move considering you didn’t know what awaited you there…but you figured the hotel wouldn’t let a psycho into the premises…right?


The floor was quiet and looked unoccupied. The place was lit by a yellowish glow as you walked through the hallway in search for the Sakura Ballroom. Passing by three huge double doors, you stopped when you saw the golden plaque next to a set of double wooden doors. Sakura Ballroom was written on the plaque and with a racing heart, you pushed the door open.

The interior was dark and you wondered if you’ve just been played. “Hello?” You asked and your voice echoed through the hollowed space. You were just about to leave when you heard the sound of static once again.

A white screen suddenly illuminated in the middle of the ballroom and your eyes narrowed as you tried to make up the visuals it was trying to convey. A static was showing with music and you gasped when photos popped out of nowhere.

Familiar photos from way… way back.

You found yourself stepping into the ballroom, your eyes locked on the screen, seeing stolen photographs of yourself back in high school that dated almost six to seven years ago. A background music played and you knew it was in Japanese, though you understood considering that you studied the language and was quite fluent.


Where are you? Let’s meet again

Let’s say a meeting place for example

Let’s go eat together again, I’ll invite you

But it doesn’t have any particular meaning


Pictures of familiar places in Seoul consumed your vision and you ate it all up, your heart fluttering as the memories resurfaced.


The awkwardness surrounds us

You were different before, in order to cover up

For your former coolness, I casually talk to make the conversation bloom

I remember the past again

You gasped as a picture of you sleeping suddenly came into view. Your head was down on the table, your arms used as a pillow. But what caught your eye was a head beside you; his eyes closed, nose touching your temple as his lips turned up in a soft smile.

Guk, you thought remembering that the photo was taken form back when you were still together.


Our relationship becomes “EX”

Between us OH NO! Becomes “X”

When did a wall form between us?

Two people who pass by without noticing each other


Photo after photo of you and Guk came into view and your hands reached over to cover your mouth to prevent the gasps that threatened to escape. The ballroom lit up all of a sudden and a figure emerged from behind the screen. He looked at you with those doe-shaped eyes, pulling you in. And his voice… his voice filled your ears like music and you felt your walls crumbling.


At that place, again with you

At that place, if we can meet

At that place, I’ll be waiting

I want you to come girl


Tears pooled in your eyes as Guk stood in front of you, singing his way into your heart.


Don’t knowing, looking like you don’t know

A girl who seems fun

I’m still crazy about you, you’re still cute

You’re still dazzling girl


He reached out and held your hand, sending shivers up your arm. He stared deeply into your eyes and you stared back, completely captivated by his gaze.


Don’t knowing, looking like you don’t know

A girl who seems fun

A girl who shines


The music stopped and Guk squeezed your hand as he said, “Hey.”

“Hey.” You breathed. “What are you doing here?”

“I had to see you.” He said, his eyes sincere and his voice determined. “I wanted to see you.”

You opened your mouth to speak then closed it again, utterly confused by the whole situation. “W-why?” You stuttered.

“Because I love you.” He said simply and your heart skipped a beat at his words. “And it took me long enough to realize that I’d rather go through another heartbreak than live my life thinking what could have happened if I tried again with you.”

A tear slipped from your eyes at his confession and you sighed heavily, “Guk, we can’t—"

“You said I get to make a choice about my own feelings.” He said as he stepped closer, practically invading your personal space but you couldn’t seem to care. He caressed your cheeks, leaning down to look you in the eyes. “Well, this is me doing that. I’m taking this chance with you.”

“But Guk…”

“I’m not letting you go for a second time, Y/N.” He interrupted and you were so surprised by the determination in his voice, rendering you speechless. “I made that mistake once and look where it’s got me.” He took your hands in his. “Y/N, I know I don’t deserve a second chance. But please, try again with me. Please, Y/N. It didn’t feel right these past few months knowing that I let you slip away again.”

Guk cupped your cheek and you closed your eyes, savoring the warmth of his touch. You missed him and you wanted to say yes so badly.


“What’s so different if we tried again?” You asked him as you turned your head away. Guk’s hand fell limply to his sides as he listened to what you had to say. “What changed Guk? Things aren’t different. It’s still the same!” You cried.

Silence hung between the two of you and you wiped the tears from your cheeks, your heart aching from your own words. Half of yourself believed it, while another half tried to convince you that things could definitely change…

“That’s the thing,” Guk muttered and you closed your eyes as another set of tears flowed from your eyes. “Nothing’s changed...”

You were just about to nod when he continued, “Nothing’s changed because I’m still in love with you.”

Your head snapped up at his statement and he caught your eyes with his. He grabbed your hand and entwined his fingers with yours. “Guk…”

“Actually, I think the only thing that’s changed,” he interrupted, silencing you. “Is that I’m even more in love with you that I have ever been before.”

Your eyes watered as he continued, “If you want me to change, I’m going to change for you. I’ll be whatever you want just—" he bit his lip, looking down then looking up and locking eyes with you once again, his gaze as intense as ever. “Just come back to me, Y/N.”

You stood there in awe, amazed and at the same time utterly surprised by the situation. Guk went out of his way to confess to you, to admit his faults and give you promises he intend to keep this time around.

He actually did something this time.

“How can you be so sure?” you sniffed. “That things would be different?”

“I’m not.” He admitted as he rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand. “All I know is that I don’t want you to be just a ‘What if’ in my life. I’d rather try, Y/N. I’d rather try because I love—" you stood on your toes and silenced him with a kiss. You felt him stiffen for a split second, surprised by your actions but eventually you felt him relax, his arms encircling your waist as his lips moved in sync with yours, deepening the kiss.

By the time you parted, your cheeks were flushed and the both of you were breathless. Guk leant his forehead against yours, his face showing that charming smile you adored. “What are you smiling about?” you teased as you bumped his nose with yours.

He returned the gesture, chuckling slightly, “I’m just glad I took that flight and sneaked out from our schedules.”

“You what?!” your eyes widened as you held him at arm’s length. “Byun Gukju, you did what?!”

Guk only chuckled, pushing forward to wrap his arms around your waist once again. He gave the side of your head a peck and swayed slightly, oblivious to the severity of what he had done.

“Relax, love. It’s going to be fine.”

You blushed at the term he called you with and Guk noticed, taking advantage. “My love~” he said in a singsong voice.

“You’re going to be so dead when you get back to Seoul.” You said, though you were already smiling.

“Hmm. But you’re worth it.” He hummed as he placed another kiss near your ear this time. “I can worry about that later.” He whispered. “For now, let’s go on a date.”

“It’s Valentine’s Day.” You whined and Guk chuckled.

“So? This is the perfect time to go on a date!”

“Says who?”

“Uh… the world?” he snorted. “Everyone is practically out dating.” He reasoned and when he saw the look of disdain on your face, he tried a different approach, looking at you slyly as he bit his lower lip. “Unless you want to invite me into your room and we could—"

You blushed at his suggestion and slapped his chest playfully. “Ha-ha very funny. What are you waiting for? Let’s go out and do what the world says we should do on Valentine’s day.”

Guk chuckled and slung his arm across your shoulders, kissing your cheek. “You’re so cute, Y/N.”

As the two of you walked out of the ballroom, a sudden thought dawned on you. “Wait! We can get recognized—"

Guk shrugged and continued to pull you towards the elevators. “People would be too busy dating to even notice.” You looked at him and found him already staring, a funny smile on his face.

“Stop it.” You said and Guk slipped an arm on your waist, pulling you close.

“Sorry, I just missed you.” He whispered in your ear.

“I missed you, too.” You said back as you stole a kiss from his cheek.


“Hmm?” you hummed and as you turned to face him, his lips met yours once more and you blushed at the contact. When he leant back, he smirked at your blushing face and you resisted the urge to push his face off.

“That’s for kissing Hyun.” He muttered and you rolled your eyes, remembering that you kissed Hyun on the cheek before.

“It’s not like I kissed him, kissed him—"

Guk shrugged and you felt his grip tighten as he looked down at you possessively; his eyes lingering on your lips a while longer. “It’s still a kiss. And from now on, your kisses are just for me.”

“Says who?”

“Says your boyfriend.” He said a matter of fact, and you laughed at how defensive he looked.

“Okay, babe.” You said as you pinched his cheek. Just then, the elevator dinged and the two of you walked out hand in hand. Guk could hardly keep his eyes off of you and kept stealing glances at you every few minutes, disbelieving that he finally has you in his arms and could finally all you his once again.

He felt like he was finally home; like a lost star returning to its rightful place in the night sky.


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